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  1. S

    feels like I don´t deserve to be muslim

    :salam2: I´m really sad. I know that Islam is the truth and I believe in Allah so much I don´t need a proof to be a believer. Cuz Allah is Al-Iman and He blesses whom He wants with iman, like He blessed me... However still I´m not happy... sometimes it is so hard to be a practisizing muslim...
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    :salam2: so it is better not to praise anyone at all...? :wasalam:
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    the only way to destroy a nation...

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for the reminder. hope the muslims will one day understand:( :wasalam:
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    unborn babies among themselves

    who of them was right...? also after death there is life...! and there is even a proof for it: Al-Quran. we can not capture the truth with our intellect only.. also not with our senses... Allah is known by the signs in His creation
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    unborn babies among themselves

    :salam2: thanks 4 ur comment brother. i know all are born pure as muslims. this parable is just a modell for believers who regognize the mercy of Allah and are able to see His signs and firmly belif in Allah n unbelievers who even they life in the world Allah has created and eat and drink and...
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    unborn babies among themselves

    There are two babies debating in the belly of a pregnant woman. One of them is blieving the other one is unbelieving. the unbelieving baby is asking the other baby: do you believe in a life after birth? believing baby answers: yes of course, I do believe. This is clear to everyone that...
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    :salam2: sister if Allah punishes someone it can be bec of two reasons: whether it is a revange for an unjust a person had done... but the punishment can also be a compensation for past sins... it means when Allah loves His slave and don´t want him to suffer in the other world... it is...
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    * O Muslims, Increase in Number! *

    and of what avail is it? :salam2: sorry brothers and sisters when I say that... but of what avail is it if we grow in number and even if we outnumber all the others but we are weak. Today we are not small in number, too... but still there are muslim countries which are occupied and so many...
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    Shame on all muslims shame shame shame

    :salam2: I´m not defending the west.... but it is true they managed to build an union we not... I live in Germany. and also in Germany are refugees. and they don´t live in such a miserable state... why so many ppl from Turkey and other middle eastern countries want to come to the west if it...
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    Shame on all muslims shame shame shame

    :salam2: brother come on don´t be ignorant like that.... same I can say USA still there and YOU still sit at home...! I wonder if you have really watched the links I preferd to you... if yes then you are just ignorant... if you denie the great struggle of our brothers and sisters this is just...
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    Shame on all muslims shame shame shame

    :salam2: brother what are you talking about...? you say where is the iraqi jihad, have you never heard about falluja...? if you believe the lies you hear on the media then do not blam the iraqi muslims for not fighting against the enemie.... they do... and which muslim country helps them...
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    Shame on all muslims shame shame shame

    asselamu aleykum prostitution is a product of war... it also happened in Pakistan during the Afgahnistan war when the afgahns flee to there from war... the muslim countries are not strong in economy... there are not many possibilities for refugees to earn money... they are exulted but not...
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    Why is that I feel lost???Why is that I do not wish anyting???

    :salam2: dear sister Asja I think i know what you mean. there are questions and you know the answers to it. but you can not imagine it. you try to capture the truth with your mind. but no matter how sound our mind is we will never be able to capture the whole truth with our mind cuz our mind...
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    Shame on all muslims shame shame shame

    :salam2: I´m sooooooooooooooooooooo angry but would it not be possible to contact a muslim charity organisation and maybe if there are ppl who donate every month money to this iraqi refugges in syria then they will not be forced to live in this hell they are in... when they are bad ppl among...
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    How mush beautiful voice of this child

    :salam2: well I´m also not married!!! but I mean in future inshaallah :) sorry when I confused you... ok I´ll make another dua for you: may Allah give you all you wish and what benefits you in this world and the highest place in paradise in the real world... :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Islam spread by sword?

    :salam2: inshaallah you will be successfull with your speech :) everytime when someone is blaming the muslims of beeing violent, terrorist backstabed or whatever I´m so angry my blood is boiling. brother Ayman explained the meaning of jihad very well. jazak Allahu ckair btw. Jihad...
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    How mush beautiful voice of this child

    :salam2: and for you aswell sister Robab :hearts: :wasalam:
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    Does it remind you at something?

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for your comments. may Allah guide us all to and on the straight path... :wasalam:
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    no education for women??

    :salam2: I agree with SisterKaneez. I´m also in a mixed class but I never ever was attracted to a guy... it also depends on oneself... :wasalam:
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    How mush beautiful voice of this child

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair and amiiiiiiiiin for you aswell sister :hearts: :wasalam: