dark ages america the beggining of the declin


Junior Member
assalamu aleikum, i wanted to share with you these intresting vid! however many reseaches and studies are talking about this even here in Europe the same signs everywhere this is the right time to do dawah brothers and sisters stay strong everything somehow happens for a reason Allah swt never breaks his promise to the truthfulones let`s take them out of jahiliya they won`t survive the change otherwise! we need to be generous enough and help them out yallah!



Junior Member
assalamu aleikum, i agree with you in all that you have said but a loss for the world!all these countries will have to learn humility whether they like it or not the world is changing and western imperialism is a lost cause some countries are making their voice louder they want their part of the cake power will change among nations as long as Allah swt keeps the world spinning the image of bruce willis saving the world is an old style scenario that doesn`t work anymore if you hear the stories of native americans and australian aborigenes you would fall down in tears if you are a muslims with heart like one is supposed to be ,the cux cux clan the triangle trade the support of apartheid in south africa until recentlywith the approuval of the UN!zionism, so let`s leave that past and concentrate about the present , the futur i see no boundaries the whole world belongs to Allah swt and his will will prevail whether they like it or not!

ps.of course the Quran and Sunna must lead the way!


Junior Member
america is the victim of its own undoing and overlook their own faults and they actually cause muslims to cause the way they did( creating the state of israel etc)..its in this state because of what it has done to itself basically..a country of political corruption.

United states is not a powerful country as it is projected to be.Its a bankrupt natio and owed the world 14 trillion dollars and it is actuallt able to finance itself and the war and the supply of arms to israel thourgh the money that is lend to the united states by rich countries


Junior Member
What I meant by "America" was the values she was founded on: the constitution, bill of rights, freedom, democracy, etc., a beacon of light, inspiration and a role model for the whole world, not what America has become or the image it has projected since Rambo and Conan The Brabarian! America which founded the United Nations, UNICEF and the Peace Corps not the America that assassinated Dr. Mohammad Mosaddaq after he was freely elected president of Iran or rescued Israel from defeat in 1973.

assalamu aleikum brother America didn`t invent freedom democratie they build them with the blood and enslavement slaughtering systematic extermination of millions of blacks and native americans the United nations, nobel price...etc were invented to serve America and their allies and the statue of liberty they got it from france!and i would rather see Madina al munawara as a role model! at the beggining as a role model for the world not America sorry dear brother but we won`t agree there.:) jazakallah


Junior Member
That's Ok, brother. We can disagree and remain friends :)

I see America capable of doing enormous good but she's not doing it. With her influence in the world, America can, with the grace of God, end poverty and disease in Africa and elsewhere, be a role model for democracy and freedom, and lead scientific research. But she chose the wrong path especially since the eighties and I just hope she pauses and decides to go back to its foundation before she no longer can.

P.S. I hope you meant "Jazakallahu Khairan" ;)
assalamu aleikum, of course jazakallahu khairan dear brother and more than that may he grant youfirdaous inschallah and forgive us all.ameen:SMILY259:


Junior Member
Living in America....

From here spend about two to five min at least, each day doing something that can change peoples minds and the world for the better. By talking to them, setting a positive example, doing something for the environment, give someone some good useful sound knowledge. Something for humanity...

Did you know that wind power alone ( done the right way) could easily provide one fifth the energy needed to run America.


Ok... Want to help Americans... talk to them about this kind of stuff, warn them, this is what "Home Security" is planning. They are promoting this on FOX News again after the VA TECH shooting last week...
If they are Christian, and know their book of Revelations, it will remind them of something called the "mark of the beast"... but who knows they may just let this happen and not care... God help us!



Junior Member
assalamu aleikum, it is indeed scary for you people i ´ve heard about this before the next step after phone communication surveillance i guess!
it reminds me of the sheeps of eid al adha you know when you go pick them at the market they usely have numbers!i can not believe that this is happening so quickly, and that Ossama alone could achieve this is simply impossible he must certainly have had some helpers over there in the government or something all this sounds a little bit too phony anyways! worse than a dictatorship this scenario litterally portrays a jail like lifestyle!massonic order vision playing god!

wassalam brother bluefish Allah hafiz! wallahu akbar



Help me once again..please.
Democracy and America???
History Lesson 101.
1. Landed gentry: The Consitution was written to protect the minority.
we would not have needed the amendments.
2. Class division: 5% of the population owns 95% of the wealth.
3. Freedom of expression and religion. Ask Dr. Sami Al-Arian, and the list goes on.
4. Educate the population. You do not keep tenured scholars who make you think.
5. You create dummy tv with dummy news ( Fox ); you have pretty young women tell the news..you create the news..moon landing...
6. You do not allow poets into the country..they are dangerous..Pablo Neruda
7. Hollywood. You can recreate history.
8. Media. You change the meaning of words to fit your definition.
9. Jim Crow lives here..ask any Black american.
10. You create a disease and blame it on Africa: AIDS

I am feeling very sad now. Please if you are a Beliver know I am telling the truth because I know I must face Allah.


Dear brothers /sisters
First excuse my shallow English.
This is America as most un americans see it ( correct if iam wrong )

A merica has it is bright side but she did not do it for other's sake , it just do it for her interests only

America is an arm dealer living on human blood .

Most chemical used in wars made by America.

America consumes one forth world oil and comes out as pollution.

America refuses to sign world treaties , she is a bove law ,
( Global warming , a merican soldiers cant be involved in war criminal investigations , what are they permitted to kill randomly ????? )

U N is the most unjustice foundation on earth as we have five greates and one of them can obstacle any resolution . it should be called ( 5 N FIVE NATIONS )

America blackmails oil countries with vast un needed arm deals

The food trash of America can save all world poors .

America science and prosper is sold to others with high prices
(and it made mostly by immigrants )

America opposes the most democracy in world , that was elected in GAZA
Even she fights against it !!!!!

For about four thousands killed in new york ( which I donot agree on ) she killed millios in iraq and afghanistan and who knows what is coming.

America bets live better than more billion of humans !!!!

by the way i did not see the vids.


Junior Member
I didn't see the videos but just after reading the title of the thread I can say (personal opinion) that this is absolutly false. I'm a reasercher and I work in reaserch and I think that reaserch is a good indicator for the level of devolopment of one country.

I can tell you that America will experience a very long period of prosperity.
At the moment,they are light years ahead of all the world put together in terms of amount and quality of reaserch.

My humble opinion,


Junior Member
brother, there is a big difference between supporting and telling his/her objective opinion. I wonder how, from my previous post, do you infer that I'm a US supporter?:astag:

There is two kind of attitudes: people who stay passive and pray Allah that America goes into dark ages and other people who pray Allah also but they try to progress, work hard, do their best to learn, etc. I definitely belong to the second group of people.



:salam2: brother Adam,
I apologise brother, but my post was not directed towards you and neither I beleive that you are a supporter of America. You can read some of the previous posts and then decide.


Staff member
Assalamu alaykum,

first of all, this is not a topic that should be in the TurnToIslam lounge. It is more for News/Politics/Current affairs area.

Secondly, the videos do not work, so I have removed the links.

I agree with brother Adam!!!

Why do people have to be so pessimistic. Islamically, our current situations root problem is not America, nor any group of people. It is us. It is all down to us. A person just has to do a quick tour of most Muslim countries to see how away from Islam they are.

This is the main problem, this is what makes us weak, and this is what allows our people to get pushed around and our rights squashed.

Even if there was NO America, imagine it did not exist at all, --- Muslims would still be in the same situation as today!! infact, even if there were no Non-Muslim states in the entire world, we would still be suffering and having problems.

That is simply due to the lack of knowledge of Islam, people not worshipping Allah properly and not following the Sunnah of the Messenger :saw:.

I think, people really need to think carefully before they write things. I had to delete a few ignorant comments.

infact, a lot of this political talk is a big waste of time. I wonder how many of us here know one juzz of the quran, know the categories of tawheed and the evidence from the quran and sunnah for each one, know the conditions of the Shahada and evidences for it, or even know one hadith with Isnaad.

Yet, people rush to talk politics. There can never be a true understanding of the world, current affairs or political issues without understanding Islam properly.

This section (News and Politics section) was created to educate people on current affairs where there was lack of correct information. For example, to report on the Muslim civillian casualties in wars etc or to give news about conflict in Palestine which does not get the correct exposure in the media. It was created so people know Muslims not terrorists, so that people are aware of our situation.

This section of the site, was not created for people to waste their time bashing different countries or talking about their demise. - Plus, it is not good for da'wah as MOST non-Muslims have no idea about why anyone would say such things.

I get a lot of complaints from Muslims and non-Muslims about the News/Politics section of the website. 90% of which are legitimate problems. For example, where some over excited person rants on and on about how a certain people are evil etc, this kind of talk is not Islamic nor something that a sensible educated person would ever embark upon.
