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  1. SweetAmirah

    Is it Halal or Haram...?

    So the question is this. I am a new Muslim as some might know from previous threads, about one month now. I met with a Sheikh today, because someone told me he is a good man and teacher. Mashallah. He is good, and I want to have him as my mentor/wakeel in Islam. He is 70 years old...
  2. SweetAmirah

    How I came to Islam!

    By request here is my story... First I would like to say that, I was prejudice against Muslims. Not in its extreme, but I kept my distant... It was a long time coming... bit by bit... You know how a lot of people wonder if a revert did it for a man? Well I didn't BUT It was the heart and...
  3. SweetAmirah

    The Pain when I hear such things...

    I picked up my room mate, and her "sister" I put this in quotation marks because they aren't blood related. She is a firm believer in Christianity, and is drunk on alcahol. She comes into my home, and puts down my religion. She was more than hurtful in her words. She tells me she has a...
  4. SweetAmirah

    A new revert to Islam's experience in telling her family...

    So I told my parents. About reverting to Islam that is. Well I sort of told them. What happened was my step sister was on msn, and my father was sitting beside her. She was one of the first people I told. She is agnostic but fully supports me in my decision. She was the one that told my...
  5. SweetAmirah

    For the non Muslims

    I am no scholar, and I am new to Islam (about a month) But one of the biggest things that I like to discuss are in fact women's rights in Islam. There are many questions I have received from friends and family members since my conversion and most of them have been related to this topic...