homs residents awaiting death


revert of many years
FRIDAY, 17 February 2012 Front PageMiddle EastInteHome Last Updated: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:31 am (KSA) 08:31 am (GMT) Homs residents awaiting death under heavy army bombardment: activist
Friday, 17 February 2012

Thousands of civilians have been killed by Syrian security forces since the uprising began last March. The government says more than 2,000 soldiers and police have been killed by foreign-backed “terrorists”. (Reuters) inShare.3By Al Arabiya With Agencies

Residents in Homs were “waiting to die of hunger or bombardment,” as government forces carried out their heaviest pounding of the central protest city in the past 14 days, an activist reached by telephone told Al Arabiya on Friday.


Hadi Abdullah, of the opposition General Commission of the Syrian Revolution, said there were three shelters in the town these could no longer accommodate people fleeing their homes every day in fear that they could fall victims of indiscriminate bombardment.

He said incessant bombing and shooting were preventing the evacuation and relief efforts in the city.

Earlier, Abdullah told AFP that that Syrian security forces carried out their heaviest pounding of the central protest city of Homs in the past 14 days on Friday.

“It’s the most violent in 14 days. It’s unbelievable - extreme violence the like of which we have never seen before, with an average of four rockets every minute,” Abdullah said.


sister herb

Official TTI Chef

Thanks to our islamic ummah and its silence our sisters and brothers will die in Homs.

Judgement Day we all are in response.



revert of many years

Thanks to our islamic ummah and its silence our sisters and brothers will die in Homs.

Judgement Day we all are in response.


shukran sister for your response...yes your right people will die because the islamic Ummah does not care enough,,every day now shiekhs are speaking out aboutAssad...and condemning him,,but who cares,,,
but if the west was killing muslims,,everyone would care


May Allah Forgive us

Sister you are wrong, nobody cares if Muslims are being killed be it by the kuffars in the west or their puppets like assad. As long as the muslim dying is not your son/daughter/brother/sister, as long as the raped is not related to you by blood or you don't know them personally the ummah remains quiet. Do you think this is new? Look back to the recent history, no body cared. And those who cared, they were given labels.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

may Allah help those people....
i usually have nightmares and once i dreamed someone was bombarding me with rockets, i cant explain how i felt, asking what i did to be so hated, why they hate me, why kill me, i was terrified....and was just a dream, i cant imagine how those people must feel right now when i type here....

our beloved prophet, peace be upon him, said he keeps his defending for his ummah until the judgment day....inchallah then all the accounts will be settled....



sister herb

Official TTI Chef

If you want to send help to Syria for medication pleace pm to me. People there need urgently medi help as Syrian borders are closed. I have contact to border area of Syria-Turkey and way how to help people there. Send me pm and I tell you more.

Medicals goes to people in Homs.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

I challenge you by 200$ I send alone to Homs at Monday.

:tti_sister: It may save someones life.


revert of many years

If you want to send help to Syria for medication pleace pm to me. People there need urgently medi help as Syrian borders are closed. I have contact to border area of Syria-Turkey and way how to help people there. Send me pm and I tell you more.

Medicals goes to people in Homs.

I challenge you by 200$ I send alone to Homs at Monday.

really mashallah ..let us all try to help inshallah


Assalaam walaikum,


I ask you do you know the entire situation from every angle. Do you have understanding of the Islamic perspective on this issue. I do not care about worldly issues. Do not condemn us to hell-fire as only Allah can.

What is the proper reaction to this from an Islamic point of view. I feel politics and nationalism have entered into the equation.


May Allah Forgive us

From the Islamic point of view Bashar Al Assad is a kaafir allawi. His minions forcing people to bow to his pictures. He is bombarding the masajids. He must be removed.

Abu Talib

Feeling low

This is a terrorist according to the devil bashar



Junior Member
The agreed upon Sharia (Islamic legal) rule states: (It is not permissible to remove an evil by a greater evil. Rather, it is obligatory to ward off evil by what removes or mitigates it). Warding off evil by means of a greater evil is not permitted, according to Ijma’ (consensus) of Muslims. If this group, which wants to remove this ruler, who is openly committing Kufr, has the ability to do so and they can bring a good righteous leader in his place, without this resulting in great corruption for the Muslims or a worse evil than the already existing, that is permissible. On the other hand, if rebellion would result in greater corruption, chaos, oppression, and the assassination of those who do not deserve to be assassinated, and other forms of major corruption, it is not permitted. It is obligatory, in this case, to be patient, and to hear and obey in what is Ma’ruf, offer sincere advice to the authorities, supplicate for them that they may be guided to the good, and to strive to reduce evil and increase good. This is the correct way that must be followed, because this is in the general interest of the Muslims and because it will reduce evil, increase good, keep the peace, and protect the Muslims from a greater evil.” Ibn Baz Fatwas vol. 8 pg. 203-204
Ibn Teen narrates from Al-Dawudi in Ibn Hajar’s Fath al-Bari, Vol.13, P.11/12, “The scholars have stated that if one is able to remove a transgressing ruler, without causing any Fitnah and oppression, then he should be removed, or else it is necessary to be patient (if he can not be removed due to this leading to more evil).”

On the other hand it is halaal to revolt against the kafir ruler who is the ruler of a Muslim country providing the following conditions are meet:

1. The ruler is a kafir whose kufr must have been witnessed (as his takfir can not be based on rumors or lies), is clear and explicit. His kufr must also be proven by the Quran and Sunnah.

2. The revolters have the power and ability to over come the ruler

3. The revolters have a leader for there revolt (who will become the ruler after the revolt to avoid fighting over leadership after the ruler is removed) and a banner under which they fight (the banner is not freedom or democracy but should be tawheed, as having a Muslim ruler means the country has a chance of being based upon tawheed, which is the greatest cause of gaining Allah’s success).

4. The revolt must not lead to greater evil.

If even one of these conditions are not present then the revolters should not revolt as in this case their revolt would be haraam.


Junior Member
FRIDAY, 17 February 2012 Front PageMiddle EastInteHome Last Updated: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:31 am (KSA) 08:31 am (GMT) Homs residents awaiting death under heavy army bombardment: activist
Friday, 17 February 2012

Thousands of civilians have been killed by Syrian security forces since the uprising began last March. The government says more than 2,000 soldiers and police have been killed by foreign-backed “terrorists”. (Reuters) inShare.3By Al Arabiya With Agencies

Residents in Homs were “waiting to die of hunger or bombardment,” as government forces carried out their heaviest pounding of the central protest city in the past 14 days, an activist reached by telephone told Al Arabiya on Friday.


Hadi Abdullah, of the opposition General Commission of the Syrian Revolution, said there were three shelters in the town these could no longer accommodate people fleeing their homes every day in fear that they could fall victims of indiscriminate bombardment.

He said incessant bombing and shooting were preventing the evacuation and relief efforts in the city.

Earlier, Abdullah told AFP that that Syrian security forces carried out their heaviest pounding of the central protest city of Homs in the past 14 days on Friday.

“It’s the most violent in 14 days. It’s unbelievable - extreme violence the like of which we have never seen before, with an average of four rockets every minute,” Abdullah said.

essallamou allaikoum in chaa ellah el Nasr kharib

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

By my donation activists sended blood serum to hospital in Homs.


Anyone intersting to do more than just talk in internet? It doesn´t safe anyones life.