I feel scared - please help


Junior Member
That if I dont listen to what Allah swt told us to do then Allah will not give me what I want.

Is this feeling okay? I pray and i try so hard but i dont want my intention of praying to be just so Allah can give me what I want.

Or is it okay to feel that way?

And when I make dua, I feel shy and i feel like im asking for so much. I feel how will Allah accept all my duas? I know He has the power to. I know there is nothing too great for Allah swt. But I'm afraid of the things to come. I'm afraid if Allah does not accept my duas i will be so upset and hurt. I dont want to ever be upset at Allah. Just the thought sounds wrong because he knows what is best for me and I dont.

And is it okay to make Allah promises? Such as, "Oh
Allah, if you accept this dua then i will do this and that."

I promised Allah that if He accepts my dua, wallah, i will spend my life in Allahs name. Inshallah, everything i will do will be for his sake. I will help the community and do something for them and spend my life like that. I want to do all that now and im starting to help out more with MSA work.

Is it okay to do that?

And is it okay to tell Allah you just want to go to Him when you are so upset and sad. Once I told Allah that i just dont want to live this life and just see Him. Is this wrong? Dont worry,I wouldnt kill my self...Never.


Junior Member
Sister when we are in need then we do much dua and feel humble towards Allah swt , but when Allah swt give us what we need then our humbleness will be arougance .......Feel happy now you are close to Allah swt making dua which Allah swt like to hear from his slaves , I am sure Allah will answer your calls and will choose for you all that is good .....but keep firm on his way. Remember Allah is giving you all the facilities to live , see, hear, walk, write, reason,.........breathe...........etc. Can you survive for a moment without what Alalh swt is giving ....so never rush , never say i called and Allah didn`t answer me ....You are dwelling in his favoures.....AlhamduliAllah ...This idea is from Satan to make us think in a bad way :astag:
I pray that Allah grant you all that is good ...please keep me in your prayers.

Sorry for mistakes in spelling.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I will go through what you wrote point by point..so I don't go on a tangent..and I hope that you will bear with me...

1. When you pray..you are praying to earn Allah's pleasure..and every Muslim knows that when Allah is Pleased with a servant of His..He (swt) Grants the servant what he/she seeks or needs so long it is of good to them and Allah of course is more knowing of what is good for you..because He is the All-Knowing..so essentially..if you pray to seek Allah's pleasure and to do that which He has obligated you to do..you are seeking things for yourself which are of spiritual and worldly nature simultaneously!..in addition..Allah (swt) says..*I am what my servant thinks of me*..if you do not listen to what He says..you should keep in mind that He is Just..and the reward of your work match the nature of them..so bear that in mind!

2. Feeling shy when making dua'a..feeling that you're asking too much..and that you're not good enough for Allah in order for Him to answer your dua'as...believe it or not..these are whispers of shaitan!!!...dua'a is a type of worship in Islam..the more dua'a you make..the more worship you'll be doing..the companions used to make dua'a *for salt!*..can you imagine?..they would ask Allah *FOR SALT!*..and they used to complain to Him (swt) when the leather of their sandals would rip!!!..now they didn't do because they had nothing else to think of..absolutely not..they did that..because they sensed the deeper meaning of dua'a..making dua'a is to show your need and you dependency upon Allah (swt) and to most imporantly..WORSHIP HIM!..and the only thing that changes destiny/fate is dua'a!!!..Allah will not change any of what He willed for you..unless *you* make a dua'a asking for something else..so supplicate away sister!..anything you think of..make dua'a for!..do not be shy..on the contrary when you get these thoughts..PURPOSELY raise your hands up and make a dua'a for anything and anyone!..it doesn't have to be yourself!.

3. Regarding the answering of dua'as...there's a common misunderstanding amongst us Muslims..we believe that we have to *witness* the answering of our dua'a..if we don't see it in our everyday life..we BELIEVE that our dua'a had been left unanswered..or ignored..when EVERY SINGLE DUA'A IS ANSWERED (except the ones for evil..Allah rejects these dua'as!)..and the answer comes in three ways:
a. The dua'a takes place as you wanted it..in your everyday life..you witness it..enjoy it..etc.
b. The dua'a takes place but it does not come down to the dunya..what happens is..the answer of your dua'a meets the fate already destined for you on its way to the dunya..and they wrestle each other until Allah wills for one to pass..keeping each other from coming down..this is especially true for critical matters..such as a sick child who's parents make dua'a for him to heal..his fate could be death..but the dua'a of his parents with Allah's will changed it..so that dua'a will wrestle that ill fate until Allah Wills what He Sees fit.
c. The dua'a's answer is granted but spared until the day of judgement..on that day..Allah will turn it to good deeds which can take you from the torment of hell to the rapture of Jannah.
So you see?..there's an answer to every dua'a so long we don't lose patience..and persist..or try to *rush* the dua'a to come about..because everything has it's *due* time and remember..*Allah Knows all and you know nothing*

4. Saying *Ya allah *if* you do this for me I will do this for you* is what is called *taa'addi* in dua'a or "surpassing the limits"..Allah is the lord of everything..and He wills for His servants..in the *wording* of this dua'a..you're setting conditions *upon* Allah..and that is of course wrong from the aspect of dua'a ettiquite and the aspect of Allah's Lordship over you!..so do not word your dua'as like that...only utter what you want or need..and do not say *if you will* either..because that would be like *abandoning* Allah's help or blessing upon you through His answering your dua'a..you do need however to *beg* Allah and *beseech* Him in your dua'a with sincere humbleness..

5. Charity is the paving for blessing in one's life..and charity does not have to be material..it can be like you said..helping others..doing things for Muslims..and the like..and certainly works are not measured by their *proportion*..they are measured by their sincerity..so take every opportunity in doing good for others..seeking Allah's pleasure and blessings for you in the dunya and the akhirah..

6. If you long to meet Allah (swt)..He longs to meet you..and if you dislike to meet Allah..then Allah dislikes to meet you..so if you feel that you want to be near Allah..then rejoice sister..that is a good sign..BUT..do not intend it in the manner of *death*..because again..that is "surpassing the limits" (taa'addi)..Allah takes life and grants it when He wills..so it's okay to wish that you can be near to Allah..but wish it for your hereafter which begins upon you leaving this dunya..if you are afraid of the fitnahs of this dunya and you fear over your deen..or in you are in an extreme affliction..you may make the dua'a "Ya Allah keep me alive, so long You know life is good for me"..but that's IN EXTREME SITUATIONS..and if you persevere and act with patience..then surely your reward is greater...

I apologize for making this lengthy like it is..but I wanted to be thorough..as this subject preoccupied me for the longest while and I was not satisfied until I read into it..and things became much clearer..inshallah you will find benefit in at least a bit of it :)..if you need anything else do not hesitate to let me know..and what I wrote to you comes from hadiths and lectures but for time's sake I did not put the specific hadiths and such..so I apologize if this will bother you :)



Left long ago

Thanks for asking the question sister Loveof Allah. Jazaki Allahu Khayra sister Muslimah for the beautiful reply. May Allah grant you Jannat-ul-Firdous Ameen



Salam Alykom
I do agree with waht is written by sister muslimah
may allah guides us all to the dtaight path

saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
sister we cant give right of Allah SW ... even we fast our whole days and stand before Him Whole nite of our life ........we shuld stand humble before HIM n addmitting our weaknesses n sins n he surlly answer our prayers as in hadith Sahih Muslim : Book 35, Book Name Kitab Al-Dhikr, Number 6595]

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Apostle (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
"The supplication of the servant is granted in case he does not supplicate for sin or for severing the ties of blood, or he does not become impatient. It was said: Allah's Messenger, what does:" If he does not grow impatient" imply? He said: That he should say like this: I supplicated and I supplicated but I did not find it being responded. and theu he becomes frustrated and abandons supplication." Sahih Muslim : Book 35, Book Name Kitab Al-Dhikr, Number 6594]

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Apostle (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
"The supplication of one of you is granted if he does not grow impatient and say- I supplicated my Lord but it was not granted." [Sahih Muslim : Book 35, Book Name Kitab Al-Dhikr Number 6593]

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah's Apostle (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said:
"The supplication of every one of you is granted if he does not grow impatient and says: I supplicated but it was not granted." He is our creator n love us 70 time more then a loving mom just we have to take a step for asking His Rehmah n fogivenesss
assalamualaikum sister,

I was told Allah love to hear our prayers. If we dont make doa, means we are arrogant. I think with my humble heart, Allah dont mind if we ask anything from Him in prayers because that shows how much we need Him in our life. Allah love to hear our story, love to hear we talk to Him. Sometimes if we ask anything we must not expect we will get it immediately what we wanted or wish. Be hopeful but insyaAllah, if it meant to be for us then it will be but if it doesn't....then be hopeful that something else is better for us.

I read somewhere but dont know where....it does mentioned that if we wanted something, we must want it so much and tell Allah.

Its like a child come to us and says wants ice cream but then changed their mind and says want chocolate. I am sure we will jump and questions the child to make up their mind what they actually wanted right? So, it is like that too with Allah, if you want something badly, tell Allah.

I hope i am not making you more confused.