Good News/Bad News


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Bad News:I will be really bored in my summer break!!!!
Good News: My cousin sister got married!!!

Wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh wa maghfiratuh

Bad news : She got divorced 2 weeks after (may Allah make all the marriages work well)

Good news : i'm invited to the restaurant :D


알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Bad News: When ur awake the bugs will be waiting 4 u.. lolz

Good News: I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO. LOOOLZ :D


Bad News: When ur awake the bugs will be waiting 4 u.. lolz

Good News: I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO. LOOOLZ :D

Bad news : they called you and said you had to pay extra fees :D :D

good news : i'm going to see a friend on wednesday inshaAllah :D


Always Alhamdulilah
Bad news: Your friend has already forgot that- don't wait :D :D

Good news: I have just finished the quran :D (made khitm)


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
But only once, wish it cud hav been more
Good news: I got d first rank in class

Miss Sunshine

New Member
oppppppssssssss, sorry i replied 2 the wrong message :S

bad news: it turns out they got it fact you came last! :p

good news: once again im goin egypt! :D


Daughter of Adam
bad news: but ur ramadan is going ver bad ( just joking)

good news: my ramadan is going well alhumdillah