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  1. S

    Has Allah SWT answered your prayers

    :salam2: from my experience it depents on oneself wether the dua is accepted or not. for example was the dua rightly receited, with praising Allah first than by saying Bismillah... direction to qibla... etc and then how is your manner when praying towards Allah... do you trust HIM cuz you...
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    Unter falscher Flagge: Dokumentarfilm über den 11. September

    :salam2: Bruder citro52 zunächst einmal ein herzliches Willkommen zu tti. :SMILY206: Hoffe du wirst deine Zeit hier genießen :) du hast Recht die Muslime haben ein Recht darauf sich zu wehren. aber wie? was können sie schon machen? Es ist Tatsache das wir nunmal schwach sind. In den...
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    :salam2: Inshaallah you will return and will be well. We also love you sister and always wanna see you among us. I appreciate your wisdom and I really hope this farwell is not meant to be forever.... :wasalam:
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    A must hear or read.

    :salam2: I just love the lectures of him. but this one I didn´t read so far. Jazak Allahu ckair for your advice :wasalam:
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    'Family Planning'

    :salam2: I´m sorry but I didn´t understand anything... what do you mean with only a few muslims understand? :wasalam:
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    Paradise in Pain

    :salam2: may Allah give our brothers and sisters in Kashmir and elsewhere where muslims are oppressed sabr and accept the shuhada to enter into His highest jannah. :wasalam:
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    Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law! why do they fight?

    :salam2: I don´t believe that you offendet anyone here since we are talking in generall. I think I´m just a bit too serious maybe lol... didn´t understand it was meant humorously :SMILY335: yeah you are right there will always be sensitivities between them. I call it a "genaration...
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    Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law! why do they fight?

    :salam2: brother abdalilah, jazak Allahu ckair for your so kind words and ameen... :shymuslima1: :wasalam:
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    Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law! why do they fight?

    :salam2: ..... THEN... they still can live in seperate flats if it is not working :) but it has also benefits for DIL to live with the family of the husband. For example when she is working she can just leave the kids to the granparents and go to work or when she have an appointed day she...
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    Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law! why do they fight?

    :salam2: sister I really did not like this saying... bec it is not always on the mothers sometimes also the daughters are complicated... however I believe this is a "generation conflict"... time changes and our time is not same like the time our mothers lived. what is taken for granted by...
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    Those are not our women but These are our women!

    :salam2: every woman has the desire to look good. this is natural and there is also nothing wrong in it as long as she " pimp her up" for her husband only. if she does not so, well this is haram for sure but I think it depends also on the men... they are leading women indirectly to act like...
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    pls explain this hadith to me!

    :salam2: Jazak Allahu ckair brother ahmed_indian for this thread I just loved this hadith. I wasn´t aware of it. and jazak Allahu ckair brother mufakkir and sister a_muslimah86 for the great explanations. mashaallah. This hadith is so heart warming :) :wasalam:
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    Mother-in-law/Daughter-in-law! why do they fight?

    :salam2: but it is not always down on Mothers sometimes it is to be down to the daughters aswell... some girls are just strange... some girls don´t want to have to do anything with the family of the guy... I mean they don´t want a dearly relationship and met on special days only like Ramadan...
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    TheSecret Behind the Last Prophet's Name (PBUH)

    :salam2: this can be usefull just check it out: Christian Missionaries On Surah 61:6 By Bassam Zawadi Christian Missionary Argument: Surah 61:6 shows Jesus saying that there will be another Prophet to come after him whose name is Ahmad. This cannot be referring to Muhammad...
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    TheSecret Behind the Last Prophet's Name (PBUH)

    :salam2: Ahmed is surename of our prophet s.a.w it means the highpraised. for those who don´t know about that just read in Quran the name is mentioned in Surah 61/6. it is written on arabic like that: أحمد :salah: just consider how it is written: first letter ( أ ) reminds when we...
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    :salam2: dear sister life is a test and you and we all are only travellers... the life in this world is a journey and it will end... don´t forget about your aim. you are the one who is striving for jannah... and jannah has its price... be patient.... no matter wether you are happy or...
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    why do we need to pray in arabic?

    :salam2: but if we do our daily prayers on arabic it is much better... it is also better for our unity if we all pray in the same language..of course it is important to understand the meaning of what you receiting on arabic but you can also learn it... to that arabic is the language of the...
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    Pulled my Kufi off........

    :salam2: brother did you ask yourself wether it is haram or halal to do so? If I was you I would be angry too and I would feel like you do but still it is haram to beat someone up... I will advice you to do what the brothers and sisters have adviced you... be patient and control your anger...
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    Ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian children

    :salam2: Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechenja... chaos and sadness is everywhere... the world we are living in is not the world I want to live in.... I wish the muslim nations from Turkey to Afgahnistan would be united and have one army but when even our local mesjids are estranged how...
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    ~~Dedicated to.....

    :salam2: you know this is soooooooooooooooooooo kind of you. jazak Allahu ckair for every word. May Allah make things easy for you cuz you made things easy for your fellow brothers and sisters with this poem :) :wasalam: