“Ask Him From Whom You Have Need.”

Abu Talib

Feeling low
When Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was asked about Tawakkul he said :

“It is abandoning dependence on Allah’s creation.”

“It was said to him: “Then what is the need for it?”

He replied: “It is implicit in the words of Ibrahim (alayhis salam ) when he was placed in the mangonel , then cast into the fire ,upon which Jibreel (alayhis salam) came to him and said: “Do you have any need?” He replied: “Not from you.”

Jibreel (alayhis salam) said: “Ask Him from whom you have need.”

He said: “Whichever of the two things is preferable to Him is preferable to me.” [1]

[1] Al-bidayah Wan-Nihayah


Saalam alaikum

subhan Allah,alhamdu li Allah
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'la help us to establish tawakkul,ameen
