islamic quotes

binte muslimah

Junior Member
♥ Every Boy's wish:
♥ I'm noT a PrincE,
♥ buT
♥ My LiFE ParTner shouLd bE a PrincEss.. ..!! ♥ ♥
♥ ReaL Man wish:
♥ My LiFE ParTner may noT bE a PrincEss,
♥ buT
♥ I promise i'LL TreaT hEr Like a PrincEss.. .♥♥♥

binte muslimah

Junior Member

Do you know that...!!

¤ There is a whole Surah in Qur'an with your name (AN-NISSA'A)
¤ The 1st Martyr in Islam was a women (SUMMAYYA)

¤ The 1st Person who believed in the Prophecy of Muhammed (P.B.U.H) was a women(Kadheeja R.A)

¤ The last recommendation of Beloved Prophet (SAW) to Nation before his peacefull demise was to TREAT you well.

¤ You are the Half of the Society And you raise the rest half, how high your prestige is.

¤ And because you are so precious like a Pearl in 0yster Shell, Islam honored you with Hijab for preserving your chastity and purity

{a pearl is cen% pure before it touches by breaking oyster and reduce its purity & Shining by using of diff. Hands, so you are pearl and ur purity is when you are covered and for wife of ur husband only (Qur'an)}

♥ you are a Muslimah ♥

binte muslimah

Junior Member
The Messenger peace be upon him said :

" The first who will be called to the paradise are those who Thanked ALLAH always ( hammadoon ) , they Thanked ALLAH saying Alhamdulilah in good and hard times "

binte muslimah

Junior Member
PRAYING TO ALLÂH..... heals a broken heart.
PRAYING TO ALLÂH..... chases away doubt.
PRAYING TO ALLÂH..... Brings Forgiveness.
PRAYING TO ALLÂH..... Brings Blessings.
PRAYING TO ALLÂH..... Brings Peace.
PRAYING TO ALLÂH..... prevents temptations.

•► Have you prayed to ALLÂH for all matters you have?

binte muslimah

Junior Member
You can marry a man for his wealth, but money will perish.

You can marry a man for his beauty, but beauty will fade away.

You can marry a man for his power, but power will be gone.

♥ But if you marry a pious righteous man who fears ALLAH,
♥ He will honour you, will be affectionate with you, and help you get closer to
your ALLAH Your love story will last forever.

It will begin in this life, and will continue in the Hereafter, IN SHA ALLAH
His love for you will be your Jannah in Duniya, and his satisfaction will be your key to Jannah in Akhira.

binte muslimah

Junior Member
When you enter into Salah turn off your cell phone. There isn’t anyone who can call that is more important than the one you’re about to speak to ♥

binte muslimah

Junior Member
I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human

, I'm not perfect but I'm ThankFul Alhamdullilah ♥.

binte muslimah

Junior Member
Do u know 1400 years ago somebody loved u. U were not born then but somebody cried for u many nights asking ALLAH for your forgiveness. He was miserablefor you, wanted to save U from anything bad. He wanted nothing less than JANNAT for u. He had wives, children, friends n family who adored him but it was your name He kept repeating on his last breath; umati umati (my uma my uma). What we have done in reply to our NABI'S (s.a.a.w) love. Nothing but from today on we'll try to follow His sunnah. Won't you? For He cried for YOU, for ME and for ALL of us !! ALLAH Bless us All! Ameen !


binte muslimah

Junior Member
~¤~ ALLAH SAYS ~¤~
Try to walk on My way,
I'll make all the ways easy for u..

try to spend ur wealth on My way,
I'll open oceans of treasure for u..

try to leave ur wills for Me,
I'll make ur desired destiny for u..

try to bear pain on My way,
I'll open the doors of My care for u..

try to believe in Me,
I'll make sincere friends for u..

try to be Mine,
I'll make everyone for u..♥

binte muslimah

Junior Member
Why is it important to wear a HIJAB/VEIL?

Take a diamond for example, what happens when you display it or advertse it? Others start to aproach it because it is a shiny object.
In the same way women are like diamonds.
So dont allow it to be destroyed or get stolen.
Instead value it and protect it.

binte muslimah

Junior Member
Happiness keeps you Smiling, trials keep you Praying, sorrows keep you Real, failures keep you Hoping, love keeps you Blessed, but only ALLAH (SWT) keeps you Going!!

ALLAHU Akbar ♥

binte muslimah

Junior Member
~✿~ A Women’s Beauty is not in
her Features, the Shade of her
skin, or her Possessions. True
Beauty is in her Heart, in Her
Imaan, her Taqwa, and Love for
:hijabi:her Deen ~✿~ O Muslimah!! Be a
Practicing and Exemplary
Muslimah for u are the


binte muslimah

Junior Member
We always feel that ALLAH's Blessings never come on time when we call, but the truth is, they are always on time but, we are always in a hurry!