Are There Things You Should Do Before Reading The Qur'an?


New Member
Someone told me you must not read the Qur'an unless you've just washed your body (got out the bath or shower) is this true? I am confuse as i have seen a woman sitting on the bus reading through hers. Also an Arab girl once told me its ok for me to read islamic books but not to touch the Arabic writing, is that true? I am also wondering what SWT means and the word Ameen. Sorry so many questions but any answers would be very helpful


Junior Member

You need ablution (wudhu) for certain acts of worship, such as praying (salaah) and reading qur'aan. The lady on the bus who was reading the qur'aan proberbly made ablution before she went out. You don't need wudhu if your going to read the translation of the qur'aan but the qur'aan with arabic text.

SWT is short for subhaanahu wa ta'alaa, and means 'May He be glorified and exalted', which is commonly said after one mentions Allaah.

Ameen means amen, which we say after making du'aa (supplication). Ameen means like may Allaah make it come true.

This is how to make wudhu:

Hope that helps.

Edit: You may see people using SAW, which is short for Sal Allaahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallaam, which means 'peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him', which is said after mentioning Prophet Muhammad.


Praise be to Allah!
By saying arabic writings you mean just any arabic writing (i.e. arabic other than the Qur'aan) then people have a common misconceptions that if any book is written in arabic (or has arabic writings) then it is not permissible to touch that book and this is completely wrong, rather the ruling only applies to that arabic which is from the Qur'aan.

As for touching islaamic books that have a few Qur'aanic verses in them, then it is permissible to touch them without wudoo' or in a state of impurity

Also SWT is short for "Subhaanahu wa t`aala" which means 'Glorified is He, the Most High' (referring to Allaah)


New Member
Thank you for ur replys

I cant understand Arabic so to make it clear if i read the Qur'an in English i dont need ablution?


Junior Member
No you don't need wudhu if your going to read the translation of the qur'aan, because it is not the qur'aan but the translation/meaning of the qur'aan.


to Allah we belong
Someone told me you must not read the Qur'an unless you've just washed your body (got out the bath or shower) is this true? I am confuse as i have seen a woman sitting on the bus reading through hers. Also an Arab girl once told me its ok for me to read islamic books but not to touch the Arabic writing, is that true? I am also wondering what SWT means and the word Ameen. Sorry so many questions but any answers would be very helpful

1. to touch Holy Quran:
a.if in janaba state (ritual impurity), ghusl (bath) is needed.
b. if not, then only wudu.

2. to read Holy Quran from mind:
a. no need of wudu

3. to touch Islamic books:
a. if Quranic verses are less then 50% of book, no need of wudu.
b. but you must not touch those Quranic verses with hand.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
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As-salamu 'Aleykum!!

Wecome to the site sister. May you benefit from here:)

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