Did u Drink blood of brother today??

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Is Lowes an Isreali company? For anyone who lives in America; you might know what it is. It's Like Home Depot but it's a new store and company and everyone likes it; but I'm getting really suspicous if it might be. We bought a lot of stuff from Lowes and I really want to know if it's Isreali. :(




[/U]. You could sit all day and pray that you win a nobel prize for Physics, but unless you get off your backside and actually pull out a physics book and try and discover something new, nothing will happen.
Probably the wisest opinion I heard on this board in ages :D
Couldn't have said it better.

Same with trying to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Yes, it's good to understand that not following the basics of Islam is a method of helping the enemies of Islam. But refusing to even acknowledge WHO the enemies are at all is also a mistake.
You're on a roll brother!
Where were you before on a muffin? :SMILY335: sorry for the lame joke.

About trusting in Allah (swt), that is very important. We must all put out trust in Allah. But there is a hadith (heard it at the mosque..I'll try find it if I can), where a man went to the mosque to pray, and the Prophet :saw: entered and asked "who left their camel untied?", and the man replied, "I did, I trust in Allah (swt) that my camel will not run away while I'm here to pray at the mosque". The Prophet's :saw: reply was "Go tie your camel and come back, and then put your trust in Allah (swt)."

Here is the exact Hadeeth.

One day Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (At-Tirmidhi).