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    a Saudi's trip to Iran.....

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair. that´s what I think too we have to make dawa with them :wasalam:
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    Please pray for my grandfather

    :salam2: alhamdulillah that he is save now... inshaallah Allah will protect him and you and your family... inshaallah allah will give you success in this life and the other... ameen :wasalam:
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    Quran and Sunnah is The Basis for Muslim Unity

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair. jazak Allahu ckair. jazak Allahu ckair for this post. first it was to long and I was lazy to read it but elhamdulliah still I read it and I realized that i have to make tawba bec I was of the second extrem group... astagfirullah... but now i have a question it...
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    Acknowledging weakness..

    :salam2: mashaalah nice poem. when one knows he is weak it means he is strong... one who can not bear to acknowledge his weakness wants to feel strong by abusing the power given to him... but this will not change the fact he is weak... if we take a look at historry we will notice that mankind...
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    deeds for Allah's pleasure or Allah's reward? help needed!

    :salam2: sorry brother cuz I can not answer your question. hope someone knowledgable can. But we should not only obey Allah bec we are scared of hell or we want paradise. We should obey Allah out of love. and when you love a person for example your friend or mother or your wife you will also...
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    Can bad deeds take a person to paradise?

    :salam2: Allah forgives those who are sincere and feel regret for their bad deeds... if not the mercy of Allah what else can comfort the sad heart of a sinner... to whom else this sinner can go and ask for forgivnes? and a bad deed what makes you feel sad and humble is better than a good deed...
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    a Saudi's trip to Iran.....

    why we don´t do dawa? :salam2: dearest sister I understand where you are coming from and that you like your friends as individuals... I have also friends who are christian and I really like them.. cuz they are very kind ppl but still I don´t like their faith.... ofcourse we shouldn´t...
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    Let's post nice moral stories

    :salam2: mashaallah nice thread. all of the storries was nice. the last was a lil scary... here is my storry: once there was a beduin riding on his camel in the desert... Suddenly he saw a men who was laying on the ground exhausted. the heat of the dessert was unbearable. and the man was...
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    Why don't Men cover?

    :salam2: Nevin, if you take a look at the newspapers and magazins and also in tv you see much more naked or nearly naked women than men and why is that? why always pretty women were to seen on commercials.... why there are so many female singers who are not very talented become famous and not...
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    a Saudi's trip to Iran.....

    :salam2: I´m sorry for what happened to you and your cousin... this is making me so angry how can this idiot talk in that way, cursing the greatest of the ppl without any reason... ppl who are like that are so jaaaaaahil... they are not from us and we are not from them... I hate Shia believes...
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    Touching Story

    :salam2: it is pretty interesting. Cuz when we would met that brother outside we would feel so sorry for him... but when we know how blessed he is we wouldn´t feel sorry we would like to be in his place soooo much...! jazak Allahu ckair for sharring sister. :wasalam:
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    Beautiful Truth

    :salam2: 3 questions that testify everything.. that was really awsome. jazak Allahu ckair for sharring... when I read the third question I thought that he shouldn´t ask that... but later I understand ... :wasalam:
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    He fight for Unity bewten Sunni vs Shia Muslims!!!

    :salam2: I watched the video above... ofcourse it is not islamic but still it doesn´t proof anything... I don´t want to protect the shia but you can also find a video that shows a wrong doing by sunnis... to be quite honest I don´t know what to think about shias this is a topic that...
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    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair for this post. Allah has many names concerning with forgiveness. And this is a good reminder for us encouraging us to forgive those who may have wronged us. But we are just human we can be forgiving but still our mercy is nothing compared to the mercy of Allah...
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    ~ ~My beautiful veil~ ~

    :salam2: woooooow such a great poem sister this one will make all the non hijabis wether hate the hijab out of jalousy or persuade them to love to wear hijab. jazak Allahu ckair for sharing. :wasalam:
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    MUST WATCH: The Purpose of our Lives

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckair. excellent video. :wasalam:
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    Deep breath.....Goodbye

    Don´t leave brother :salam2: I believe that every individuel is so special and every single brother and sister in tti is a blessing. when you leave this is a loss... sometimes ppl have diffrent points of viev on a matter but also when we have diffrent oppinionts and even we are overreacting...
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    ooops sorry I misunderstand the question I understand on time instead of same time.... the period for morning prayer beginns with dawning until sunrise period for midday prayer is when the sun reaches it´s highest level afternoon prayer when the shadow amounts its twofold of its usual...
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    hi, it is better when you do the prayers on time. you have to give your best not to miss them... but when you work (everything what is done with right intention is ibadah=whorship, also working to earn money and be able to provide oneself and family) it can happen that you are really not able...
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    feels like I don´t deserve to be muslim

    :salam2: and hi my dear brothers and sisters jazak Allahu ckair and big thanks for every one of you for your kind and encouraging words... may Allah guide you all to and on the straight path... to sister laura... no I´m not sure wether Allah loves me or not... I think the question I have...