About those Christian Missionaries


You meet those people everywhere, even on the Internet.
But do you know what I hate about those guys ?
The lies they spread.
They make christianity look like some type of Buddhism.

Also when u start to ask questions they get upset and angry.

For example: They say that Jesus(pbuh) is the way of life.
And this is what I response to that:

We(humans today) dont know Jesus´ life 100%. Like what did he do or say.
Those people who wrote the Bible never meet Jesus or talked to Jesus.
Also Jesus never had a diary or something like that, where he wrote his thoughts up.
What about scientiffic errors: World is only 6 Million Years old. LOL

I dont know, those guys make me upset.
Does one of u also have experience with them ?


Islam is my life
Staff member
assalamu aleikum
Yes they are everywhere.I believe some of them have good intentions to really help people,but what I most dislike, is their ego and the way they push their belief.They don't want to listen at all.If u tell them u muslim or anything they will not let u open your mouth even to explain,but themselves no nothing about Islam or other religions ,They just have this attitude towards all people who are not christians.
Sorry If i said something wrong,just had that experience...
wa salam


Junior Member
I think Christians are like Muslims....everyone of them is a unique individual with opinions. I have met gracious and humble Christians...who believe it is their obligation to spread their beliefs. They think we are going to hell because we do not accept what they teach. There are educated ones and ignorant ones, we Muslims have the same mix.

Some Christians actually believe the Earth is only 6000 years old but they are definitely in the minority. Most Christians I have met are fairly educated and science is accepted as fact and not a way to disprove of their beliefs.

We are obligated to be polite and gentle with our cousins...as they are misguided. We will not be able to do dawa if we immedicately attack their beliefs and demean them. Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) was ever so gentle and kind.....and because of these numerous Christians and Jews converted to Islam.

If a Chrisitan missionary comes by...invite them in...offer them refreshments...have an open interfaith dialog. Try not to get defensive but instead be kind and gentle when explaining this beautiful religion. Even if they mock us and think we are crazy...it is our obligation to try and spread the word of Islam....think of the rewards for your patience! :hijabi:



Happy 2BA Muslim


Ma sha Allah ShyHijabi, bullseye!!!

I think Christians are like Muslims....everyone of them is a unique individual with opinions. I have met gracious and humble Christians...who believe it is their obligation to spread their beliefs. They think we are going to hell because we do not accept what they teach. There are educated ones and ignorant ones, we Muslims have the same mix.

Some Christians actually believe the Earth is only 6000 years old but they are definitely in the minority. Most Christians I have met are fairly educated and science is accepted as fact and not a way to disprove of their beliefs.

We are obligated to be polite and gentle with our cousins...as they are misguided. We will not be able to do dawa if we immedicately attack their beliefs and demean them. Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) was ever so gentle and kind.....and because of these numerous Christians and Jews converted to Islam.

If a Chrisitan missionary comes by...invite them in...offer them refreshments...have an open interfaith dialog. Try not to get defensive but instead be kind and gentle when explaining this beautiful religion. Even if they mock us and think we are crazy...it is our obligation to try and spread the word of Islam....think of the rewards for your patience! :hijabi:




New Member

I have some experiences with christian missionaries in the past.

Usually, if they were being polite, i was just listening to them and at the end, i said; "Thank you for the information, but terribly sorry i'm a muslim and i'm not planning to change anything about that until i die"

But if they were trying to mock Islam, i fired up some "key" questions like:

1) "Pls show me a single verse in bible declaring that Jesus is god and has to be served and worshipped, similar to these verses in Qur'an;

(Surah 20, Ta-ha, ayah 14) "Verily, I am Allah. There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise.
(Surah 21, AL Anbiyaa. ayah 92) Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore serve Me.
(Surah 29, Al Ankabut, ayah 56) O My servants who believe! truly, spacious is My Earth: therefore serve ye Me - (and Me alone)!

2) This one is directly from Al Qur'an;

(Surah 2, Al Baqarah, ayah 94) Say: "If the last Home, with Allah, be for you specially, and not for anyone else, then seek ye for death, if ye are sincere."

"Since Jesus had died on the cross for "all sins", are you sinless or not?", Because if you're sinless, means you've been granted heaven right, so if you die you'll go to heaven directly, no matter what cause your death and for whatever reasons, so tell me, why are you still wasting your time on this earth to find people like muslims who irritate you and give you nothing but trouble?"

"Why don't you right now, kill yourself and go to heaven directly, go ahead, i'll lend you my knife if you want, save you some trouble here..."

And also, answer me this, if your parents or spouse or children deaths means the beginning of the happily ever after life in heaven, without any trial for your sins, since you;re sinless, WHY most christians cry and mourn for the dead? Should've they start 7 days 7 nights partying out?

They're gonna start a life of happiness without end in heaven for crying out loud, so instead of crying and mourning, you should and you must have lots of crazy parties!

Is that what most people want isnt it? happiness for their loved ones, so answer me again, why cry and mourn?

Usually they'll got confused and start talking rubbish, and adding up to their missery, i'll say;

"If you ever think that you are not sinless because you are afraid to kill yourself, it means Jesus died on the cross for nothing, not even a single sin, hence the whole story about Jesus The Saviour is one solid lie"

And usually, after that, they start to mock Islam even more, and right there, i have the reason to kick them out of my house for being impolite to one's belive....

So, they came, they talked rubbish, they tried to persuade people, and thet've got kick out from a house for being impolite and offending people's believe... yeah, people really like to hear something like that huh, fair results for bad intentions, ey?



Pls mak Duwa 4 me

Masha allah nice said brother/sister shyhijabi i agree with u i also meet many of them here in Denmark after we can lisening them start putting questions to them like about the creation of universe and like brother irvan said salvation and so on about sun and moon as in bible they ref as LAMP but now science moon no lamp :) masha allah as QURAN says and thus u can do dawa u never know with what thing one can come to the truth only ALLAH knows.

Allah hafiz


I strongly disgaree!

Asslamo Allaikum Brothers/Sisters,

With the greatest respect, I strongly disagree.

In the US & UK there is ample evidence that vulnerable Muslims in the community particularly single mothers, women who are victims of domestic violence and sisters who are in financial difficulties are being targeted by Christian missionaries, aggressively and in a very organised manner.

I have posted many stories to this nature on TTI, please feel free to search.
I agree that if you know what you are doing then you should engage in a dialogue and show hospitality to them etc. However these groups constantly show up in our communities with Asian women who claim that they used to be Muslim but because of the abusive nature of Islam have now become Christians! It wrecks havoc in the minds of women who are already vulnerable!

Our Imams/Leaders don’t provide facilities for Sisters in need and Christian groups move in for the KILL by providing and offering all sorts of assistance.

I know of instances where reverts Sisters who are vulnerable have also been approached with services (financial, shopping etc.).

I know of instances where reverts have apostate from Islam and it all started from missionaries offering little help to them!

We need to solve the problem on many fronts:

1. Our communities, Mosques, Imams, Leaders (and everyone else) should LOOK AFTER all Muslims who are in need and continuously look after them, without being overbearing i.e. let the Brothers/Sisters know that WE as an ummah are there for them (if they need us)

2. We need to learn HOW to do social work on an epic, emergency and grand scale. Time is running out! Muslims immigrants in the West are one of the richest communities in the West; so why are our Muslim Sisters having to work 3 jobs to make ends meet? Shame on us! Hunt down these Muslims in our communities and do something about it...

3. We need to tackle the root cause of problems and HIT it hard. One of the scholars from Islam Channel (UK) came to our house this weekend and talked about breakdown of marriages and he said, “You may think that I am exaggerating but majority of my time is taken up in marriage disputes, lives of practising Brothers/Sisters on the Qur’aan & Sunnah are being destroyed. “ I will write a detailed note on his discussions later on...

4. We need to educate our communities and devise a strategy on how to handle these missionaries. If they are doing Dawah (towards Kuf’r) then we need to do our Dawa’h even harder and in a more organised manner towards Allah

Brothers/Sisters! This is a SERIOUS problem in our communities and lets not relax or slacken up!

Keep your ears to the ground folks! Know what is going on in your communities; you may not be able to do anything about it, but at least spot the dangers, don’t be fooled!


New Member
I think that these christian missionaries are really sincere about what they are doing, but the problem is that they are 'lost' and they don't want to listen to what you have to say because they know that saying jesus is god doesn't make sense so they say -just have faith. But the problem is that they are having faith in the wrong thing. Watch ahmed deedat he is the best, man!


Slave of Almighty
Asalam walaykum,

I think fault is from our side.Because i have seen lots this kind of people when you tell them about jesus life style like how he was greet people n how he was praying to God they amazed. I think they never come across muslim who have depth knowledge of islam who can tell them in proper way.because most them are seeking reward god by doing this noble thing.so they have faith but they lacking of truth.

May allah swt give us that Knowledge that we can able to spread truth to them.. Amin..

Jazakallah khairn for reading my comment..


Salaam Brother,

You speak the Truth. The Christian church is very organized. Many people fail to understand the number of single mothers. Women whose husband, boyfriend, etc have abandoned them. Our masjids offer no help. We still have a stigma. We still believe that it is the fault of the woman.
Women at masjid's do not talk to women who come without their husbands. I am telling no lie. There are so many subtle ways of letting single mothers know you are not worthy of sitting at the same table as us. When a woman needs to feed her children..she will do anything.

Forgive me for going on a tangent. I have lived in the world of Christians most of my life. I get tired of the Watchtower, the Mormons, the etc.
I often lecture them on Christianity. I have read the Bible, I have read the Mormon Bible, I can discuss the differences between all the different versions of the Bible. They leave being more educated on their own branch of faith. My sons apologize to them and tell them I was a collage professor once. That is my reason for being a maniac.


Junior Member
I'm not going to lie - I find missionaries to be quite irritating, but I don't think that's any reason to go after them. They're misguided - we all know that. But they're doing what they think is right.

If they're organized and effective, then you can't blame that on them - they took the initiative to organize themselves to spread their message. If anyone wants to counter-act that, then they need to take the steps to "get up to their level" when it comes to outreach and organization instead of blaming them for it.

And yes, a lot make it out to be something it's not, but that doesn't always mean they're trying to mislead you. That could be what they honestly think about it. There are many different opinions and versions of beliefs when it comes to Christianity. Some sects don't even agree on how you get the heaven and some are a lot more "Buddhist-like" in how peaceful and gentle they are (example: UCC vs. the Roman Catholic Church).


Missionary Tactics (Christianity vs. Islam)!

Asslamo Allaikum Sister,

Agreed! They are very organised and they primarily prey on vulnerable “Soft” targets. I have been informed reliably that if you engage them a few times; they STOP visiting you because they are instructed to take the “Message of God” to the ones who are receptive and use their time effectively.

Christianity as opposed to Islam uses “Back-door conversion” techniques” i.e. charity works to promoted Christianity etc. We as Muslims should engage in social and charitable works BUT for the sake of Allah (SWT).

Islam aims to convert the influential and bring about a radical change in the society e.g.:

1) Musa (AS ) told to go preach to Fir’aun
2) Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) ordered to PREACH to Quraish, first
3) Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) visited the Chiefs when he went to Ta’if

If you look at the history of Islam, reverts have always had a significant impact and often worked to change the direction of society. Many of our intellectuals, scientists, leaders (military and civilian) were 1st or 2nd generation reverts.

Many of the Khulafa (Caliphs) were sons of women who were reverts.
If you compare the number of reverts of the recent past even since the decline of Ottoman Empire and their contribution to the social and intellectual thoughts of the Ummah (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Marmaduke Pickthal, Mohammad Asad, Maryam Jameelah etc. etc. etc.) to today; there is a difference of night & day. I understand that I am making a controversial point but I don’t intend to insult or defame anyone.

Reversion to Islam since the decline of Ottoman Empire wasn’t as common as it is today but look at the achievements of these people; you may disagree with some of the works but can’t help but praise the efforts of the trail-blazers.

In the days of Ottoman Empire; Reverts and other activities are even more pronounced!.

We are simply lacking that focus and impetus in our Dawah, today.

There have been some great works on this subject by Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (RA):


And other scholars from the sub-continent who experienced Colonialism, first-hand & fought it and also extensively worked with European reverts.

Salaam Brother,

You speak the Truth. The Christian church is very organized. Many people fail to understand the number of single mothers. Women whose husband, boyfriend, etc have abandoned them. Our masjids offer no help. We still have a stigma. We still believe that it is the fault of the woman.
Women at masjid's do not talk to women who come without their husbands. I am telling no lie. There are so many subtle ways of letting single mothers know you are not worthy of sitting at the same table as us. When a woman needs to feed her children..she will do anything.

Forgive me for going on a tangent. I have lived in the world of Christians most of my life. I get tired of the Watchtower, the Mormons, the etc.
I often lecture them on Christianity. I have read the Bible, I have read the Mormon Bible, I can discuss the differences between all the different versions of the Bible. They leave being more educated on their own branch of faith. My sons apologize to them and tell them I was a collage professor once. That is my reason for being a maniac.



i know that islam is al-deen-ul-haqq, so i always try to remain calm when people are trying to convert me. i know that they are lost, so that whatever negative thing they have to say, i know that i will be the victor and they will be of the losers. all we need to do is to recite surah kaffirun to them


qul yayuhaal kafirun
laa' aabadu ma ta' badun
wa laa' antum abidunna ma abud
wa laa' ana abidum maa' abattum
wa laa antum abidunna maa' abud
laakum diinikum wa li ya diin


Word UP!

Yuppy, Yuppy


i know that islam is al-deen-ul-haqq, so i always try to remain calm when people are trying to convert me. i know that they are lost, so that whatever negative thing they have to say, i know that i will be the victor and they will be of the losers. all we need to do is to recite surah kaffirun to them


qul yayuhaal kafirun
laa' aabadu ma ta' badun
wa laa' antum abidunna ma abud
wa laa' ana abidum maa' abattum
wa laa antum abidunna maa' abud
laakum diinikum wa li ya diin



Here I go again. Forgive me for I tend to rant and rave. The Christian zeal for spreading the Evangelical message is riddled with political motives. The Protestant right wing neo-conservative we will save the world and gain the riches of the world is CRAZY. They are so crazy they have attacked the Catholic Church. Look at the insanity in South America. The Catholic Church preached salvation...the Protestant took food..Hello. They spread chaos. Whereever they go they spread derision. There is no political stability.
The private corporation Balckwater is tied to this spread.

What people fail to realize is the person knocking on the door is not a simple faithful human being. There is a well rehearsed oraganized group that has a very defined motive behind it. No, we really should not allow them into our homes. But, they will deny this if questioned. These religious and political groups spread thier message by keeping their door to door salespeople in the dark. They only give them a little bit of misinformation.

Once again I ask for forgiveness. I speak the truth.


Junior Member
The lies of christians.


You meet those people everywhere, even on the Internet.
But do you know what I hate about those guys ?
The lies they spread.
They make christianity look like some type of Buddhism.

Also when u start to ask questions they get upset and angry.

For example: They say that Jesus(pbuh) is the way of life.
And this is what I response to that:

We(humans today) dont know Jesus´ life 100%. Like what did he do or say.
Those people who wrote the Bible never meet Jesus or talked to Jesus.
Also Jesus never had a diary or something like that, where he wrote his thoughts up.
What about scientiffic errors: World is only 6 Million Years old. LOL

I dont know, those guys make me upset.
Does one of u also have experience with them ?

Your quote " The lies they spread". What lies?

Your quote "...ask questions they get upset and angry" Don't muslims also get upset? Speakers corner will answer that. Even you get angry. See your 2nd last sentence.

Your quote "Jesus is the way of life etc" Then you say" we don't know Jesus life (100%).... .

I'm not surprised.

The Quran tells very little if anything about his life. On the other hand you don't believe the Scriptures and dismiss it as one big lie. But Christians do. That is their prerogative and their choice. Why should that upset you? Do Bhuddists and Hindus upset you?

How then can you malign them for something they have read, studied and follow, for which you know nothing about.

No book that is published, least of all the scriptures being the best seller and most widely distributed book of all time, will be written to bring about its own downfall.


Junior Member
Your quote " The lies they spread". What lies?

Your quote "...ask questions they get upset and angry" Don't muslims also get upset? Speakers corner will answer that. Even you get angry. See your 2nd last sentence.

Your quote "Jesus is the way of life etc" Then you say" we don't know Jesus life (100%).... .

I'm not surprised.

The Quran tells very little if anything about his life. On the other hand you don't believe the Scriptures and dismiss it as one big lie. But Christians do. That is their prerogative and their choice. Why should that upset you? Do Bhuddists and Hindus upset you?

How then can you malign them for something they have read, studied and follow, for which you know nothing about.

No book that is published, least of all the scriptures being the best seller and most widely distributed book of all time, will be written to bring about its own downfall.
assalam,hey people i got one he has being around for sometime anybody throw handcuffs here.and something to clean away the make up i do not know the name may be some sister knows.caught by the radar.............lol:SMILY303:


this is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun i love`em:jumpclap: :jumpclap: :jumpclap: :jumpclap:
Your quote " The lies they spread". What lies?

Your quote "...ask questions they get upset and angry" Don't muslims also get upset? Speakers corner will answer that. Even you get angry. See your 2nd last sentence.

Your quote "Jesus is the way of life etc" Then you say" we don't know Jesus life (100%).... .

I'm not surprised.

The Quran tells very little if anything about his life. On the other hand you don't believe the Scriptures and dismiss it as one big lie. But Christians do. That is their prerogative and their choice. Why should that upset you? Do Bhuddists and Hindus upset you?

How then can you malign them for something they have read, studied and follow, for which you know nothing about.

No book that is published, least of all the scriptures being the best seller and most widely distributed book of all time, will be written to bring about its own downfall.

1. Yes Muslims do get upset when lies are involved.
2. We Humans dont know Jesus life. Neither do Paul Luke Mathew....
Their views on Jesus are just their Fantazy about Jesus.
3. I guess u havent read the Holy Quran. The Quran tells everything about
4. Bhuddists and Hindus dont get me angry, because they dont make a
sport out of religion and they dont (most of the time) spread propaganda about other religions.
5. How can u trust those scriptures ? They have been changed so often, its not even funny anymore.


Junior Member
1. Yes Muslims do get upset when lies are involved.
2. We Humans dont know Jesus life. Neither do Paul Luke Mathew....
Their views on Jesus are just their Fantazy about Jesus.
3. I guess u havent read the Holy Quran. The Quran tells everything about
4. Bhuddists and Hindus dont get me angry, because they dont make a
sport out of religion and they dont (most of the time) spread propaganda about other religions.
5. How can u trust those scriptures ? They have been changed so often, its not even funny anymore.
Hi there. here's my response.
1. Yes, but what lies? That was my original question.
2. You already told us that. You reject the Bible. So how can you say Paul,Luke and Matthew didn't know. No indepth study - no knowledge. Devout Christians have indepth knowledge
3.Am reading the Holy Quran, and believe it or not also studying it. Your response is of interest . You say in your previous quote that no one knows Jesus life 100%, yet in your response above, you say the Quran tells EVERYTHING about Jesus's life!!! So far I have studied up to sura 31. According to my study notes (of which i have several questions to ask) I have recorded only 39 ayats dealing with Jesus.
4. Nor do Christians make a sport of their religion. They take their faith seriously just as muslims and other religions do. Propaganda!!!! What propaganda. See question 1 above.
5. Trust those scriptures!!!Why not? The scriptures that I have are almost identical to the original manuscripts. Only difference is that they have been translated so that it's easier to understand - just like the different Quranic translations. Same difference. There's nothing to suggest to christians that they are indeed they are corrupt - apart from Islam telling them that. If it were, then it would be a myth to consider that book as the biggest seller and distributor of all time and there would be no christions left. I certainly wouldn't!!!!!!


Junior Member
Hi there. here's my response.
1. Yes, but what lies? That was my original question.
2. You already told us that. You reject the Bible. So how can you say Paul,Luke and Matthew didn't know. No indepth study - no knowledge. Devout Christians have indepth knowledge
3.Am reading the Holy Quran, and believe it or not also studying it. Your response is of interest . You say in your previous quote that no one knows Jesus life 100%, yet in your response above, you say the Quran tells EVERYTHING about Jesus's life!!! So far I have studied up to sura 31. According to my study notes (of which i have several questions to ask) I have recorded only 39 ayats dealing with Jesus.
4. Nor do Christians make a sport of their religion. They take their faith seriously just as muslims and other religions do. Propaganda!!!! What propaganda. See question 1 above.
5. Trust those scriptures!!!Why not? The scriptures that I have are almost identical to the original manuscripts. Only difference is that they have been translated so that it's easier to understand - just like the different Quranic translations. Same difference. There's nothing to suggest to christians that they are indeed they are corrupt - apart from Islam telling them that. If it were, then it would be a myth to consider that book as the biggest seller and distributor of all time and there would be no christions left. I certainly wouldn't!!!!!!
do not even try we know all your games and tactics the
Quran is less intressted in presenting the mythological and legendary aspect of the life of the prophets but concentrates more objectivly on the essence of the Message as first and main prerogative to be focused on it is the message that is important ,to worship one god without partners and to do good deeds..etc and please go verify some nummbers there because no book in the world is more read than the holy Quran hundred of thousands of muslims know it by heart from very young age no book has been translated so often no book has being preserved in it`s original form this way in the whole history of humanity so please give me a break ever heard of something similar about the bibles which bible anyways the protestants, catholics,jehovas,the apocryphas, which manuscripts and which version start by telling us what version!because they differ from one another does a book called bible even exist in this context at least one that is agreed upon and used by all no!!!!!!!!!!! go debate with hindous or buddhists theologicaly i think they are closer to you they believe in many gods eventough their books tell them not to they make images of god eventough their holy books tell them not too they think god transforms himself into his creation eventough their books tell them not too pantheism)...etc this is not a place to do missionary work it is a place to learn about islam i do not even believe you are christian after all this time i think you have something to do with bohemian grove or something..it is getting too phony i can`t stand people that go against logic and good sense and then still insist without producing any proof!

The Quran is the Arabic text only!!!!!!!!!! the arabic text is the word of god the translation is a choice of word that may differ from translator to translator but it doesn`t change to a point where you find contradiction of enormous proportion like in the bibles and you always have the original just in case! the oldest manuscripts of the new testament are only preserved in greek am asking did jesus peace be upon him speak greek to his deciples did they write them in greek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or is it somebody else that wrote them centuries after and how come they contradict each other so much..and i can go on and on Sir it is not worth it trust me it is like you are knocking your head against the wall. .......... am bored with this either a religion can justify itself as such or not there is no alternative to that so if you pretend something produce your proof or stay quite that is the least you can do!

1.what do you guys mean when you say begotten not made?

2.how come the three persons of the trinity are one and equal in might and knowledge but it is only the "father" that knows about the hour and that he (jesus )could do nothing on his ownself?
3. if "jesus" died does that mean that "God and the holy spirit also died !?if so then who "resurrected" jesus?
4.to whom did jesus pray and ask for help?
5.one sentence in the whole bible where jesus says "am god worship me"
6.marry is the mother of god at the same time the mother of jesus and the holy spirit but even the daughter of god! how can she be his mother and his daughter at the same time, and what about Adam and Eve being the ancester of Marry what is their relation in respect to God almighty if she is the mother of god.is Adam his creator may Allah swt forgive me!!!!!!!!!!.do you know why atheism has spread so well in the western countries they say that it is Adam that invented God does it sound familliar by deduction at least hun......................??????????????????????
7.why would god Almighty commit suicide himself to be able to forgive humanity?

8.if you believe that jesus died for your sins who was he meant to be a ransom for God or the devil?
9.if jesus knew his mission was to die for the sins of the world instead of preaching why would he say "eloh eloh lama sabachtani" my god my god why have you forsaken me!) and who was he talking to anyways?
10.who was jesus talking about when he was saying that someone would come after him in deliver the final message and that he would be speaking and repeat what he hears and that he will speak of him (jesus)and guide people to all truth? given the fact that the Holy ghost was there before ,with and after jesus, why did jesus say must leave for that someone to be able to come?

these are just a few questions if you can not answer them ask any learned person to help you do so and explain it to me

please without using the word mystery am waiting?

and then i will have some more but then it will be more about the historical aspect and contradictions between specifique statements in the bibles

ps.if it wasn`t for the Quran and prophet Muhammad SAW i would never have believed that the other prophets pbu them all have ever existed because of the lack of accuracy in the documentation about their lives.

looking forward for your answer
