Can someone help me? I have a question that i need help solved with....


New Member
Assalam alakium brothers and sisters,

I have a really good friend who i grew up with and i have known him for 22years, the other we were talking and he is not religious, he is some what buddhist and he believes the in mind and soul, and, and you do good things and it will come back to you some how, mother nature all that stuff, he dose not believe in god. He said "he creates himself" and that he is god over himself, as in working to achieve the things in life he wants. I told him you are in wrong error to say and talk in that way, and the consequence for you is punishable, of course he don;t believe so should i send him the quran? or do i just let it go and let him believe what he believes?


I'm not what you believe
salam 'alikum,
he says "created himself"?can he move the mountains?can he send the rain,can he set/rise the sun?can he stay awake all day long thinking for the humanity's need?he's god of nothing,neither of himself,Allah will decide how and when he'll finishes his days.if you try to be gentle with your friend you should show him the truth and if he doesn't accept it you should stay far from him because he's not a true friend


1 Ummah under God
wa'alaikum as'salaam,

I would ask him if he would be open to reading the Quran, if not then it'll just be a waste and just be thrown around. Also, if you do send one then send a English copy only, not english and arabic like most qurans are as they will be handled by non-muslims and will be disrespected because they don't know the etiquette of handling the arabic quran .


New Member
Thank you for the advice, it solved my solution. I do have to stay calm because it dose make me upset and the last thing i want to do is have a big argument with him, where it will lead no where. I think another part of the reason he say's that is to push my buttons, i've kept my cool.

May Allah bless both of you and may he keep us steadfast.
salam 'alikum,
he says "created himself"?can he move the mountains?can he send the rain,can he set/rise the sun?can he stay awake all day long thinking for the humanity's need?he's god of nothing,neither of himself,Allah will decide how and when he'll finishes his days.if you try to be gentle with your friend you should show him the truth and if he doesn't accept it you should stay far from him because he's not a true friend

Wa 'alaikum salaam wa rahmatuLLaahi wa barakaatuhu. I am pleased with this opinion.

I know that Allaahu Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala is uncreated, that Allaahu Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala never create His own self, because He would not cause the name "The God and the Only God," that is Al 'Azhiiman and righteous to emerge, by then.

Allaahu Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala worships His own self, because He wanted to be more Spiritual and always be too Spiritual, that voice inside His own heart which He always following and what He has always been following. That He is already become the Perfect one, this fact beyond the existences of everything and beyond any ideas.

Wassalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatuLLaahi wa barakaatuhu.