I am a new member here!

Assalamu Alaykum,
I am a new member in this community.
I am not a Scholar, rather just a common muslim like you.
I hope I will find this community benefitial in exchanging knowledge, in exchanging advices(NASEEHAH), and in exchanging experience.
I was born and raised in an islamic family and environment, but due to the lack of ILM I was just immitating what was spread in my community which was Islam mixed with wrong things.
I have been spiritual all my life, but it is only after finishing my university studies at the US and returning home that I was like reborn in Islam. From that time up to now, I have been striving hard to rebuild my DEEN on faith and knowledge. I am gratefull to allah who has openned my eyes to many things I was ignoring, and who has guided me to make my life rotating around the following poles: Learning Islam, practicing it at the best of my ability, and sharing it with others.
AFter my DEEN, there is my family that I am striving hard to make as islamic as I can.
After that, there is my job that I love so much.

Brotherly, AbuYahia


وعليكم السلام
Welcome to TTI, brother. :SMILY206: I hope you will benefit from TTI, inshallah.


Egyptian sister
welcome here in ur family brother

inshaallah u will benefit so much from this wonderfull forum

may allah help u and guide u


Subhana Allah!
welcome to tti

:SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: to tti insha Allah you `ll learn alot here and people from all over the world. may Allah increase ur knowledge ameen:tti_sister:


New Member
everyone i am a new member here.
First off all i would like to say that this site is perfect made for muslim people around the world.
