george bush!!!


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

Well personally to want George Bush as president agian is a joke, simply for what he has done. Its been said that he has promoted Islam and made muslims stronger so to speak, well i personally put it as Allah (S.W.T) guided them. Also the pressures that are faced by the young in the west is plainly because of Bush and the media, talking rubbish and not showing the true side of the story, like certain documentaries have. Also i feel this could be why many muslims in the west are trying to be more western, like do haram things.

The real idiot here all along has been President Bush, and i cant believe there is a discussion about this.

Inshallah i made sense.



EDIT: I just went through the whole thread properly and pages 2-4 i think are utter nonsense :)

Love my islam

Junior Member
:salam2: brother Abdul hasib
If he shows remorse for what he did and if he ever changes his ways and becomes Muslim (that'll never happen because greediness make people want to always gain, and that's him), then it'll be okay. But don't count on it though.
Never say never brother because Allah guides whome He wishes.


A Believer In Heart
Assalamu alaykum,

First of all i did not real say he is an idiot i said he will be. Yes i do in my opinion. The problem is i don't hate the guy like some of us do. I just see his bad doing as a thing that would make us strong. I didn't think what he is doing is right and i don't favor him because of what he does.


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum,

I beleive there are good thing we as muslims got from Bush, like nonmuslim wouldn't know about Islam and he destory innocent lifes. I really agree both sides. I am stronger muslim than I was before 9/11 or Bush. I don't like him or hate him. I beleive he will get what he deserve on judegemnt. Please sisters and brothers be open mind and consider both sides. and try to controll your angry, angry does not solve anything. don't be harsh to each other like say idio

peace, love from dear sister
