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    Holocaust Denied

    :salam2: this enraged me.... there was always and will always be a fray between Right and Wrong.... It is like a turkish poet said: even when you can hear people talking that Abu Leheb is dead... Abu Leheb is not dead... even if we live in another period of time than our prophet (saw)...
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    This is why we shouldn't judge

    as salamu aleykum sister, I wanted to post the same rightnow but then I saw that u was faster than me... jazak Allahu ckairan... when I saw this pictures first it was a strange feeling but I also was glad about it... it touched me in a way I can not describe... I don´t know why but I´m...
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    :salam2: I totally agree with sister mirajmom... may Allah reward her for her patience and bless her with a husband who knows her value and preciates her like she deserves.... in the west the old population is in the majority... the young genaration is related to that very small... in the...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    :salam2: alot of things where said about this topic now... I just want to say at last is that love is something u can not describe... it is a feeling that Allah has put in our hearts... that´s why a mother loves her children bec of the mercy of Allah... to be loved means when u have someone...
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    I think time of Dajjal is getting nearer

    :salam2:, mashallah sister/brother how powerfull and true words... can not add anything to this... I also feel like the world is moving towards the end times... Elhamdulliah that we are of the believers inshaallah :wasalam:
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    :salam2: who will be the most usefull for the ummah?: a) someone who memorized Quranand has great knowledge about islamic teachings but no knowledge about modern day subjects... b) someone who is a scientist but has no clue about Islam... c) someone who has both and is trying to...
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    let us reflect upon Allah's words and that of Rasul (SAW)

    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan for the reminder :hearts:
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    tefsir of sura tevbe:111

    (The Sixth Word, tefsir of sura tevbe:111, from the tafsir Risael-i Nur by Said Nursi) In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Verily God has purchased from the believers their persons and their property that Paradise might be theirs. If you wish to understand how...
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    Do You Love CHOCOLATE???

    :salam2: I´m craaaaaaaaaaaaazy for chocklate. I love to eat and drink tea to it even for breakfast. I liked the chocklate with fruits most. thanks for the nice thread :hearts: :wasalam:
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    please help... losing a beloved

    :salam2: dear sister please be patient. life is all a test. Like a dream ends when u open ur eyes life will end when u close them... and the life in the other world is for ever it will never end inshaallah. what is a long life? 80 years, 90, or 120 years? all this is nothing compared to...
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    What happened to our Muslim Ummah

    :salam2: always when I read posts like that I feel so happy.. not about the situation we r in but that there are brothers and sisters who care about the ummah.... I may be wrong but I feel like the ummah become more sensitive and one step closer to unity everyone is asking what he can do...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    :salam2: back to the topic: in my opinion "love marriage" is not the right describtion. I would say "fun marriage"..... cuz in a marriage like that man and woman lived in a free relationship first before deciding to get married... their intention from the beginning was not serious, yani...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    :salam2:, acki u don´t have to apologize! That´s me I get angry very quickly but I also qualm down very quickly.... we all make mistakes... specially me :shymuslima1: that´s why I don´t have the right to complain about others.... so plz forgive me cuz I started with the fitna :astag: brother...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    sister, I know which words u mean but I really tried hard not to loose control after brother drimi asked me that: How do you can love one if you aren't married with him,how did you love him ,in first sight,or you have meet him before you have talked with him before or you have .... You don't...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    selam sister, ur post has broken my hear and it really made me cry. I can not describe with words how sad u made me .... cuz I´m muslim and I did not mention that free relationship is ok astagfirullah. I´m not a zaniya.... I said to talk is ok! but to talk does not mean to................ I...
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    Can a Sunni woman marry a Kurdi ??

    yes I know some iraqi kurds I don´t want to judge them but the brother is right they are not very religious and what I don´t like is they are toooo nationalists they hate the arabs and turks.... but we don´t know him we don´t know anything about him and maybe he is not like that maybe he is very...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    selam, brother I agree with u that one should only choose a good comitted muslim to get married with... but it is not enough for marriage............ just let me give an example: I had a sister ones I loved her alot and we hang up together alot. I liked her because she loooooooooved Allah...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    selam, I don´t know what u meant with or you have... well I don´t like to speak about my private things and I will also not.... Why is it something strange that two people can fall in love with eachother? I believe that real love is when u love one without expcting anything from him/her...
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    Arrange marriage or love marriage???

    selam, I´m turkish... most people mix up arranged marriage with forced but it is not the same. Wether the parents advise a person who is good in their opinion for their daughter/son or the daughter/son presents their parents the future husband/wife in their mind... and then they will meet...