Can Israel handle attacks from....

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Servant of Allah
Sorry sis if any of the above replies offended you. knowing that you are a new muslim i would suggest you to just forgive and be patient of what ppl say or different opinions by different people. you right ppl are not the same, some see an issue in a way while others think the opposite but it just a matter of opinion and ppl make mistakes in reciting the quran and transalating as we are just humans. it is not a big deal . may allah bless you all


ukhtikum fillaah

I am a new muslim and you know what, I forget often....excuse me.

Gosh, you know not sure where I got that from exactly, I believe I read it from tti since I don't frequent any other islamic sites, must have been from a link here along the line.......

Finally, I wish you people would stop talking to me like I have done something to the palestinians or I am guilty of their torture. ........

I hope God forgives me for saying this....but sometimes I wish I could just believe in God and the prophets and not identify myself with muslims at all. I apparently are not acceptable to you as I don't think along the hard jaded lines that you do. Forgive me but I grew up in a different society, albeit sheltered. So I don't know much about issues outside my borders.....and yeah frankly in the past I didn't care....but I believe that diplomacy is best. I believe EVERY life was given by God and should be taken by GOD alone.


As salaamu aleykum wa rahmatullah

I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean to sound harsh, that was just my advice to you as a sister in Islaam.

I am also a convert and not very old one, and I have to say it hurts me very much to see and hear about sufferings of my brothers and sisters in Islaam all over the world. It hurts me that I cannot do much.
And then, you have to understand, it irritates me when a muslim seems to sympathize with the ones working against Islaam and fighting without shame against muslims.

I'm also not from a muslim country but alhamdulillaah, we have all this technology today to find out more.
Also I trust more to what righteous muslims have witnessed than what some dude from tv says who have seen the war only in video games.
I would like you to trust muslims more rather than american media.

The translation what you have is incorrect I think, as I compared, that's why I asked.

Yes every life is given by Allaah, but you have to understand that no one dies or gets killed but by the will of Allaah; if that is meant to be, we have to accept that. That is al-qadr, [SIZE=-1]the Divine Decree.
[/SIZE]And Allaah The Most Just gave us the right to defend ourselves against those who are driving us out from our lands.

Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final Return.
(Al-Mumtahinah 60:4)

wa salaam



I replied in a similar to post to Sister Dianek. She helps everyone by asking questions. Why do Muslims have a deep love and we go blastic when it comes to other Muslims. Why are we so helpless..what is the glue that keeps us connected. She raised an intersting point..until she reverted she was unaware of the larger issues in the world. She is attempting to learn and as she learns she helps us to teach those who are young and new reverts. As her veils of ignorance are lifted so are ours.

warda A



Do you really believe an attack on Israel will solve the problem?
Does anyone remember the last wars of 1945 and 1967?
(i hope the dates are correct), those wars were fought by all Arab nations against Israel and guess what ? what gain did they get? nothing, because Israel had help and will have help always.
That is the painful truth!
Palestinians should first and foremost stop internal squabbles, who will take a people fighting amongst themselves seriously? If they had unity then people would listen but if they themselves are divided then their enemies have a foot hold by dividing them more.
(the colonial choice of divide and rule)it really works.

now i get off point: most Americans are grew up in a sheltered environment (meaning they are ignorant of the world outside of USA) nobody argue, as Dianek is concerned we are teaching each other about our differences, and am glad and agree with Mirajmom on this we are trying to cure our ignorances.even though people have difference of opinion, we should learn how to respect one another.
There is a verse that goes like this : did I not create you into different nations so that you may live in harmony? (someone elaborate &i will check exactly which verse inshallah)

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

I think you forgot some wars as 1956 and 1973.

Also the first Intifada what started at 1987 and second one 2000.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

Do you really believe an attack on Israel will solve the problem?


You are right in this matter; we don´t need more wars. We need brains and intelligence, not more weapons. The pen is the most powerfull weapon in this world and will to use it by right way.


Junior Member
Salam. Lets look at things from a historic point of view. In the past Jerusalam/palestine was brutally taken away from this ummah by the crusaders. At that time the muslim/arab lands was paralysed by internal conflicits, so the sacking of jersualam and the killing of its people occurred and the arab world did nothing. No response at all. And this remained the situation for nearly 1 century. So how did we get it back?

Well lets see what happen... salahadeen after becoming amir of egypt started a unique campaign in the arab world, to conquer each arab state and to install proper governance, this took him decades to do. Once this was achieved, a unity of purpose was created in the arabworld, the feuding arab factions were united and then able to counter attack the crusaders. Whilst this was happening, there was a complete reversal of power in the middle east ie the cruader kingdom was at its weakness due to internal conflicits and the arab muslims were finally united. Only then in his 50s did he decide the ummah was ready. When he became amir of egypt, he still had a army that he could have used, but salahadeen knew, theyre werent ready, the ummah wasnt ready.

Similar today, history is repeating itself. The arabworld also now the greater muslim world has no unity, or sense of purpose, just like in the past during salahdeens time. Until all the feuding factions we see today unity, then victory cannot come. If you think hamas, hizbollah and the other small feuding factions will do it, then think again, cos i doubt that allah will give victory to muslim groups who he knows will only then go onto fighting each other for power/control of the land. So until we sort out our own problems, then the cycles of violence and destruction will continue until the people of this ummah decide to change their strategy.


Junior Member
As salaamu aleykum wa rahmatullah

I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean to sound harsh, that was just my advice to you as a sister in Islaam.

I am also a convert and not very old one, and I have to say it hurts me very much to see and hear about sufferings of my brothers and sisters in Islaam all over the world. It hurts me that I cannot do much.
And then, you have to understand, it irritates me when a muslim seems to sympathize with the ones working against Islaam and fighting without shame against muslims.

I'm also not from a muslim country but alhamdulillaah, we have all this technology today to find out more.
Also I trust more to what righteous muslims have witnessed than what some dude from tv says who have seen the war only in video games.
I would like you to trust muslims more rather than american media.

The translation what you have is incorrect I think, as I compared, that's why I asked.

Yes every life is given by Allaah, but you have to understand that no one dies or gets killed but by the will of Allaah; if that is meant to be, we have to accept that. That is al-qadr, [SIZE=-1]the Divine Decree.
[/SIZE]And Allaah The Most Just gave us the right to defend ourselves against those who are driving us out from our lands.

Our Lord! In You (Alone) we put our trust, and to You (Alone) we turn in repentance, and to You (Alone) is (our) final Return.
(Al-Mumtahinah 60:4)

wa salaam

So you are saying that God puts it in another mans heart to go out and kill? Then accept that God is making Israel do what they do? If all that is going on over there is meant to be, then why is everyone so angry about it. Sit back stop arguing and let God do his job then. I am sorry, but I don't think God intended for them to kill each other, that is the devils work.



Let us not get into arguments that are unacceptable in Islam. We can never assume what Allah would do.
Sister Dianek, we have to understand the precepts of Islam are different from Christianity. I often see the "turn the other cheek" philosophy in your writings. That is also Islam but there comes a time when the ummath needs to unite for the sake of Islam. What I am reading is many people do not see the Palestine cause as an Islamic cause.
Islam teaches us to forgive,but this is not the time to forgive. Not yet, once the people of Palestine are reinstated into thier rightful homes they will Insha'Allah practice forgiveness. At this time they are fighting for survival with us not helping.


ukhtikum fillaah
So you are saying that God puts it in another mans heart to go out and kill? Then accept that God is making Israel do what they do? If all that is going on over there is meant to be, then why is everyone so angry about it. Sit back stop arguing and let God do his job then. I am sorry, but I don't think God intended for them to kill each other, that is the devils work.

As Salaamu aleykum sister,

First I have ask you not to twist my words and not to lie about me calling you a traitor (in another thread). Show me where I said that? You have some issues or complex, and I pray to Allaah that you deal with it. You should fear of His displeasure when you are saying false things about any of His slaves.

Second thing, sister. You said by yourself that you don't know much about this issue and you are new to Islaam, and before Islaam you actually didn't care about Palestine and what is going on there. Fine. It's good that you are honest, and if you don't know much the best thing to do is not getting into this type of discussions.
Sister, this conflict has long history, it didn't start since you opened your news channel, and many times there have been peace treaties and many times Jews broke them.
They are the ones who earned Allaah´s wreath, they are the ones who tried to kill all the Prophets, they are the ones who are open enemies to Islaam and to muslims! They are driving muslims out of their lands and the whole world is just silently supporting it. If the muslims would be in israelis place and doing what israelis are doing be sure that your country would bombard them twenty times by now.
Sister, friendly advice, forget these political issues and focus on your Islamic studies. Learn arabic, study Qur'an, devote yourself to please Your Lord, don't waste your time in discussions with me about this. I will also try to stay away insha'Allaah.
About Allaah's will...

And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things.
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #17)
Say: "Who is he who can protect you from Allah if He intends to harm you, or intends mercy on you?" And they will not find, besides Allah, for themselves any Walee (protector, supporter, etc.) or any helper.
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #17)
And verily, if you ask them: "Who created the heavens and the earth?" Surely, they will say: "Allah (has created them)." Say: "Tell me then, the things that you invoke besides Allah, if Allah intended some harm for me, could they remove His harm, or if He (Allah) intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His Mercy?" Say : "Sufficient for me is Allah; in Him those who trust (i.e. believers) must put their trust."
( سورة الزمر , Az-Zumar, Chapter #39, Verse #38)
Secret counsels (conspiracies) are only from Shaitan (Satan), in order that he may cause grief to the believers. But he cannot harm them in the least, except as Allah permits, and in Allah let the believers put their trust .
( سورة المجادلة , Al-Mujadila, Chapter #58, Verse #10)
Say "In Whose Hand is the sovereignty of everything (i.e. treasures of each and everything)? And He protects (all), while against Whom there is no protector, (i.e. if Allah saves anyone none can punish or harm him, and if Allah punishes or harms anyone none can save him), if you know." (Tafsir Al-Qurtubee, Vol. 12, Page 145)
( سورة المؤمنون , Al-Mumenoon, Chapter #23, Verse #88)

Allaah's knowledge encompasses all...past present future, whatever is going on is not necessarily Allaah's pleasure, but of course is in His knowledge..
so killings should stop of course
but so should the opression stop
and israelis are doing the opression.

May Allaah increase you in knowledge and faith, may He bless you and protect you from the harm. Amiin.

May Allaah reward with good in both worlds sister mirajmom for her wise words.Amiin.

May Allaah help our brothers and sisters under opression, may He give them patience and victory over the transgressors.Amiin.

wa salaam.


Staff member

This is not political discussion site, it is Islamic one,

We dont have time to babysit people who get emotional and go off on tangents that have no basis in Islam.

Therefore it is locked. Maybe, even this section will be closed!! A lot of people have complained about arguing.

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