How do you cope?


قل هو الله أحد
Enna Lellahi wa Enna Elaihi raje'oon

We will all have our day ...

May Allah regroup all of you with your mother together in paradise. Amin.


Junior Member
Assalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato

I really can't imagine how hard it must be for all of you coping with such a loss.
May Allah help you. Whenever I think about that happening to us, I just can't cope even thinking about it! But the only thing I can tell you is : pray, pray and pray for Allah to fullfil not just the emptiness of your hearts but also the emptiness of the house. Sister, cling to Allah so He will give you peace to cope with this "little" things" day by day.

I'll make du'a for you enshaAllah.


my dear sister,

i can only imagine how you must feel even thou i dont know how it feels, just keep in mind all the wonderful times you had with your mom and that she is indeed in a better place

my heart goes out to you and your dad, may allah watch over you and bring you peace



i feel the same way. it must be so hard to lose mom.



Assalaam aleikum,
I am so sorry for your loss and hope that God will bring you solace and peace of mind. I lost my mother more than 15 years ago and I still miss her terribly. I can only advise you to develop as much patience as possible, it will be a long process to find a way to live through the grief. Losing a loving mother is one of the most difficult things a person can endure. Remember God often, he is our guide and keeper and it is to him we are all returned. Inshallah we will meet with our loved ones again in Paradise!

Take care of yourself.


Junior Member
sabr and laa ilaha illallah


Grieving in these circustances is quite natural. Even animals have been found to griev. You lost someone very dearer and you can not overcome it at the moment. Islam allows you to grief. However Islam does not allow anyone to exarggerate.

Like other panelist I would encourage you to do sabr and recite the kalimah because our Nabi Muhammad (SWS) said that the kalimah laa ilaha illallah benefits everyone and the Nabi (SWS) encouraged muslims to say this often in times of sorrow and grief.

Insha Allah your grieving will soon decrease and you will be at peace to accept taqdeer as one of the fundementals of Islam.

You should be happy that your mother died with imaan and that is most important thing. On December 22 your mother knew that Creator to whom she bowed all her life had created her a place in jannah because she was going to meet Him as a Muslimah.

May Allah (SWT) have mercy on her andthe rest of the muslims that have past away with imaan.



Junior Member
sister we all know its hard time but ALLAH will help in healing this wound.

Keep praying for your mother all the time and for ur father as well.

May ALLAH helps u in this situation


May Allah grant her jannah.

I can't imagine the pain that you are going through but all i can do is pray for you and your family.


Junior Member

Thank you so much for all your responses. It has been very comforting to me. I just came back from visiting my late mother's grave - I am taking it one day at a time. I find it difficult to accept that she's gone now because it was so sudden. I guess all this while, I thought if there should be a death in the family, I would be prepared for it but of course, newborn and death is all in Allah's hands, not ours.

I have come to accept that my mother is no longer with us but in my heart, she will forever stay. I will remember her always in my doa. I just wish I had spent the last day of her life with her....

Thank you again each and everyone of you who have taken the time to post - it means a lot to me and it keeps me going....