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  1. S

    Seeking advice: new revert considering returning to Christianity

    I thought I´m the onlyone who is in such situation selam dear sister, I´m a born muslim but the onlyone in my family who is practicisin Islam, when it is eid and one is going to mosqe to pray then it is me. and when I see how others come to the mesjid with their families I feel so lonely...
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    the loss of decency in the u.s.

    wow.... I hope that everyone will read this
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    selam, Jazak Allahu Ckairan for sharing it is important to know
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    selam, yes u r so right sister. sometimes life is so sweat and I can not think at death and sometimes so sad that I can not expect to die... I remembered something after reading your comment... when I was a child I knew that I ´ll become a grown up oneday but I just couldn´t imagine it... I...
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    selam sister, really? why not? I can not really understand ur point. can we get united as an islamic group while we r not united as nations...? what u mean with group
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    I´m a sister...:) Inshaallah ckair I wish u all the best. inshallah Allah will give you all you need. take care
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    Selam brother, brother elhamdullilah that we live in a time like this... why? cuz this is the golden age of Islam! what makes the sahaba the best generation? They lived in a time where the situation was difficult aswell for but they struggeld and managed to establish an Islamic Empire...
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    Breaking News!

    very interesting. most of the minor signs happened allready... may Allah guide us. jazak Allahu ckairan for sharing
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    yes we will be united! Selam brother, I believe both is necessari knowledge about Islam and worldly knowledge aswell. I don´t seperate them cuz they are not two different things. they belong together! The Quran is the door when we open it we enter also the world of science! There is a...
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    the loss of decency in the u.s.

    I´m so sorry for these woman... please brothers/sisters let us try to be carefull with our expressions. Are we better then them? If Allah would not quide us we would be lost aswell! That´s why we pray guide us to the straight path ( sura el fatiha) no matter how pious one may is he is never able...
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    yes that is what I hope too :)
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    The Solution is in your hands

    selam sister, thanks for reminding. I love this verse it is so comforting, no matter how much u suffer Allah is always there for u
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    wa aley kumsalam, thanks for ur comment. u r so right
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    a call to the muslim ummah

    take a look at the todays world... we the muslims are the most humiliatet nation. Even though we r not small by number, no we r huge... our problem is that we r divided and cahil (without knowledge). Imagine what would happen if all muslim countries would unite? When we have One united army...
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    this is so sad to know that we can not trust our own brothers/sisters :( Inshaallah Allah will give sabr for your mum and inshaallah Allah will burn the other sisters doing that crime in the fire of regret instead of in the fire of hell.
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    How do you pray from your heart?

    selam, Allah will not accept the dua of the non-muslims? But why? this is something I just can´t understand. Cuz Allah is the Rabb of everyone... and as much I know Al-Rahman means the One Who have mercy for all creatures and it is related to this world and al Rahim is the One who as mercy...
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    How do you pray from your heart?

    selam to all, jazak Allahu Ckairan brother for sharing this. I´ll inshaallah also pray that way now... jazak Allahu ckairan again vesselam
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    Assalamualaikum All my Bro and Sis ^^

    :salam2: brother Mochamad, welcome to this site. Hope u´ll enjoy your stay here.... these days we r in r very special. it´s time to do more good deeds.... and if it is just a smile :) I hope that Allah will give u success in both, dunya and ackira... take care brother have a good time...
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    Muslim sein in Deutschland

    salam aleykum, der Bruder hat es auf den Punkt gebracht. Besser hätte man das nicht sagen können. Ich bin Türkin bin aber in Deutschland geboren. Ich habe es mir somit nicht selber ausgesucht ob ich hier leben will oder nicht. Ich glaube sowieso nicht das es ein muslimisches Land gibt...
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    I am a muslim from Uyghur!

    Salam alekum brother, cool.... u r Uyghur. I´m turkish by the way. love and respect to all my brothers and sister in Uyghur, and the rest of the Ummah wevsselam