Intro from Hope


New Member

I would like to introduce myself to this site. I am a new member and my reason for joining today is to become a better person and a good role model for my kids to learn from. I want to be able to teach them about Islam to the best of my knowldge Insha'Allah.


Im Proud 2 B Me!

Welcome to TTI,

It’s nice to have u join this lovely community.

Insha Allah u benefit from us as we from u.

Enjoy ur stay Insha Allah,

Take Care,

Umm Aysha

*Strive for Jannah*
Wa alaykum salaam

Kuriyaaaah so u thot of a name eh ;) i like.....You made me waste my text message lol :tongue:

Im glad you joined, insha-Allah ul benefit and so will my 2 little darlings.....oops i mean your 2 little sweeties... :lol:

Miss you guys loads :SMILY252:



New Member
Thank you everyone for your warm welcomes. Umm Ayesha, Insha'Allah YOUR little darlings will do a lot of learning!

Noor to shine

Junior Member
Weclome to our family ...I pray that Allah swt guide all of us to follow his seal of prophets Mohammad salla Allah alaihi wa sallam.


Active Member
Staff member
Assalamu alaykum sister!!

Welcome to TTI. Enjoy your stay inshaAllah :hijabi:



Junior Member
Asalam 3alekum

Welcome to TTI and inshallah you injoy yourself here. Have fun and inshallah you learn alot about our islam!:SMILY206: