
Saifu deen


I was just thinking about ways in which muslims can protect themselves from enemies.

I believe that we ''MUSLIMS'', must strengthen our Arabic language. Recently, many nations are actively seeking to learn Arabic Language for example, America, Britian, and Russia, while we ''muslims'' are negleting the Arabic language and religion. Its very important to learn various langauges, for example, English, French, and Spanish, which is a major advantage, but at the same time I believe that learning Arabic is also important if you are a muslim. (it is a key for our unity)

In fact it a shame because non-muslims do learn Arabic language for political reasons without negleting their main language. On the other hand, based on the muslim people are delibretly negleting Arabic language 'in the muslim world', and feel exteremly proud for learning English, and French language, etc. ''Globalisation''..

I believe that Muslims must learn the enemy's history, religion, language, tradition, WITHOUT negleting their own. In addition, I believe its by time that we learn Hebrew.

I think that the enemy will appear very weak if we learned their language. They really concentrate on the muslims weak points and hit them accordingly. Therefore, learning Hebrew will benefit us in various ways, which could be an improtant step to victory..

What do you think?..

Wassalamu Alykom...


Muslim Guy
I'd have voted Saifu Deen for Prime Minister if he was standing for the position!
That's a great idea. Never crossed my mind. Now it just goes down to the hardest part - and that's implementing it.


Staff member

It IS a great idea, learning Hebrew, ive wanted to for aaages ...couldnt quite figure out why...I guess it had something to do with the fact that my History teacher, during A level was fluent in Hebrew (and ancient greek and latin and german)....it was cool, although he tried to stick to teaching history only....lol but they do get suspicious, I remember asking him too much at one point and he goes...'Are you plotting against the israeli state young lady? thinking of infiltrating the Mossad by any chance? ' and i was like "er :eek: NOWAY - wouldnt dream of it sir! :confused:" :p

but yeh...bring on the hebrew...ah man....which Sahabi was it who mastered the ENTIRE language in just ...a few days or something? i forgot..:)


Junior Member

Who is the "enemy" in this case? Sorry I am trying to read between the lines to interpret your message and can't seem to make heads or tails of it. Why should we learn Hebrew?



Muslim Guy

Who is the "enemy" in this case? Sorry I am trying to read between the lines to interpret your message and can't seem to make heads or tails of it. Why should we learn Hebrew?

My Answer: The Zionist Israeli Hebrew-speaking IDF. (And the government officials too).
If we understood Hebrew, we'd have a better understanding on the discussions that are currently taking place on when to attack Iran.
Seriously, it'd be nice to understand what is published in the newspapers and what the Rabbis teach those Jewish settlers who know they are illegally taking over Palestinian land and treating them like garbage.


Staff member


Who is the "enemy" in this case? Sorry I am trying to read between the lines to interpret your message and can't seem to make heads or tails of it. Why should we learn Hebrew?

dna1987 said:
My Answer: The Zionist Israeli Hebrew-speaking IDF. (And the government officials too).
If we understood Hebrew, we'd have a better understanding on the discussions that are currently taking place on when to attack Iran.

I agree with dna, we need to wisen up. Zaid Ibn Haritha learned Hebrew after the Prophet (s) commanded him to because they needed a trustworthy interepreter for the letters written to the Muslims from the Jews. (He mastered it in just thirteen days by the way :))

...so where do we start...? how do we go about this - would a muslim be welcome in a hebrew class? :p

Saifu deen


Who is the "enemy" in this case? Sorry I am trying to read between the lines to interpret your message and can't seem to make heads or tails of it. Why should we learn Hebrew?



I think I have mentioned on my post, that we must learn the enemy's history, religion, tradition, and langauge for political reasons. The Zionists Israeli are the muslim's enemy whether we like it or not. Again, I think I've mentioned on my post that if we learn Hebrew that may lead muslims to victory. (Al-Quds)

If I have an enemy, I would like to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. Having read various articles, the Zionists are will prepared educationally, recruiting various people from different nationalities in order to obtain the master key ''language''.

According to the Kuwaiti newspaper ''Al-Anbaa'' March, 2006. The Zionists recruited 500 Somali people who are currently living in Israel for political reasons. They claim that there are important Jews who passed away in Somalia centuries ago. They believe that Somalia is for people of Israel . The pictures in the Newspaper clearly indicate the Jews graves in Somalia and how they are well protect it until today, and this story is well known among many Somalians.

I Know that no muslim nation would utter a word, if Somalia is invaded by the Zionists. In fact, they are occupying Somalia without their actual presence. They could invade any other muslim state easily if they control Somalia. I am scared that they can move easily to Makkah and Madinah, Yemen, UAE, and other countries via the Red Sea if they ever control Somalia. ( I hope muslims look it at from that point)..

Learning Hebrew is an important step to OUR victory..

Wassalamu Alykom.

Saifu deen

I'd have voted Saifu Deen for Prime Minister if he was standing for the position!
That's a great idea. Never crossed my mind. Now it just goes down to the hardest part - and that's implementing it.


Prime Minister,hehehehe, I wouldnt last an hour..:)

Allah (swt) knows how can we implement this. No muslim country would be interested on this at this stage, since we struggling to use Arabic language in the muslim countries. Many governments are working very hard to bring their country's tradition, and the use of Arabic language because of its importance or may be because they realised that a few people will speak Arabic in the next 10 to 20 years.

On the other hand, there are nations such as Egypt, not only they understand the importance of Arabic langauge, but they also learn Hebrew. (well at least for political objectives).. But their main objective is to protect Egypt, and not Islam.. I wish if we could do that for ISLAM.

Wassalamu Alykom..


Junior Member

I guess I've always felt the best way to battle your enemy is by first educating yourselves and building unity. The Ummah is in dire need of strengthening the infrastructure. We should be trying to help rebuild the Muslim nations in need such as Palestine, Afghanistan, and others.

We have a large number of illiterate Muslims in the world because they are struggling just to eck out a living on the land. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the wealthier nations of the Ummah sunk cash into building schools, hospitals, and mosques for these brothers and sisters? I would prefer us all to know a common language such as Arabic, before trying to "learn the language of our enemy." With unity like that we would truly be magnificent.

We must first start by supporting the poor and uneducated among us and making the Ummah shine. Truly there can be no greater weapon than a united people who form a glorious shield. There are many scholars and nonscholars (myself included) who can read, write and speak Hebrew and it has not done much in the way of the Ummah. Most Palestenians know Hebrew and it hasn't served them very well...because without us to support them it is just a means of dealing with check points.

I mean no offense by posting this but I just felt there were many ways, more constructive ways, of helping the Ummah than learning Hebrew.



user expired!

Junior Member

sorry bro but i disagree,

we need to know Arabic first before we even go near Hebrew.

we dont even know our own Language, the Language of The Quran, and Ahadith and you want us to jusmp to Hebrew?

ur not getting my vote for President!:)

Saifu deen


sorry bro but i disagree,

we need to know Arabic first before we even go near Hebrew.

we dont even know our own Language, the Language of The Quran, and Ahadith and you want us to jusmp to Hebrew?

ur not getting my vote for President!:)

I agree with you brother... I am the last human being who will ever be voted for...looooooool..:SMILY139:

I said in my post that we must learn Arabic first before we ever think to learn Hebrew. But yeah, totally agree with you but how????????

Wassalamu Alykom..


Junior Member

I've always wanted to learn arabic for academic and political purposes, and now also for religious purposes, but instruction is expensive and it's far from being top priority. For many Muslims they have nowhere to learn it.

I agree with shyhijabi - there are many more important things we, as Muslims, need to do, to unify, before learning Hebrew. Besides...Jews aren't the enemy, you don't need to learn Hebrew to "combat the enemy." If you mean Israelis then, they aren't all the enemy either. Zionists? Sure, but most don't speak Hebrew either. Besides, if the ummah is unified and we stop fighting amongst ourselves we'll be too strong - won't even need to know the "language of the enemy" (though I hate to use that term since it's so not true).


Muslim Guy

I've always wanted to learn arabic for academic and political purposes, and now also for religious purposes, but instruction is expensive and it's far from being top priority. For many Muslims they have nowhere to learn it.

I agree with shyhijabi - there are many more important things we, as Muslims, need to do, to unify, before learning Hebrew. Besides...Jews aren't the enemy, you don't need to learn Hebrew to "combat the enemy." If you mean Israelis then, they aren't all the enemy either. Zionists? Sure, but most don't speak Hebrew either. Besides, if the ummah is unified and we stop fighting amongst ourselves we'll be too strong - won't even need to know the "language of the enemy" (though I hate to use that term since it's so not true).

From what I've read of the online English versions of the Jerusalem Post and the comments posted at the end of the articles by users, such as "Arab language belongs to our enemy", it will be like returning the favour.


Junior Member
From what I've read of the online English versions of the Jerusalem Post and the comments posted at the end of the articles by users, such as "Arab language belongs to our enemy", it will be like returning the favour.


So their newspapers represent the opinions of every single Jew on the planet? Good to know. So I guess Fox News represents me because I'm an American. Cool.

Silly me, I thought Muslims might be above such childish behavior.


New Member
Staff member

I was just thinking about ways in which muslims can protect themselves from enemies.

I believe that we ''MUSLIMS'', must strengthen our Arabic language. Recently, many nations are actively seeking to learn Arabic Language for example, America, Britian, and Russia, while we ''muslims'' are negleting the Arabic language and religion. Its very important to learn various langauges, for example, English, French, and Spanish, which is a major advantage, but at the same time I believe that learning Arabic is also important if you are a muslim. (it is a key for our unity)

In fact it a shame because non-muslims do learn Arabic language for political reasons without negleting their main language. On the other hand, based on the muslim people are delibretly negleting Arabic language 'in the muslim world', and feel exteremly proud for learning English, and French language, etc. ''Globalisation''..

I believe that Muslims must learn the enemy's history, religion, language, tradition, WITHOUT negleting their own. In addition, I believe its by time that we learn Hebrew.

I think that the enemy will appear very weak if we learned their language. They really concentrate on the muslims weak points and hit them accordingly. Therefore, learning Hebrew will benefit us in various ways, which could be an improtant step to victory..

What do you think?..

Wassalamu Alykom...


we need to learn our deen, stay to quran and sunnah, know proper tawheed and aqeeda and definitelly learn arabic. We don't need hebrew, but if you know, alhamduliillah good for you. lIn one narration (ew kema qale) something of which resulullah s.vs said, that there is nothing good that i havent instructed you upon and there is nothing bad that i havent prevented you (or guided away) from. Like i myself, alhamduillah know english, german, bosnian and arabic (still learning more). However, i seem to be using english and bosnian the most and then arabic, but german not at all. It's nice to know more languages, but do we need them to be victorious in islam? We need to return and know quran and sunnah how the sahaba understood it, and then inshaAllah we will be victorious. It might be a long way, but inshaAllah the end will be good. Allah knows best.




bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq

I love learning languages but I have always been afraid to take the Hebrew classes at my university because the prof is not sooo Muslim friendly :(



Muslim Guy

So their newspapers represent the opinions of every single Jew on the planet? Good to know. So I guess Fox News represents me because I'm an American. Cool.

Silly me, I thought Muslims might be above such childish behavior.

Nope. Where did you get this "every single Jew" idea? You're taking "learning Hebrew" down to 'childish behaviour', that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

If you read my post that you quoted, or if you visit the Jerusalem Post site, you'd realise that the newspaper articles are much more "Islam-friendly" than the user comments made by individuals at the end of the article.

The original post made a good point, and did not suggest that one take up learning Hebrew before they have learnt things like Arabic first, and so on.
You yourself said:
kayleigh said:
I've always wanted to learn arabic for academic and political purposes.

So I don't think it makes sense to dislike anyone else learning Hebrew for the same academic and political reasons. If I knew Hebrew, I could understand better what Rabbis really teach and not have to wait for the few English speaking ones like Kahane or this guy.

Salam alaikum.




Well I would love to learn Hebrew someday but my priority is Arabic right now. The reason I'd like to learn it is that it is very close to Arabic and then again the Torah was revealved in it. It was the language of many prophets of Allah.

I'd like learn Aramaic too ..... but thats too much future planning ...lol.

Now the thing about the enemy stuff I personally think that HAQQ (truth) will always have its counterpart as without it how will we know what TRUTH is. It was the case at the time of Moses, Jesus and all the Prophets (peace be upon them all) and it was the same at the time of Muhammad (SAW) and it is still the same.

Many Jews were against Moses too and we all know what they did to Jesus as did the Mushrikeen of Arab with Muhammad (SAW) and then there were Munafiqeen too.

I was listening to a scholar and he said that the germs of flu attack all the bodies but the stronger the body the better it resists and fights against it. So the people will keep doing that but our way out is making ourself strong and united first.

Saying that he did this or that will only give us an illusionary excuse for not working together to help improve the state of Ummah.

May Allah SWT unite us and strengthen us.


Junior Member
Nope. Where did you get this "every single Jew" idea? You're taking "learning Hebrew" down to 'childish behaviour', that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

If you read my post that you quoted, or if you visit the Jerusalem Post site, you'd realise that the newspaper articles are much more "Islam-friendly" than the user comments made by individuals at the end of the article.

The original post made a good point, and did not suggest that one take up learning Hebrew before they have learnt things like Arabic first, and so on.
You yourself said:

So I don't think it makes sense to dislike anyone else learning Hebrew for the same academic and political reasons. If I knew Hebrew, I could understand better what Rabbis really teach and not have to wait for the few English speaking ones like Kahane or this guy.

Salam alaikum.


It becomes childish when we start to call Hebrew the language of the enemies, then excuse it by saying, "well, they said it first." Muslims should be the bigger people.

Learning it individually for political or academic reasons is fine, but you shouldn't be learning it because you think it's the language of the enemy which is what I object to, since they're not the enemy and it would be ridiculous to say such a thing. I'm sure plenty of French people don't like Muslims but I'm not about to go out and learn French to get back at them. If you never meant to say or insinuate anything like that then I apologize. That was just the feeling I got based on the OP and some other replies.

But, that rabbi - lol. I can't believe him. What a piece of work.