I am here to help

Bu Salman

New Member
Aslam Elakam Brothers & Sisters :)

My name is Ismiel everyone calling me Bu Salman, I am from Kingdom Of Bahrain I know most ppl ask me where its it :lol: Bahrain as a small island near Saudi Arabia. first thing I would like to thank everyone who is working on this site and for the great porupes of showing the world the true meaning of Islam. I am new here and I would like to offer any help to my brothers and sisters around the world. this is my E-mail and I am welcoming all of you. I know I dont have much to offer but Inshalla I will try my best.

your brother from Bahrain

Bu Salman


Here to help
welcome brother...........
. inshallah you find your stay here at TTI beneficial, as well as enjoyable, and inshaAllah we benefit from each other.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Esselamu Aleikum

:SMILY206::SMILY206::SMILY206: brother and have a nice stay. I did not see your e-mail. anyways, this is my [email protected]. talk to you inshAllah have some questions.



Junior Member

My husband and I are in Kuwait, and I have been to Bahrain! It is a beautiful, friendly country! My friend and I went for a long weekend break from work - we went to the old souks, the tree of life, the irst oil well, and all sorts of places! We ate at Rick's and stayed at a nice little apartment-like place for dirt cheap money! We also accidentally took pictures of one of the leaders' homes just because we thought it was a beautiful piece of architecture, until the police guard came running out to us! LOL! It was so nice! I can't wait to go back with my husband!

Welcome to TTI.



:salam2: Bro

Welcome to the site.

I would love to know more about Bahrain....especially job oppurtunities