Israel 'using white phosphorus'


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Israel 'using white phosphorus'

White phophorus, fired in a shell, can be used to hide troop movements or illuminate targets [AFP]

Human Rights Watch has called on Israel to stop using white phosphorus which it says has been used in military operations in the densely populated Gaza Strip.

The US-based group said that its researchers observed the use of the chemical, which can burn away human flesh to the bone, over Gaza City and Jabaliya on Friday and Saturday.

"We went by Israeli artillery units that had white phosphorus rounds with the fuses in them," Marc Garlasco, a senior military analyst at Human Rights Watch, told Al Jazeera.

"Clearly it is [white phosphorus], we can tell by the explosions and the tendrils that go down [and] the fires that were burning," he said.

"Today there were massive attacks in Jabaliya when we were there. We saw that there were numerous fires once the white phosphorus had gone in."


International law permits the use of white phopshorus as an "obscurant" to cover troop movements and prevent enemies from using certain guided weapons, but its use is controversial as it can injure people through painful chemical burns.


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"Even if they are using it as an obscurant, they are using it in a very densely populated area," Garlasco said.

"The problem is it covers such a wide area that when the white phosphorus wafers come down, over 100 in each artillery shell, they burn everything they touch and they don't stop burning until they are done.

"You are talking about skin damage, potentially homes going on fire, damage to infrastructure."

Human Rights Watch said that it believed the use of the chemical in Gaza violated the requirement under international humanitarian law to take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian injury and loss of life.

The Israeli military has previously denied using white phosphorus during the 15-day offensive in the Gaza Strip, but has said that any munitions that it does use comply with international law.

Israel used white phophorus during its 34-day war against Lebanon's Hezbollah movement in 2006, while the United States used it during the controversial siege of the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004.

sandra canada

Laa ilaha illa Allah
slaamu Alikumw ahrmtu Allah wabrkatu jazak Allah khayran for the thread

There is no Human right
There is no Mercy (lies in the world)
They are not Human may be Devils are better than Israel

ISRAEL and the chemical war against Gaza



hasbuna Allah wa nema al wakil ISRAEL and the chemical war against Gaza



We are all aware of what the Israeli's are doing. What are we doing about it. We are all watching the Egyptians play guard dog ..they have the blood of the babes of Gaza on their hands...and everyone watches silently ...I guess we have no manpower to right a wrong...everyone is a philosopher...whatever happened to doing there not one human being that will lead us? It will take one person, not a government, not an institution, to change things around.
It will take indivdual action to change the circumstances...but I am just as guilty.


Servant of Allah

We are all aware of what the Israeli's are doing. What are we doing about it. We are all watching the Egyptians play guard dog ..they have the blood of the babes of Gaza on their hands...and everyone watches silently ...I guess we have no manpower to right a wrong...everyone is a philosopher...whatever happened to doing there not one human being that will lead us? It will take one person, not a government, not an institution, to change things around.
It will take indivdual action to change the circumstances...but I am just as guilty.

You right mirajmom all muslim leaders should feel guilty specially the Egyptian leaders. this massacre on the aginst the people of Gaza started one day after the Israeli foreign minsiter met the Egyptian president. so that obviuosly indicates Hosni mubarak gave Israel the green light to destroy Hamas. although he calls them for a ceasfire. These muslim leaders are the responsible for failing the muslim ummah to defeat their enemies.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
slaamu Alikumw ahrmtu Allah wabrkatu jazak Allah khayran for the thread

There is no Human right
There is no Mercy (lies in the world)
They are not Human may be Devils are better than Israel

ISRAEL and the chemical war against Gaza

Your right. Most of NGO which claim to fight for human rights keeping silence about Israeli atrocities in Gaza. One of the Zionist protocal put the Gentile as semi human, they also call us "goyim" (hope correctly spelled) or in other words they call the Gentiles as cows. For me zionist now has become worst than an animal. If you place shaitaan and zionist next to next, they will be no difference between them.

warda A


This isnt a war it is a genocide.

when i saw what that bomb could do on the news (aljazeera), they were interviewing a boy he was maybe 10-12 yrs old, blinded by that bomb, it was so disheartening, watching the news nowadays is giving me ulcers from just seeing all the injustice being done, there is no way Israel government can say they are defending themselves, it is a massacre.


Muslim Brother

yes - but i'm sure we know nobody is going to pay for the human rights violation as if they exist.