Curious Question on interfaith Marriage


Junior Member
if a muslim guy marries a xtian woman, lets say catholic or sth, does the rules still apply to the woman?that she will not get jannah in the hereafter since she's not muslim?

if so, why are there many interfaith marriages around the world? wouldnt the husband feel guilty that the person he loves so dearly doesnt have a good chance, or a chance at all to enter jannah?

just pondering...hmm..


No God but Allah
Sometimes I ponder why Allh (God ) SWT. makes it permissible for the Muslim guys to get married to Christian or Jewish ladies. There must be a great wisdom in this.

I think it has something to do with the nature of the woman and the circumstances she might be brought up in. I mean that, in most cases, she hasn't got the same chance, as the man, to search for the truth and follow it.

She often needs the man to take her hand and show her many things she can't reach alone.That's why Allah, by His great Mercy, gives her that great chance to find the truth through her partner of life.

If we look at most cases of interfaith marriages, we'll notice that the wife chooses Islam before or after marriage. She is always deeply afected by her husband's good example in reflecting that wonderful religion.


if a muslim guy marries a xtian woman, lets say catholic or sth, does the rules still apply to the woman?that she will not get jannah in the hereafter since she's not muslim?

if so, why are there many interfaith marriages around the world? wouldnt the husband feel guilty that the person he loves so dearly doesnt have a good chance, or a chance at all to enter jannah?

just pondering...hmm..


she has a great chance on entering jannah! let me rephrase that. if her husband is indeed a practicing muslim, she has a great chance to enter jannah. if he is a practicing muslim he is following the quran and sunnah; therefore he is going to be a great model of a man and a husband, because after all he will be following the example of the greatest to ever walk this earth: muhammad:saw:. at the same time she is also burdened, because if she doesn't embrace islam, she doesn't have a reason why she didn't. if she were to die, she will be held accountable for not embracing islam. how could she not embrace islam? she was living with someone that was faithfully practicing his islam and she was seeing that truth in his daily life. from what i've seen in these marriages is that the woman usually converts. not only does she convert, but she becomes a great muslim. she becomes so good, you would think that she has been a muslim her whole life! Allah SWT has a plan in how he guides people to islam. i won't sugarcoat things. no one that has a religion other than islam will be accepted by Allah SWT. it's not a fatwa that i'm issuing, it's just common muslim concensus. just like practicing christians believe that non christians are going to hell. i pray that Allah guide the non muslim wives to islam.