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  1. M

    islamlessen zusters antwerpen

    bismillahir ar rahmanir ar rahiem, as salaamoe alaikoem wa rahmatoelah wa barakatoeh, Hierbij wil ik laten weten dat er vanaf 6 februari elke zaterdag lessen zullen zijn in Antwerpen inshaAllah, .. Deze lessen zullen doorgaaan van 2 tot 5 en we zullen hierbij beginnen bij het begin...
  2. M

    can somebody help me?

    as salaamoe alaikoem wa rahmatoellahi wa barakatoehoe, Im a moslima from belgium and me and my friend, also a moslima form belgium, would like to study islam in a islamic envoirement. As in a mosque in a other country where we could sleep and eat and study Quran and arabic... Or maybe a...
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    a question inshallah

    as salaamoe alaikoem wa rahmatoellahi wa barakatoehoe, I once heard that it took de Prophet saws a few years only preaching there was one god Allah. Only after these years all the rest came. How long where these years? I really need the answer today inshaAllah. May ALlah swt...
  4. M


    First of all i would like to warn you that my english isnt that perfect, and for the ones who know me from the time i had all these problems, im happy to say al hamdolileh that everything has turned out good. Ive found my father and im living with my family now. Soon im going to tell my complete...
  5. M

    help, ... please, ...

    as salamoe aleikoem wa rahmatoellahi wa barakatoehoe, I realy have no idea what to do, so Im yust going to tell my story insha allah and hop to get some advise. Please if someone can help me with something, some way any way, please, ... Im 19 years old and converted to the Islam when I...
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    salaam alekoem

    Masha allah, so many information on this site ,Hamdolileh, im glad I found it. May Allah swt reward those who pass their knowledge and those who learn knew things. Amin.