another side of HOPE!!!

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)my


sisters:SMILY252:SMILY252:SMILY252: and

respected brothers:):):)

i'm BACK!!!!!can you believe it no!!good coz i

can't either:D:D:Dnot that i was gone any where

but i was somewhere in and outside TTI walls

for the past two months....:eek:..i stayed out for

two months.sobhanallah a ttian like me deserves

a prize for that:lol:

well it's good to be back and able to post

threads and replies:).....jazakallahkhaira to

everybody who kept me company when i was


to three of my sisters who joined us after a

lonnnnnnnng break welcome back;)
sis Allahiswithme seeing you i went

:eek:(impossible!!!_:lol:)love ya sis good to have

you around:p
sis fatima1994i'm so happy you are back on

strike :SMILY252::hope you'll stick around;)
ahhh and my sweet and delicate lil sisi Muslim

gurl:hearts:i wasn't sure it was you back again

:lol:till i read your vm..welcomeback!!!

erm and yeah brother frank and sis mirajmom

congratulations:eek::eek::eek:may Allah give you


i'm sososos happy to be back as seeking Allah's

strange isn't it i've been feeling weird from the

past two days and in the morning when i heard

about Dr.israr(may Allah have mercy on his soul

and may he rest in peace.ameen,thumma ameen) i felt all empty and

sad and questioning,kind of like what will

become of us.when i got my password i felt

happy and assured!!...with a feeling of Allah is

always with me......guess this is what we call


so yeah i'm here!!!jazakallah kahira akhi mabsoot

for helping me out:) acutally:D

take care:D

:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu:)


Pearl of Islaam

Welcome back dear sister. It is happy news to see you again here mashallah. We missed you a loot. :SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:

may Allah bless you


Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!

you are back and i am so happy for you .may ALLAH grant you happiness and success bothe here and hereafter. ameen.

jazakallah kahira sis:)yeah it feels good to be back INSIDE:D!!!ameen to your duas my sweet sister.may ALLAH grant you a dn your happiness to you and your family:)ameen:SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!

Welcome back dear sister. It is happy news to see you again here mashallah. We missed you a loot. :SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252:

may Allah bless you


jazakallahkahria sisi asja:SMILY252:alhumdulilahi feel so good to be able to reply to your sweetness:SMILY252:

ameen and may Allah blesss you too:)


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alykum. :)

Nice to see you back Sister. MashaAllah. We hope you continue to share your Enthusiasm with your Brothers and Sisters. =) May Allah SWT keep you steadfast upon the Straight Way. Aameen.

Wa Alykum Salaam.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
Assalaamu Alykum. :)

Nice to see you back Sister. MashaAllah. We hope you continue to share your Enthusiasm with your Brothers and Sisters. =) May Allah SWT keep you steadfast upon the Straight Way. Aameen.

Wa Alykum Salaam.

well nice to see you too akhi........welcome back yourself:)

jazakallah kahira and ameen to your duas:)

may ALLAH give us all hidaya' and success here and hereafter.ameen