a new borther joining you ...

sword of islam

New Member
Dear my brothers and sisters
salam alikom warahmato allah wabratkatouho .
it's with great pleasure and joy that i am writing you all my dear brothers and sisters .
actullay , it sounds very interesting and great to get closely in touch with all our brothers and sisters as one body with one soul ..yeah muslims are one body and each part of it is concerned with all the other parts . the real muslim is the one who cares about the lives and situatins of other muslims in other parts of the world . what makes muslims very close to each others is not the language , the colour , their national flags or their countries but what makes the real connection among muslims is their relegion islam .
after spending five years now as a teacher of English in amixed school , i feel that the coming genrations are the real hope to defend islam and be true embassadors of their relegion through their acts and behaviours . this is why i think that both families and schools are to put hand in hand to assure a better educatin and up bringing for them ..
At the end i would ask you all to cascade all the data and videos you got about islam with our brothers and sisters all over the world .
may Allah bless you in your journey of submission to Allah and assure you heaven with our prpophet .
Hassan ....sword of allah .
Asalaamaikum brother,

Welcome to the community. There is a collective of knowledgeable people on here. We look forward to your contributions and hearing from you.

Unity without boundaries is what Islam is and should be all about.

Faqir ila Allah

New Member
As Salam Alaikum wa Rahamtullah wa Barakatuh

Dear Brother, Sword of Islam, Its good to have you here in TTI and your neck name is a very nice name. I hope you benefit from this site and at the same time that you enjoy your stay in this brotherhood environment.

Have a nice time..


Travelling towards my grave.

welcome to ur e-family brother...hope u enjoy ur stay....like ME...

-brother IbnAdam-