Be Careful Who You Take Your Deen From!


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Shaykh Ahmad Ibn 'Umar Bazmool
A lecture based upon the famous statement of Muhammad Ibn Sereen: "This knowledge is a matter of deen, so be careful who you take your deen from."


Due to the weakness in the Ummah and lack of comprehension of the pure Islamic methodology, it is common in our time that an ignorant person is taken as a person of knowledge, and that an ignorant person assumes the role and responsibility of a speaker and caller to Islaam. Despite the mountain of statements from the Salaf, the likes of al-Laalikaaee, al-Barabahaaree, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Sireen and so on imploring the Muslims to stick to the Scholars, the people of sunnah (the jama'aah) and to stay away from doubtful matters.

So before seeking to sit in a gathering, have you asked yourself:
- Is this person known to the scholars or their students?
- Does he have tazkiyaat of any sort?
- Who are his companions (from whom does he sit with)?
- Does he frequent the gatherings of Ahlus-Sunnah, their masaajid, seminars, lectures etc.?
- What do the people of Sunnah and Salafiyyah in his area say about him?
- Does he cooperate with Ahlul-Bid'ah, their masaajid and programmes (is he here, there and everywhere)?

Do you put up these roadblocks in your mind before setting out to seek knowledge with a man? Seeing that it is from the most important affairs you could ever set out upon...your salvation, your 'aqeedah, your path towards paradise insha'Allaah

Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool states:

'...This is how important this is, this knowledge is deen, something that he will be raised with on the day of judgment...the Muslim must look and take his deen from Ahlus-Sunnah, as-Salafiyyoon, known for knowledge, being upright and having taqwaa'

'Imaam Maalik said it is not enough for someone to be a worshipper, and to be known for Zuhd, outward expression of worship, that you take from them...but they did not take from them because that was not their affair (knowledge), they were worshippers that's all. In this time we see someone who has a lihyah (beard), his thobe above his ankles and he is then the muftee of his area, this is a mistake!'

'It is forbidden for the one who is asked and doesn't know, to answer. Likewise it is haraam for the one to ask one who doesn't know...he has to ask the scholar...if you had a medical situation, would we go to a mechanic? And if we had a problem with our car, would we go to a we would go to each individual who is a specialist in their when it comes to the issue of deen, we must go to the scholars, it is not right to ask (just) anybody or do what everyone else is doing.'

''Abu Dardaa' went to the masjid one day (in the time of the tabi’een) and he observed the people praying differently than according to the Sunnah, so he came home angry and his wife (Umm Dardaa') asked him what has made you angry? He said, 'By Allaah I don't see anything from the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) except praying together (meaning that they had abandoned much of the Sunnah). This is his statement whilst he was close to the time of the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). So what about know? 1400 years after that, are general masses upon Sunnah? Are the general masses upon knowledge? No! Rather we should follow the scholars!'

From the other points discussed:

An Important point is made about leaving off taking knowledge even from the one who speaks with the 'Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah yet he has hizbiyyah with him or Surooriyyah with him (i.e. someone simply speaking with the haqq doesn't make him a person of knowledge or a person to sit with)
The corrupt principle of 'taking the good/leaving the bad', making oneself a private investigator into the affairs of many people of many different beliefs and then appointing oneself as the criterion between what to take and what to leave (not realising that he, himself, is ignorant, he can't protect himself from this fitnah and this isn't from the manhaj of Ahlus-Sunnah to sit with Ahlul-Bid'ah in this regard)


Staff member

Yes this is seen often, and I see it even on this site.

people dont understand where and how to get knowledge of Islam.

They just like to listen to people who have fancy speech and who say what they want to hear them say, without realising how dangerous these individuals are, let alone Ignorant.

This is one of signs of day of judgement that our true Ulema' be few and those who are ignorant be taken as scholars. Astaghfirullah.


Junior Member
yes,you're right

yes,you're right..
it's important to learn about our deen from qur'an, on
before ur post..
i was dunno this...just only qur'an..
but when i start to read in islam...i start to love islam alot..
i understand islam...
before,that i was understand it....but, ppl's in school..who called"aakhon muslimen"

they always come to my department...
and said"ur study're wrong,ur clothes 're on"

and i hate this way...or anyone say to me..
"u're wrong"

they're not scholar to tell me that...
even if they're like that...Give my proove...
but ,they don't give u anything
just what they know"haram.."

but "if u ask ,why haram..."u'll find no answer..

i love ..when some one talk say ,if he talks about hijab ,make up ,for example
"u don't need anything..u're pretty...allah would be proud of u,mohamed <pbuh> proud of u,islam always worried about women.."
i like this
"not..u're wrong,haram,ur place 's hell"

i didn't know alot about islam before...but i know nice guy...he said to me"u need to learn islam with proove"
he was right...
now,i do my learn islam with proove...


Junior Member

i think...if someone wants talk about islam
and advice someone..he/she have to be nice...
not make it too hard for understand...

i don't think prophet mohamed was saying "ur place 's on "
"he was great..nice while he was talking"
i read alottttttt about his nice character

i think if someone wants to be scholar..after he finish his study....he supposed talk
communication skills course...if he dunno
but,i think their teachers...learn them to talk on

Jazakallah khair for this informative post. We should always confirm statements in accordance to the Quran & Sunnah.


:ma:!! very informative post!! We should be careful from where we take from inshallah. We should always verify our information!! Jazakallahu Khairan!!:hijabi:


الفقير الى الله

this is a very important issue masha Allah, i think i'm going to bump it :) so that those who haven't read it can benefit from it.

if the modz think that my action is wrong (i.e. bumping an old thread) please tell me, because in regular forum bumping up an old thread is usually forbidden.


Love Fishing

this is a very important issue masha Allah, i think i'm going to bump it :) so that those who haven't read it can benefit from it.

if the modz think that my action is wrong (i.e. bumping an old thread) please tell me, because in regular forum bumping up an old thread is usually forbidden.
At least you made me read it and at the correct time masha Allah.
jazaka Allah khair


الفقير الى الله
At least you made me read it and at the correct time masha Allah.
jazaka Allah khair


wa iyyaaki ukhti, i was browsing through the old threads and found a lot of threads posted by the modz and original members of TTI that contain lots of beneficial and very important issues such as this one, but it seemed neglected and only had small number of replies or even none at all, that's why i bumped it.


Love Fishing

wa iyyaaki ukhti, i was browsing through the old threads and found a lot of threads posted by the modz and original members of TTI that contain lots of beneficial and very important issues such as this one, but it seemed neglected and only had small number of replies or even none at all, that's why i bumped it.
So please feel free to bump more threads which you think will be beneficial for everyone in sha Allah :)


Junior Member
Assalamou A'alaikoum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatu

macha'allh what a great thread.

I would like to point out who the people are that we take our knowledge from:

Who Are Those From Whom Knowledge Is To Be Acquired

Ibn Abdul Barr (rahimahullaah) said in Jaami Bayaan Al-Ilm Wa-Fadlihi: 'The Scholars are the People of the narrations---those who possess understanding of the (narrations) and have excelled in it with proficiency, distinction and understanding. So the one whom knowledge is to be acquired from just as it is acquired from the Scholars-- is one described with the following qualities and has fulfilled the following conditions:

Firstly: He is to be one who follows that which is (contained) in the Book and the Sunnah. He is neither to be one who gives precedence to (his) views and intellect, nor to current affairs, politics or other affairs, over the Book and the Sunnah.

Secondly: He is to be one who confines and restricts (himself) within the understanding of the Book and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf of the Ummah.

Thirdly: He is to be one upon obedience (to Allaah) and keeps away from disobedience and sins.

Fourthly: He is to be one distanced from bidah, misguidance and ignorance, and one who warns against these (affairs).

Fifthly: He is to be one who fears Allaah.

Sixthly: He is to be from the people of understanding and research (based on the Book and the Sunnah)

Wa'alaikoum Assalam wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatu