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    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?

    Selam, for Allah the life of a human being is more important than the kaba.... in Tchechnya there are also muslims suffering and their situation is not better than the situation of our brothers in Filistin.... many tchechen sisters was raped by soldiers.... have anyone ever heard about...
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    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?

    :salam2: some suggestions was directed to the muslims living outside and some was directed to the muslims who are in the conflict .....but it is not one word mentioned about suicide bombings.......... I don´t believe that my brothers/sisters are able to do that... ve aleykumsalam
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    STOP TALKING!!!..For Allah's & Gaza's Sake!!!!!

    :salam2: mashaallah u offered good ideas. Jazak allahu ckairan sister :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
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    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?

    :salam2: first of all I´m really sorry... My problem is that I´m too emotional .. My intention was not to blame u guys so I´m sorry once again and asking u guys to forgive me :shymuslima1:..... second, if u want to do jihad it does not mean to get urself a gone and go to the battlefield...
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    The Shaykh and the Prostitute

    :salam2: this is a very touching storry from which we can learn alot. jazak Allahu ckairan for sharing.
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    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?

    I´m a little disappointed! Cuz you can hear so many people talking about the bad situation the ummah is in and how sorry they are and always say: oh we can not do anything accept dua... but when solutions about what can be done are offerd no one seems to be interested...
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    hi from turkey

    Selam, foruma hosgeldin abi... benim de ingilizcem mükemmel degil... önemli olan anlasabilmek.... welcome to this site brother... My english is not very perfect aswell.... but it is sufficent
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    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world?

    What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world? What is our stance concerning the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and other parts of the world that is happening right now, where houses are being destroyed, farms are being wrecked, children are being killed...
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    :salam2: if we r good as people our leaders are good aswell if we r not our leaders are also not..... so if we want to change something then we have to start with ourself first then with the people close to us, family, friends.. etc.... slowly but surely victory will come inshaallah...
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    :salam2: sister. Allahu Akbar! Mashaallah a very good post! Jazak Allahu Ckairan.... it is time for all muslim lands arab and non-arab to unite. a new world order is possible! it is time to realize that the wrongs we hear are weself.... our ignorance, patriotsm, and love for this world is not...
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    Plz watch my video and spread it to others..

    :salam2: Jazak Allahu ckairan for ur video. May Allah acept ur good deeds and reward u for it
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    Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

    selam, I agree with u guys, if we want to change our situation we have to change ourself first. Some wonder why nobody knows about the dimension of the suffering of Palesstinans but even when the media reports about it, does this really matter? would something change? would we suddenly become...
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    Israeli Targets

    :salam2: this is so heartbreaking.... :( may Allah give us patience.... jazak Allahu ckairan for posting. :wasalam:
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    importance of din for mankind

    :salam2: I thought about the human being. We all have a standart with which we differ between right and wrong, independent from our race, colour & religion. Morals are inherently in everyone of us. But what makes us a "good guy" and act exemplarly and what makes us a "bad guy" and commit...
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    Death, Eid - Love From Iraq

    :salam2: inshaallah Allah will have mercy on this brother and make him from the people of jannat and inshaallah HE will give sabir (patience) to the sister and all of his family also you and your husband... hope they will be united in jannat ul firdevs again and there they will be happy...
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    In need of perfect Advice !

    :salam2: it seems that she don´t believe in the existence of Allah (Subanallahu Teala) imagine a baby still in the mother body.... and that baby don´believe that it has a mother , a loving and caring mother, nor that (s)he will be born one day... cuz (s)he is not able to see her nor able...
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    Can you help me

    selam aleykum, Elhamdullilah that we have people like u in our ummah, trying to be helpful and useful to others. mashaallah. Allah says: “By time! Surely the human being is at loss. Except for those who have faith and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to truth and exhort one...
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    :salam2: jazak Allahu ckairan brother
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    the secret of the name Ahmad

    sure u can handle it. Just make the beginning and the rest will come easy inshaallah. I don´t know anyone near me who teaches that but my problem is only lack of disipline if I strugle a lil bit then I can understand it by myself also...
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    the secret of the name Ahmad

    I know his work is really great. May Allah reward him for that. I startet reding it but the language is pretty difficult.. it is old turkish... I have to confess that I stop reading because of the lack of disipline:shymuslima1: I can also read on german but I prefer to read on the original...