:Biggest Obstacle in establishment of Khilafah:

:Biggest Obstacle in establishment of Khilafah:

  • 1) Anti-Islamic operative forces (including propagation of misconceptions about Islam)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2) Absence of implementation of Shariah in Islamic world to serve as role models to Non-Muslims.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3) Sectarian divisions in contemporary Ummah.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4) Absence of network and coordination in Dawah activities that go round the globe.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5) Absence of Ikhlas and Akhlaq in Muslims as general that repel Non-Muslims from Islam.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 6) Combined social,economic and political factors (self interests)+Nationalism.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 7) Lack of Ilm (understanding of Deen) and hence zeal in Muslims as general to go for Dawah.

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • 8) Inclination of Muslim youths towards west.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9) Surrender of Muslims in general to their worldly lusts and desires.

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum:

It would interesting to know,what members from TTI,consider biggest contemporary obstacle in establishment of Khilafah on the Globe?

It has been 1400+ years since when Divine guidelines were revealed to Muhammad (SAW) and still Muslims constitute less than 1/4 of world's population. How many still perish,never being exposed to Divine truth?. Isn't it an irony?



Junior Member
Peope that do not know what Tawheed is. They dont know where Allaah is. They dont know what hadith is. So I would vote for #7... Lack of Knowledge.


Junior Member
Peope that do not know what Tawheed is. They dont know where Allaah is. They dont know what hadith is. So I would vote for #7... Lack of Knowledge.


I'd second that. Tawheed is the most important and first thing to be established. There should unanimous agreement on that first. Everything starts from there.



Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum:

Only eight members polled. My Br's and Sis's in faith,give momentum to this poll,the diversity of opinions would shed a light on this topic.

It is a sort of riddle for me,why innumerable human beings perish,without being exposed to Divine truth.?



As'alaamu Alaikkum

Do you mean a Khalifate where a ruler oversees all Islamic affairs like the Pope in Rome or like the Khlifas like Abu Bakr, Uthman etc?


Junior Member
As'alaamu Alaikkum

Do you mean a Khalifate where a ruler oversees all Islamic affairs like the Pope in Rome or like the Khlifas like Abu Bakr, Uthman etc?

Walikum Assalam.

Ya,correct that is establishment of Khilafah on our planet or in other words imposition of Divine system world wide and with simultaneously discarding man made laws and all political systems.



Walikum Assalam.

Ya,correct that is establishment of Khilafah on our planet or in other words imposition of Divine system world wide and with simultaneously discarding man made laws and all political systems.


This will never work in the modern age because as human beings we naturally crave power and whomever is chosen will abuse this power. Just look at all the dictators in the Mulsim world, power is an aphrodisiac for human beings. The nearest comparison we can make is with the Catholic church which is ruled from Rome, in the past these Pontiffs abused their power and were responsible for genocides. Who is to say this will not happen with the new Khalifate?

The best I can suggest is a an 'ULEMA Council' where a group of people will oversee all Muslim matters, of course referring everything to the law of Sharia.