How do i introduce someone to Islam?



I hope all my brothers and sisters are in the BEST of health wa imaan :)

I just need some advice please. Well, basically, my mum and i were coming back from the shops and we met one of my mum's mate's and she was with a non muslim sister. She *non muslim sister* is from Russia and wants to learn more bout Islam. So because im doing Islamic studies she wants ME to talk to her about Islam. Dont ge me wrong brothers and sisters i would love to but i dont think i would be able to approach her in the correct manner. InshaAllah she should be coming tomorrow. With sister Pecae *Asma* it was different because we're the same age and she knows english and she kinda just randomly came up to me. Although she did tell me later on after converting that i was going a little fast with explaining :shymuslima1: This sister set like an "appointment" to come to my house and im getting the butterflies now.:shymuslima1:

Exactly, how should i talk to her about Islam. She doesnt know anything at all, and speaks little english.

Please let me know what i should talk to her about at first. Your suggestions will be highly appreciated. JazakAllah khair.

Waiting for your replies inshaAllah

sister teach her about islam, how much you can...
try, and never give up...
indeed your a muslim, you know about islam..
so teach her how much you know about..
and from your will allah will make more, and more easy for you..


Junior Member
Well, first of all, you should tell her about the basic beliefs of Islam.
We belive in ONE and only one true God. We belief He swt sent 1 lakh 24 thousand messengers. We belive in His angels. We believe in 4 holy books.
Then, you should tell her about the 5 pillars of Islam.

Talk first about the basic things. See how that works.
All the best to you. I know you can do it..:)


Junior Member

May be it is a good start to tell her that Islam teaches that all creation belongs to one creator, Islam teaches us to have faith in our creator and to come closer to him by good deeds, pure bodies, high morals, sincere hearts. All kinds of worship in Islam is meant to lift spirit and purify hearts by seeking the pleasure of our creator in what we do. Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad:saw2: to teach him and his followers the best way to live. I think it is a good idea to tell her about history of Islam , how was people before Islam and how Islam correct their lifes.


Junior Member
Assalam Alaikom

Masha Allaah , May Allaah reward you !!

1*there is a Russian section here , you can ask her to come here to read lol
2*you can tell her ( as there is God , so He must send his messengers and prophets to teach people the truth about this life ) and Islam approve this facts as well ^^
3* talk to her about the true faith and its pillars ...ect


Love Fishing
sister to invite people to islam u dont need the great knowledge of islam or u should know everything from A to Z about islam
i started dawa just the moment after i convert.of course the knowledge i hv is very limited...but u talk from ur heart what u feel about Allah...if urs doing it for Allah,u will get the right thing to talk without u realising it.
good things come from Allah...just tell here evreything that u know.



JazakAllah khair for ALL of your replies :)

InshaAllah i will try my best and the rest is in Allah's hands.

Please do pray things go well and ill let you guys know how it goes inshaAllah :)

Im SO excited Alhumdulillah and a little scared too.

LOL at brother Massi, i will inshaAllah talk to her about joining this forum too inshaAllah. Aameen to your dua

Again, everyone jazakAllah khair katheer, pls pray it goes well!

Wassalaam! :)



Sorry, just a quick question. I know i might be going a little bit TOO fast, but i would like to make sure.

If the sister wants to take her shahada, does she need to go to the masjid? Or can i help her take it at my house on the condition that there should be a witness present? Please please let me know ASPA. She should be here in a bit inshaAllah

JazakAllah khair katheer

Wassalaam! :)

path to jannah

Junior Member
asalamu alaikum,sis, i would like to add one more thing to be said to her..... tell her about the love ALLAH has to us n dat if v r going close to him he speeds up to us in double speed

the awaitng blessings for a mu-min in heaven...............etc.etc.....


Junior Member

Sorry, just a quick question. I know i might be going a little bit TOO fast, but i would like to make sure.

If the sister wants to take her shahada, does she need to go to the masjid? Or can i help her take it at my house on the condition that there should be a witness present? Please please let me know ASPA. She should be here in a bit inshaAllah

JazakAllah khair katheer

Wassalaam! :)


No , She doesn't need to take her shahada in front of anyone or anywhere , she can just take it as it has to be :)



JazakAllah khair for your replies, Yes akhi ayman i had that in min, no worries :)

Well, she didnt turn up llol *i am SURE i gave my address* llol :D

JazakAllah khair for ur help, i hope she does come because i would love to talk to her about Islam :)
