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    :salam2: life is a test. that´s what we believe. Allah is the Creator and He knows His creation. He is Al-Alim. there is nothing, nothing! which He is not aware of. A mother knows that her son is a thief. and she knows when she forgets to hide her wallet he will steal it! and if that...
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    sometimes i feel sooo lonely!

    :salam2: hehe I have to confes this made me laugh... of course you don´t have to practice it... this is only my idea... I thought it could be an inspiration to you...? there are many other possibilities... however it would not really matter to me... lol I´m really crazy :) :wasalam:
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    Have you ever sinned?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair sister dilek and brother mymohsin for your coments. you will be in my dua inshaallah :) may Allah forgive us our sins and make this coming Ramadan cure our hearts and help us to get more close to Allah :wasalam:
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    Dedicated to TTI members:)

    :salam2: I love you for the sake of Allah my sister. I love you a lot :hearts: jazak Allahu ckair for your great poem. and All the other brothers and sisters on tti I love too :hearts::hearts::hearts: :wasalam:
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    Have you ever sinned?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for your comment brother :) may Allah meke us of those who are sincere in their actions. :wasalam:
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    Have you ever sinned?

    :salam2: Have you ever sinned? No I don´t want to know what you did and what not... this is only between the Creatar and His slave.... but since the blessed month Ramadan is on the corner, I want to remind you at something so important. Tawba (=Repentance). what distinguish us human...
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    Koran and healing

    hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah :salam2: yeah but the believe in Allah is :) : the results, carried together by David B. Larson and his team from the National Center of the American health research revealed quite astonishing results. Comparisons were made between...
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    your favorite Surah/aya ?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair all my brothers and sisters for sharring your favorite aya/ sura from Quran. very inspirational to read your replys :hearts: :wasalam:
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    your favorite Surah/aya ?

    Alhamdulillah :)
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    Salam to all....

    :salam2: :SMILY206: brother ainun. so nice to have you among us. I love it to c new members on this site from all over the world. I hope you will enjoy your stay on tti and will benefit from the brothers and sisters here aswell as we will benefit from you inshaallah. jazak Allahu...
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    *Beautiful Story of a German Boxer, Who Converted to Islam*

    :salam2: is he Piere Vogel? yes he is in deed a grat brother. His lectures are so evocative... and he is sincere in his acting... so confident... he even learn to speak arabic. mashaallah. he is able to influence the young ppl cuz he speaks in their language. he is so cool :ma: jazak Allahu...
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    sometimes i feel sooo lonely!

    :salam2: brother it is not haram to have hobbies... (it depends on the hobbies of course...) beeing interessted in sports, hi-teck and so on is not haram everybody has hobbies if not sorry but it is borring... and aslo this other things as you said can remind you at Allah too. remember...
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    Islam is a way of life, try it

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair. I just loved it :hearts: :wasalam:
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    your favorite Surah/aya ?

    :salam2: Have you guys got any favorite surahs/ayas which you like to receite in salah or in general? My favorits are AN-Nasr and Al-Kawthar بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) against your enemies) and the conquest (of...
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    :salam2: I feel so quilty... :( :( :( may Allah forgive me and all muslims and guide us to the straight path... I love you sis jazak Allahu ckair for the "wake up call" :wasalam:
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    To the Women-How do you know about slavery and be a muslim?

    I really don´t like that you cast a slur at the sahaba... you portray them as if they was totally brutal bloodthirsty killers.... and this is just not fair.... this war the sahaba was in was not started by them... against these ppl was started a war in order to exterminate them just bec they...
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    To the Women-How do you know about slavery and be a muslim?

    Hi the searcher, no we are not mad at you, well at least i´m not. it is ok when you have questions and doubts... you will find answers and also comprehension inshaallah. but don´t call us liers... we are not! I hope this will help you to understand, it is a tafsir of the hadith you have...
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    Dedicated to Aaffia

    :salam2: I love this sister to much. to much. I admire her and want to be like her... Your poem is great this is very kind of you sister. mashaallah for your kindness. May Allah reward you for that. May Allah give patience to our beloved sister Aafiya. it is really astonishing the kuffar...
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    'Family Planning'

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair. now I know what you have meant. when women are also working it is very difficult to have many kids bec children need time also... and today we are not less we are huge in number... :wasalam:
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    To the Women-How do you know about slavery and be a muslim?

    hi no this is not right! muslim laws are only guilty for those who believe in it! you have to understand the time the sahaba lived in is not the same we have now... they won the war they didn´t take ppl with force as slaves but there was this question: what to do with the ppl who are now...