I think its time to say Allah hu Akbar and take a step forward


Slave of Allah (swt)

:ma::ma::ma: great idea. inshaallah it will work :) I hope many of us will help to make this happen.... but now the question is how?


well im trying to talk to moderator, if we can add something on TTI like a small button on top or banner or something and call it Revert Shelter and from there we can take them to a page which will have all the information for them.

maybe we can even add halal eating places and other stuff on the website to help the Reverts


As Salaam Alaikum,

a very goood thought brother!!
even i am in for the idea of creating a section in TTI itself that is totally and always ACTIVE, providing all the support to the converts... it should be designed in such a way that the converts immediately know that "this is the right place for them". the volunteers being their for online support (maybe in shifts) 24x7. from there we can decide who can help whom and similar matters depending on the locality.
though another sister website would have been a great thing but it will take alot of time and effort. i know, ISLAM is much more precious then our schedule but many here are students who, i think, would'nt be available all the time... and it would be difficult for the members to visit and actively paricipate in both simultaneously...
so i think a seperate section here in TTI would be a much more convenient thing...

that's my opinion... the rest is upto you all and whatever majority of brothers and sisters decide would be good enough... INSHALLAH

May ALLAH give us success and prosperity in whatever HE is pleased with....



Slave of Allah (swt)
brother thats the idea , im not sure if shifts and stuff will work its completely voluntery so we cant ask someone cuz everyone has things to do
I was just wondering cuz if we build something like that it wud be hard on the same server dont want to slow it
so make a banner with TTI and make a new domain revert Shelter and then put the same thing on the new domain like TTI and tell people about TTI from there too and revert who need personal help can visit revert shelter

and they can find muslims willing to help them in their area, also have place where reverts can ask a muslim brother or sister online support using audio or visual

As Salaam Alaikum,

a very goood thought brother!!
even i am in for the idea of creating a section in TTI itself that is totally and always ACTIVE, providing all the support to the converts... it should be designed in such a way that the converts immediately know that "this is the right place for them". the volunteers being their for online support (maybe in shifts) 24x7. from there we can decide who can help whom and similar matters depending on the locality.
though another sister website would have been a great thing but it will take alot of time and effort. i know, ISLAM is much more precious then our schedule but many here are students who, i think, would'nt be available all the time... and it would be difficult for the members to visit and actively paricipate in both simultaneously...
so i think a seperate section here in TTI would be a much more convenient thing...

that's my opinion... the rest is upto you all and whatever majority of brothers and sisters decide would be good enough... INSHALLAH

May ALLAH give us success and prosperity in whatever HE is pleased with....



Junior Member

Really Nice idea.

Why don't we use the 'brother only and 'sister only' section????

Actually I am trying to get an entry into brother only section, asked for it some time back, didn't get any response.

Nah, just kidding lol.



Slave of Allah (swt)
I happen to know some reverts, and yes they have the information they want to meet people personally, know muslims personally, pray with them, do good deeds with you.
Especially guyz that are trying to quit drinking, gambling and stuff they need good muslim friends.
You know sister, a new revert would love to be with someone like you , you have guide her towards islam show her the right things and in the beginning she may be really shy of wearing a Hijab but if she has muslims friends it would be easy.
and Imagine how much Ajar and hasanat we get for showing someone the path to Allah (swt)


Really Nice idea.

Why don't we use the 'brother only and 'sister only' section????



Junior Member
You know sister, a new revert would love to be with someone like you , you have guide her towards islam show her the right things and in the beginning she may be really shy of wearing a Hijab but if she has muslims friends it would be easy.


Is that a reference to me, 'SISTER', come on shaheerpak, I have been away for a while, not that long though lol.



Slave of Allah (swt)
lol sorry brother a sister asked me same thing before so i copied her answer Opps i forgot to change sister to brother
You know sister, a new revert would love to be with someone like you , you have guide her towards islam show her the right things and in the beginning she may be really shy of wearing a Hijab but if she has muslims friends it would be easy.


Is that a reference to me, 'SISTER', come on shaheerpak, I have been away for a while, not that long though lol.



Slave of Allah (swt)
I was referring the idea to Sister AishaAnastasia, Mashallah JazakAllah she gave me positive feedback Inshallah the idea should reach brother Mabsoot and lets see what he says
JazakAllah to everyone for support
May ALlah (swt) bless us all


Junior Member
Assalam alaikom wa rahma tullah wa burrahktohu,

InshAllah it is sch a great idea! As a revert it would have helped a great deal to have somewhere to go and access to reliable information and a warm sister to ask about things..even how to wear hijab (yes still wearing two piece al amirah :D) I find the younger generation least friendly which is a sad thing, these are our future ma'shAllah!

May Allah reward you and make it so. Ameen.


Slave of Allah (swt)
Inshallah sister, JazakAllah for your comment
I hope to share the good news with you soon :)
Assalam alaikom wa rahma tullah wa burrahktohu,

InshAllah it is sch a great idea! As a revert it would have helped a great deal to have somewhere to go and access to reliable information and a warm sister to ask about things..even how to wear hijab (yes still wearing two piece al amirah :D) I find the younger generation least friendly which is a sad thing, these are our future ma'shAllah!

May Allah reward you and make it so. Ameen.


Junior Member
:salam2: Brother Shaheer,

Of course you'll find me one of the supportive to your excellent idea. I have been involved in mentoring new reverts on a very local level here for the past few months. I do agree that this issue deserves far more attention, and I'm glad you're throwing ideas in the air so we can get started insh Allah.

I am thinking maybe a website similar to www.match.com would be a great idea. Match.com is a site dedicated to matching singles in one's area, but there's nothing preverting us from using the software for our main purpose here.

Revert Shelter is a good start. However, I would choose something other that the word "shelter".. This word can have a negative connotation as it's usually thought of linked to "homeless" individuals. So, a new revert who's already down and in dire need for something positive to pep him/her up, will turn away from a site with "shelter" in the name. We can do something more universal such as:



As far as the software, we can buy it on the web easily. I have found this perhaps:


Of course, we will need to change the context from matchmaking and love connection to Revert Mentoring context.. I see that the website has phone numbers to contact them and ask them if the software can be tailored according to our needs. I'll be happy to do so.

After we get the website going, we can ask the mods on TTI to allow us to place a banner to stir up some action.

I love the idea brother Shaheer, and I am ready to put up the money for it and to run it with you.

Jazak Allah khair brother.. :D



Slave of Allah (swt)
JazakAllah my big brother Akram,
LOL offcourse i expected positive support from u :)
but seriously i think its a big issue this is great :D i think i will look into it :)
thank you brother so much :) ur ideas were very helpful and mashallah Allah bless u for that

:salam2: Brother Shaheer,

Of course you'll find me one of the supportive to your excellent idea. I have been involved in mentoring new reverts on a very local level here for the past few months. I do agree that this issue deserves far more attention, and I'm glad you're throwing ideas in the air so we can get started insh Allah.

I am thinking maybe a website similar to www.match.com would be a great idea. Match.com is a site dedicated to matching singles in one's area, but there's nothing preverting us from using the software for our main purpose here.

Revert Shelter is a good start. However, I would choose something other that the word "shelter".. This word can have a negative connotation as it's usually thought of linked to "homeless" individuals. So, a new revert who's already down and in dire need for something positive to pep him/her up, will turn away from a site with "shelter" in the name. We can do something more universal such as:



As far as the software, we can buy it on the web easily. I have found this perhaps:


Of course, we will need to change the context from matchmaking and love connection to Revert Mentoring context.. I see that the website has phone numbers to contact them and ask them if the software can be tailored according to our needs. I'll be happy to do so.

After we get the website going, we can ask the mods on TTI to allow us to place a banner to stir up some action.

I love the idea brother Shaheer, and I am ready to put up the money for it and to run it with you.

Jazak Allah khair brother.. :D



Slave of Allah (swt)
A beautiful compliment

one sister made a really beautiful post, it made me really happy and motivated so i wanted to post it here as well

Thank You sister Ayesha

Assalaamu Alaikum,

I have just read your initial post and I would so like to be involved! Marshallah it is a brilliant initiative and MUST be supported. I will have been a revert a year by the end of this month - alhamdulilla - but it can be quite lonely. As a revert, my family and a lot of my old friends, don't really understand where I'm coming from anymore and I have tried really hard for that not to happen. But it isn't just reverts - there is a distinct LACK of a support structure for young Muslims. I'm based in London and my husband and I struggle to find brothers and sisters who are practising that we can hang out with and learn from. We're both only 25 and need people our age to show us it is possible to be happy, cool, fit in and practise Islam. And I'm not just talking about praying etc...I'm talking about Islamic character. You learn by example and we need to work together to be that support network for brothers and sisters. A message on the forum is a good start marshallah - but something more needs to be done. It's saying 'Assalamu Alaikum' on the street when you walk past another brother / sister, it's starting conversations with those you sit next to as mosque, it's inviting those new acquintances to Islamic talks or offering to help them study. It's all about working from the grassroots up - make the change at home first and inshallah it will work its way out like a mexican wave! :)


Muslim Unity...
subhanallah what a beautiful idea! Mashallah:)
jazakallahu khaiyr for the thread brother
May Allah reward you for your efforts and make it successful inshallah


Slave of Allah (swt)
subhanallah what a beautiful idea! Mashallah:)
jazakallahu khaiyr for the thread brother
May Allah reward you for your efforts and make it successful inshallah

JazakAllah khair sister, Inshallah i hope everything goes well, :) i always need my brothers and sister on my side, so thank you for the dua May Allah (swt) bless you with mercy and love too - ameen



Junior Member
Asalamalykum Warhamtullahi Wabarkatuhu.....I am from liverpool and knows many reverts inshAllah if there is any new reverts i am ready to help them with everything i can so please count me from my city



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
Actually the project was canceled due to the security problem, because not everyone can be trusted online , and the purpose is not to harm the people
JazakAllah khair for the support everyone thou Mashallah