Brave Israeli solider !! ( funny specially 4 israelis)

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Tamed Brother
You are correct God cant be unjust, but a thief can and does what he does because he is selfish. Not only whites are racist. We all are racist in some form or another and that includes you and me. Slavery was not only practised by christianity but islam as well.

No sir, it seems you are looking for excuses when excuses are inexcusable That is not what this is all about. It is our duty to cast aside the evil inherent in ourselves and put God first.


I see you very active here in replying everyone. Would you please like to answer the following two videos from the voice of your conscience and not your justifications producer brain:





Junior Member
The 2 videos.


I see you very active here in replying everyone. Would you please like to answer the following two videos from the voice of your conscience and not your justifications producer brain:



Thanks for those 2 videos. Yes there is a great deal in what they say. Deedat says certain things which are based on his opinion and his opinion alone. It is clear he has not studied the scriptures in detail, but nevertheless none of those videos address the fact that we must put God first and cast aside our enmity for one another. Deedat does nothing of the sort. Nevertheless he does have some salient points which I do not dispute. But that is only a fraction of the whole picture in our committment to God our Father.


Junior Member
Evil Jews?


This video is NOT funny.

This is simply motivation to Israeli soldiers that next time they face stoning boys, they should not avoid firing bullets at them and running away, instead they should kill them at spot.

Please have practical aspects of faith to stop the evil jews (zionists) , instead of just watching their videos for fun. This time he did not kill, but next time when he kills a boy then it wont be funny, will it be?

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