TurnToIslam If you want to know@tti/2nd Edition.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'The doctor who discovered that hand washing prevented the spread of disease was thrown in a mental institution for his crazy ideas.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'In 2007, Iran arrested 14 squirrels for spying.'

Personal Comment: The above information is not unique in human history.

In Medieval France, the entire community of rats of one city were summoned to court and were given a lawyer to represent them. Even though none of them showed up, the lawyer actually won the case for them.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'A person usually makes a lot of hand gestures when telling a true story. When telling a lie a person's hands will stay noticeably still.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'Psychology says, attempting to convince yourself that you don't care about someone is a clear indicator that you really do.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'Soteriophobia is a psychological condition which causes a person to refuse depending on others out of fear of being disappointed.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'Psychology says; People tend to value memories more than actual people. Sometimes you miss the memories, not the actual person.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'Coca-Cola says only two people alive know the Coca-Cola 'recipe', and they aren't allowed to travel on the same plane in case it crashes.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'The higher your IQ level, the easier it is to resist peer pressure. Intelligent people are less concerned with the approval of others.'