Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu.


Not afraid of you.

Hello everybody. I'm Jaffar Abduraheem. I'm a student at ITT Tech here in Minnesota. I reverted to Islam almost 2 years ago while serving in the Navy and now I'm just trying to make my way and please Allah (swt) in the process.


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Wa alaikumusalaam waramatullaah,

Mashaa'Allaah! welcome to the forum and Inshaa'Allaah you benefit from it greatly. May Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala keep you steadfast towards Islaam Aameen.


Subhana Allah!
welcome to tti

:SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: to islam and tti, Alhamdulilah (praise be to Allah that guided u to the right path. may Allah subhana wata'ala incresae ur knowledge in islam ameen:tti_sister:


وعليكم السلام
Welcome to TTI, brother. :SMILY206: I hope you will benefit from TTI, inshallah.

abdul hai

One Flag, One cause
Salam by brother, and welcome to TTI, may Allah (SWT), may Allah (SWT) reward you with great knowledge
