Search results

  1. shasha

    Lost In Pennsylvania

    Asalam alaykum brothers and sisters. I recently moved to Pennsylvania from California. I guess I still consider myself a new Muslimah since I just converted less than two years ago. I am so hungry for more Islamic knowledge and I was hoping I could continue going to classes for new Muslims...
  2. shasha

    Friendship between a man and a woman

    Asalaam alaykum brothers and sisters. :SMILY259: I am a relatively new Muslimah (converted half a year ago) and like any other convert, I am adjusting to the Islamic way of life. I used to be a Christian (Catholic) and as some of you may know there aren't much boundaries between a man and a...
  3. shasha

    Issues Regarding Ramadan and Women

    Asalaam alaykum. :) I have a question. It's for sisters but brothers are welcome to reply if they do know the answer. :) Women of reproductive age group normally have their period with an interval of 21 to 35 days. So, this coming Ramadan, it is possible that a woman will have her period and...
  4. shasha

    When Does Isha End?

    Asalaam alaykum brothers and sisters. :hijabi: I just want to know when does isha time end? I am a recent convert and I have asked several Muslims and they all gave me different answers. I am asking this question to know until what time can I pray Isha and when is the most desirable time to...
  5. shasha

    Muslim-friendly hospitals in US

    Asalaam alaykum my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. :hearts: I am a doctor who is about to enter residency training (specialization) in US. I was wondering if there are health professionals or friends or family of health professionals from US here in the website. If yes, I have a question...