it's not for islam...but it's's written by a christian guy


Junior Member
The Islamic Revival

The clearest reason to study and understand Islam and specifically Islamic eschatology is quite simply because Islam is the future. Yes, you read that correctly: Islam is the future. If present trends do not change dramatically, Islam will bypass Christianity for the title of the world’s largest religion very shortly. In fact, according to most statistics, this may take place in less than twenty years. A majority who read this book will live to see this. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, growing at a rate four times faster than Christianity. 1 Presently those who practice Islam make up approximately one fifth of the world’s population. One seasoned Bible teacher from England after reviewing the statistics recently commented that, “if present trends continue, half of all global births will be in Muslim families by the year 2055”. 2 Something dramatic and revolutionary is happening right before our eyes, and most western Christians are oblivious to it. The purpose of this chapter is to inform the reader about the rapid growth of Islam. The picture that is about to be painted may surprise some people. Some may be confused. Some may even deny it, but it is the truth and it needs to be told. Even by itself, the growth and spread of Islam is a powerful wake up call to all Christians.

Not only is Islam the fasting growing religion in the world, but also in the United States, Canada and Europe. 3 The annual growth rate of Islam in the US is approximately 4%, but there are also strong reasons to believe that it may have risen to as high as 8% over the past few years. Every year, tens of thousands of Americans convert to Islam. Prior to 2001 most reports seem to have the number roughly around 25,000 American converts per year. 4 This may not sound like that much, but this yearly figure according to some Muslim American clerics has quadrupled since 9-11. 5 Since 9-11 the numbers of American converts to Islam has skyrocketed. As early as one month after the World Trade Center attacks, the reports were flowing in from Mosques all over America. Ala Bayumi, the Director of Arab affairs at the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on November 11, 2001, in the London daily newspaper, Al-Hayat said this:

Non-Muslim Americans are now interested in getting to know Islam. There are a number of signs... Libraries have run out of books on Islam... English translations of the Koran head the American best-seller list... The Americans are showing increasing willingness to convert to Islam since September 11... Thousands of non-Muslim Americans have responded to invitations to visit mosques, resembling the waves of the sea crashing on the shore one after another...6

After testifying to the dramatic strides that Islam had taken as a result of the 9-11 attacks, Bayumi goes on to say that:

Proselytizing in the name of Allah has not been undermined, and has not been set back 50 years, as we thought in the first days after September 11. On the contrary, the 11 days that have passed are like 11 years in the history of proselytizing in the name of Allah. 7

In an article from the British newspaper, The Times of London, January 7, 2002 just four months after 9-11 we read:

There is compelling anecdotal evidence of a surge in conversions to Islam since September 11, not just in Britain, but across Europe and America. One Dutch Islamic centre claims a tenfold increase, while the New Muslims Project, based in Leicester, [England] and run by a former Irish Roman Catholic housewife, reports a “steady stream” of new converts. 8

And at the time of this writing in late 2004, this phenomenon does not seem to be waning. I recently asked a Muslim acquaintance how many Americans he has witnessed convert to Islam in just the past year. He explained that he has personally participated in at least one hundred conversion ceremonies in the past year alone. I have similarly asked dozens of American Muslims if they have witnessed a dramatic increase in conversions to Islam since 9-11 and the answer every time has been a resounding yes. Newer official data is difficult to come by and analyze for more than one reason. First of all, very few comprehensive studies have been done since 9-11; most studies seem to have been done just prior to 2001. Also, since 9-11, many American Muslims are very hesitant to give information away to pollsters who come to the Mosques. There is a widespread suspicion among the Muslim community that pollsters are merely gathering information for the United States Homeland Security Administration or the FBI. Most converts wish to remain relatively anonymous. But from my own personal, albeit anecdotal, experiences, I have talked to many American converts to Islam who have converted since 9-11.

But here’s the other sad aspect of these figures: Over 80% of these American converts to Islam were raised in a Christian Church. 9 If the higher figures of conversion are accurate, that would mean that as many as 60,000 Americans, who were raised in Christian homes, are converting to Islam annually. I have one acquaintance who, although he was a pastor’s son raised in a deeply religious and traditional Christian family, nevertheless converted to Islam in college. I have read numerous testimonies of priests, missionaries, divinity students, and normal everyday Christians who have converted to Islam. Some are even self-described former “spirit filled Christians”. Some may object that this is impossible. If this is the case, some might object, then why aren’t these statistics more widely known? You may be wondering why you do not personally know anyone who has converted. There are easy answers to these questions. One of the primary reasons that these trends have gone largely unnoticed is that most American Muslims are concentrated in the larger metropolitan centers. The greater Chicago metropolitan area for instance is home to well over 350,000 Muslims. Greater New York City has twice that with over 700,000 Muslims. 10 The other important statistic that sheds light on why this issue isn’t more commonly discussed in many white American churches is sadly because 85% of American converts to Islam are African-American. White Christian America has not nearly been as impacted by this phenomenon as African-Americans have. It is a very sad commentary on the discontinuity and disunity of the American Church. Islam is absolutely sweeping through the inner cities. One Muslim authority estimates that by the year 2020 most American urban centers will be predominantly Muslim. 11 But as the number of conversions increases, the face of the Muslim convert is changing as well. Shortly after 9-11, National Public Radio did a special on Islam and those who had converted after 9-11:

One of the most important topics [in an NPR broadcast] was an interview with several young women at American universities who recently converted to Islam through the Islamic Society of Boston. They hold advanced degrees from universities in Boston, such as Harvard, and they spoke of the power and the greatness of Islam, of the elevated status of women in Islam, and of why they converted to Islam. The program was broadcast several times across the entire U.S...12

From an article in The New York Times, October 22, 2001, we read a portion of Jim Hacking’s story:

Nine years ago, Jim Hacking was in training to be a Jesuit priest. Now, he is an admiralty lawyer in St. Louis who has spent much of the last month explaining Islam at interfaith gatherings… He made the Shahadah [Muslim Conversion ceremony] on June 6, 1998. "The thing I've always latched to is that there's one God, he doesn't have equals, he doesn't need a son to come do his work," (emphasis mine) 13

A typical testimony of a former Christian convert reads:
As a child, Jennifer Harrell attended church and Sunday school. In high school, she was on the drill team and dated a football player. After college, she became a Methodist youth minister. At age 23, she became a single parent. At age 26, she became a Muslim. "I grew up in Plano doing all the things I thought I was supposed to do," said Ms. Harrell, 29, of Dallas. "I went to church. I went to parties. But I wasn't concerned about heaven or hell. I took it all for granted." Eventually, she took a job in sales, where she was introduced to Islam by Muslim co-workers. One of them loved to debate religion, which stirred Ms. Harrell to rethink her Christian faith. She studied the Bible, but also Islam in order to do a better job of defending her faith. Instead, she became intrigued that Muslims prayed five times a day, fasted and gave alms as a way of life. "I wasn't the type of Christian who prayed every morning," she said. She said Muslim beliefs about Jesus made more sense to her because they revere him as a prophet and not God's son. "When I was a Christian, I never understood why Jesus had to die for my sins," Ms. Harrell said. "I mean, they're my sins." Before becoming a Muslim, she visited a Christian minister. She said she asked why Christians ate pork, why women didn't cover their heads in church, and why Christians dated. "I wanted him to defend the Bible," she said. "I gave him everything that I had found wrong with Christian interpretation." His answers didn't satisfy her.14

Stories like Jim Hacking’s and Jennifer Harrell’s are legion. I have probably read a hundred such stories.

A New Monotheistic Option

In the past whenever most westerners have decided that they believe in a personal God and have made a decision to make this new faith a primary aspect of their lives, they usually have found the expression for their faith in a Christian church. As Islam spreads in the West, many are realizing that Christianity is not the only monotheistic option available to them. Sadly, many are choosing Islam instead of Christianity. David Pawson, a prominent Bible teacher from England recalls the experience of one of his friends:

A Christian friend of mine is a counselor in a state school. He was delighted when a boy he was trying to help find a purpose in life told him he had become convinced that there was a personal God in whom he could believe. To his surprise and disappointment this English boy told him some weeks later that he had become a Muslim. He was one of many thousands who had made the same choice.15

As Islam grows in the West, this story is sure to be repeated many times.

A Warning For England

In David Pawson’s most recent book, Islam’s Challenge to Christians, Pawson sounds what may very well be a genuine prophetic warning not only to England but also to the entire western Church. Pawson, a well-seasoned and well-respected leader in the Church in England recounts a recent experience he had while listening to well-known authority on Islam, Patrick Sookhdeo give a lecture. If a leader of less qualification than David Pawson made the following statement, then it is possible that it would go entirely unnoticed, but instead, we should all be very sobered by what David experienced:

In the middle of his talk, both unexpected and unrelated to its contents, I was suddenly overwhelmed with what could be described as a premonition that Islam will take over this country. (England) I recall sitting there stunned and even shaking. We were not just listening to an interesting lecture about a religion and culture, which others believed and practiced. We were hearing about our future! 16

In the rest of the book, Pawson walks through what he feels are some proper Christian responses to his prediction. Pawson’s recommended course of action includes three primary components: Reality, Relationship and Righteousness. I will not endeavor to expound on these three issues, as Pawson has already done so with conviction. Of course, Pawson’s warning has proven to be highly controversial throughout the Church in England. The real question however, in the opinion of this author, isn’t really whether Pawson’s warning will come to pass or not, but rather: Will the Church in England choose to implement Pawson’s recommended plan of response? This remains to be seen.

Balancing The Facts

Now the point here is not to paint an overly dismal picture. It also needs to be pointed out that Muslims are also converting to Christianity all over the world. Many Muslims will make the claim repeatedly that no Muslim ever leaves Islam. This claim is refuted without much effort. One Muslim Sheikh recently claimed that in Africa alone, there are over six million Muslim converts to Christianity annually. That would break down to about 667 an hour, or 16,000 a day. From January of 2003 to the middle of 2004, the ministry of German Evangelist Reinhardt Bonke has seen over ten million Africans make decisions to follow Jesus. A large percentage of those who made these decisions were Muslims. In fact, Muslims from all over the world are making decisions to become followers of Jesus. 17 Many of these decisions are made following a spiritual dream or a vision. 18 There are many wonderful and powerful testimonies of the goodness of God in the lives of Muslims coming to know Jesus. I believe with all my heart that the Middle East will see a revival of Muslims coming to a biblical faith in Jesus. Christianity in Latin America, Asia and Africa is now experiencing what can only be called revival. But this does not negate the fact that the growth of Islam is still much faster than that of Christianity, not only in America, Canada, England and Europe, but worldwide. Now, it must be stated here that much of the reason for the faster growth of Islam is simply higher birth rates among Muslims. Muslims are just having far more children than Christians. The growth of Islam does not find its primary source from conversions. But again, despite the reasons for its growth, it is nevertheless growing and spreading faster than Christianity. The simple fact of the matter is that we as the western Church have completely missed the undeniable worldwide significance of Islam.

For now, the point that needs to be emphasized is that the beliefs of the world’s second largest and fastest growing religion should matter to us. This is especially true in light of Islam’s potential to soon become the world’s largest religion. A fair prediction is that if the time comes when Islam indeed does bypass Christianity as the world’s largest religion, or even as it merely begins to draw closer to that point, there will be a tipping point whereby the rate of growth will increase exponentially. Bandwagon conversions and confusion among faithful Christians will be the rule of the day. We cannot underestimate the power of a worldwide trend. Indeed one of the primary aspects of the last-days is what the Bible calls the “great apostasy,” which will be a significant global falling away from the Christian faith. While Islam now exists as an insecure religion wrestling with why Allah has allowed Islam to remain an inferior presence in the earth compared to Christianity, the days will likewise come for Christians, when they too will have to wrestle with why God has allowed Islam to bypass Christianity in terms of both growth and influence. This could begin to happen as soon as fifteen years from now. It could be sooner. I sincerely hope that this is not the case, but at present, there are very little indicators to suggest otherwise. The only hope for a turnaround in this trend would be a significant full-scale worldwide revival; the kind of revival that until now has never been seen. But for now, as the trend is just beginning in America, it is time to become informed and prepared for what promises to be the Church’s greatest challenge ever. As I said earlier, Islam is the future (albeit only temporarily so). It is time for the Church to face reality. As Brother Andrew, the man who became so well known for smuggling bibles past the iron curtain, as told in the modern Christian classic, God’s Smuggler, said as early as 1994, “What Communism was to the twentieth century, Islam will be for the next one hundred years.” 19


So maybe you now agree that it is important to become informed regarding Islam, but you may be wondering why it is important to understand Islamic eschatology specifically. It’s a good question. Please think through some of these points carefully: The Bible makes it clear that the Devil’s primary plan for the last-days has been for the past few thousand years, to raise up two men, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, as his primary instruments to deceive the inhabitants of the earth. How do you suppose that Satan has planned to include the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims in his grand end-time deception? Did Satan fail to foresee and strategize regarding the global spread of Islam? Or has Satan included the Muslims of the world in his end-time strategy? Will Islam, the world’s third monotheistic religion, also undergo the persecution of Satan along with Christians and Jews as they all resist the Antichrist together? Or will Islam - the religion that prides itself in resisting any form of idolatry - simply submit to a demonic and false religious leader without putting up any real fight? For years, I questioned the Lord about these issues. In time, as my knowledge of Islam deepened, the answers to my questions became very clear. This book is my attempt to share with you what I have learned. I understand that this may sound like a strong statement to make, but I believe that the information presented in this book will establish the fact that Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist that will overwhelm the entire world just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


Asslamo Allaikum,


...this book will establish the fact that Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist that will overwhelm the entire world just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ...

Sounds familiar!


Senior Member
Assalamu alaikum,
It is very interesting and Allah swt is the Greatest of All.
Allah builds human being in many kind of races,faces,religions,clever or dump,About somebodys non muslims doing the articles,searching & studied about Islam, to them it is just for their works and carreers.UNLESS he will saying - ASHADUALLAH ILLAH HAILALAH WAANA MUHAMMADAR RASULLULAH!


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

You know brothers and sisters..

when i read such articles..i smile...really i do

subhanallah...these are the type or women who are driving non-muslims to discover and revert to Islam

sometimes..i just wanna gather all of them..and out of pity just say...

you need to stop all of this seriously you're only gonna have *more* muslims if you keep doing this!!!...JUST-STOP-IT...

i think they're better off just keeping quiet and stopping all this conspiracy..bias..and misleading info they spend so much time to come up with...i wish i knew how to get that much time on *my* hands..i do need it!

The more they argue against Islam..and the more they insult this deen...the more people witness its truth and pureness..subhanallah al-atheem!

By The Way Read This (carefully..and do your math):

One Muslim Sheikh recently claimed that in Africa alone, there are over six million Muslim converts to Christianity annually. That would break down to about 667 an hour, or 16,000 a day. From January of 2003 to the middle of 2004, the ministry of German Evangelist Reinhardt Bonke has seen over ten million Africans make decisions to follow Jesus. A large percentage of those who made these decisions were Muslims. In fact, Muslims from all over the world are making decisions to become followers of Jesus. 17 Many of these decisions are made following a spiritual dream or a vision.

if that was can Islam grow faster than Christianity in the Middle-East & North-Africa then??? :S

and what about following a spiritual dream or a vision???

I mean WOW!!! ummm!!! Wow!!! That would *DEFINITELY* be *THE* reason for me to give up a religion of reason and logic for another...a vision...or a spiritual dream...that would be *THE REASON*...WOOOW!!!

This Dude or Dudette or BI-T-T-ER! that's all i gotta say!

I just wanna conclude this with a saying that i hear often..and i'm going to make a rough translation goes

*They Fall In The Evils of Their Own Doing*...

Think of what people like that argue with..and claim against Islam...
And how that has benefited us Muslims and benefited Islam
And you'll see how that fits them TO THE GREATEST DEGREE!!!



Junior Member
Assalau Alaikum,

In his conclusion, the Christian author of the article said:

So maybe you now agree that it is important to become informed regarding Islam

If non Muslims act on his advice and actually seek knowledgeable Muslims to answer their questions, then this will -God willing- open up the way for the further spread of Islam.

He also said in the conclusion:

I understand that this may sound like a strong statement to make, but I believe that the information presented in this book will establish the fact that Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist that will overwhelm the entire world just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The problem with this theory is that we Muslims also believe in the future events concerning the Anti-Christ [pronounced as ad-Dajjaal in Arabic, meaning "the liar" or "the deceiver"] and we also believe that Jesus [peace be upon him] will be sent to earth again as one of the major signs of the Day of Judgment. So, how can Islam be "the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan" when there are authentic sayings of the Prophet [peace be upon him] about ad-Dajjaal and about the coming of Jesus [peace be upon him]?



Wassalamu Alaikum



Forgive me but here it goes:

1. The author is a snob.
2. The author is an elistist. What does one's level of education have to do with one's faith. That is a non-sequtor.
3. The author makes a very subtle classist remark: he speaks of college girls converting to Islam...the reality of what he is saying is : they don't like the fact white co-eds are converting...think of Princess Di.
4. Why is it sad that African-Americans ( Blacks ) are reverting. Islam was the religion of over 30% of the slaves. The presence of Islam has always been strong in the Black community. Hello...did he ever read about the Black Panthers?
5. He mentions Islam is spreading in the metropolitian areas...Islam is the religion of hope, by metropolitian he is referring to the ghettos.
6. What Allah wills happens and nothing else.


Junior Member
its funny how unknowledable this author is. He mentions allah and God as their two seperate and distinct dieties. Allah is the same derivative of the world Eloh in hebrew or Elah which Jesus basically cried out on the


New Member
Staff member
islam is already probably the larges world religion. There is probably way more muslim than christians, but they r trying to hide that. But the number dont matter, its the qualitty that matters.


New Member
Staff member
This claim is refuted without much effort. One Muslim Sheikh recently claimed that in Africa alone, there are over six million Muslim converts to Christianity annually. That would break down to about 667 an hour, or 16,000 a day. From January of 2003 to the middle of 2004, the

this just sounds so fishy. Thats a really fast rate. I mean that means a nation of 50 million would become christian in like 5 yrs if the rate is as he said8 million annually. Also, another thing, if a person lives islam and knows it, how many do actually convert. When was the last time u saw an imam convert to christianity or any other religion. however, ull c planty leaders from other faiths become muslim. People who called themselves muslim in first place, and then become christians, most likely they werent in first place a muslim. Verily, the salah will take people from doing most bad things. Allah knows best.


Islam is Perfect
In The Name Of ALLAH The All Merciful, Beneficent, Compassionate, Gracious
All the most Beautiful names belongs to ALLAH (Alone)​

I bear witness, testify, declare and announce that there is no god except ALLAH (alone) and Mohammed (sallalaho alahi wasalam) [may ALLAH shower peace and blessings on him, his family, his companions and all those that follow his way of life in this life and the hereafter] is the last/end/final/true prophet and messenger to the whole mankind.​

Islam is the one and only true and accepted way of life/religion/deen/code of life in the sight of ALMIGHTY ALLAH.

Islam will always be victorious because its the truth.

Jesus (AS) may ALLAH bless him, and shower peace on him was a prophet/messenger AND HE DID NOT DIE, AND HE WAS NOT CRUCIFIED, NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM. ALMIGHTY ALLAH SAVED HIM AND PROTECTED HIM, AND RAISED HIM TO THE HEAVEN, and he will decsend brfore the day of Judgement by the command/order/will/instruction of ALMIGHTY ALLAH.

To all PLEASE READ the Quran the Last Revalation/Testiment/Mercy/Guidance for the whole of mankind from ALMIGHTY ALLAH

Also read the life of Prophet Mohammed (sallalaho alahi wasalam) [may ALLAH shower peace and blessings on him, his family, his companions and all those that follow his way of life in this life and the hereafter]​

warda A

The Islamic Revival

The clearest reason to study and understand Islam and specifically Islamic eschatology is quite simply because Islam is the future. Yes, you read that correctly: Islam is the future. So maybe you now agree that it is important to become informed regarding Islam, but you may be wondering why it is important to understand Islamic eschatology specifically. It’s a good question. I believe that the information presented in this book will establish the fact that Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist that will overwhelm the entire world just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


this guy keep banging his head on a wall
he should wake up to the reality of islam, he claims he has studied islam and i wonder where he got his information.
and his last quote is hilarious, if he studied islam then he should know that muslims belive in the second coming of prophet issa (jesus) and the anti-christ.
This kind of misinformation is really useless as one pointed out that the truth prevails and the truth is islam.



when it comes to islam, i find there to be two types of christians. christians that understand islam in a fair way and by no means feel threatened by islam and muslims. they are usually very willing to have a dialogue with muslims. then there are those christians that feel threatened by islam, not because of terrorism, but losing christians to islam. those type of christians, really see christianity as a business. one less christian to them means one less dollar in the collection plate. when i hear them talk, they aren't upset because that person may have chosen a false religion, but rather it's less support in the church financially.



Subhana Allah!

:ma: really amazing, may Allah almighty guide him to the right path ameen. jazak Allahu khayra for sharing.may Allah almighty bless u ameen



Junior Member

You know brothers and sisters..

when i read such articles..i smile...really i do

subhanallah...these are the type or women who are driving non-muslims to discover and revert to Islam

sometimes..i just wanna gather all of them..and out of pity just say...

you need to stop all of this seriously you're only gonna have *more* muslims if you keep doing this!!!...JUST-STOP-IT...

i think they're better off just keeping quiet and stopping all this conspiracy..bias..and misleading info they spend so much time to come up with...i wish i knew how to get that much time on *my* hands..i do need it!

The more they argue against Islam..and the more they insult this deen...the more people witness its truth and pureness..subhanallah al-atheem!

By The Way Read This (carefully..and do your math):

One Muslim Sheikh recently claimed that in Africa alone, there are over six million Muslim converts to Christianity annually. That would break down to about 667 an hour, or 16,000 a day. From January of 2003 to the middle of 2004, the ministry of German Evangelist Reinhardt Bonke has seen over ten million Africans make decisions to follow Jesus. A large percentage of those who made these decisions were Muslims. In fact, Muslims from all over the world are making decisions to become followers of Jesus. 17 Many of these decisions are made following a spiritual dream or a vision.

if that was can Islam grow faster than Christianity in the Middle-East & North-Africa then??? :S

and what about following a spiritual dream or a vision???

I mean WOW!!! ummm!!! Wow!!! That would *DEFINITELY* be *THE* reason for me to give up a religion of reason and logic for another...a vision...or a spiritual dream...that would be *THE REASON*...WOOOW!!!

This Dude or Dudette or BI-T-T-ER! that's all i gotta say!

I just wanna conclude this with a saying that i hear often..and i'm going to make a rough translation goes

*They Fall In The Evils of Their Own Doing*...

Think of what people like that argue with..and claim against Islam...
And how that has benefited us Muslims and benefited Islam
And you'll see how that fits them TO THE GREATEST DEGREE!!!


Ameen, to all that you said my sister. I can only laugh at the statement and you can clearly see the contradiction in the 6 million African Muslim claim. This is an old missionary deception and those millions of Muslims even if they really seen dreams or visions, they would have to have been idol worshipers or else that wouldn't happen and they sure as heck wouldn't fall for it. How stupid do they thing people are? These missionary tactics are too easy to refute and their claims are never proven. The most interesting thing about most reverts to Islam is that they are learned and in many cases educated in their religions. The missionaries with all their sophisticated propaganda and tactics, yet still struggle to even fool ignorant and non practicing Muslims or Hindus. Even when I was a Christian and growing up, I would see different types of people who had converted to Islam and I was always confused about it and I had and still have never met an "ex Muslims" in person, and the ones I've heard of, and especially on tv, I sometimes wonder if these people were at any time Muslims, I can't help but call them the dumbest people I ever met. They can't even make simple pronouncements and they don't even know a small surah from the Quran from heart.

I am sorry but i don't believe the 6 million a year lie and I like to meet a few of them. I have so many Senegalese and other African Muslim friends and they have never heard or said such a thing. They in fact tell me of how non-Muslim Africans revert to Islam for a verity of reasons. I can see a few ignorant people here and there who do it because of marriage, money, etc but even that is a rarity. I have known one Kurd who had married a Christian woman in North Iraq and he supposedly converted but I wouldn't even call that a conversion. He never practiced or knew of Islam and he sure as heck does not live as a "pious" Christian. The author of this article is just trying to save face and is embarrassed because his western communities can't even satisfy their own yet they are out to catch naive and ignorant Muslims.

These missionaries use all kinds of deceptions in third world countries and they still struggle with conversions, yet they are able to get "6 million" Muslims to convert? At least they could make a more believable number so that people would buy their lies but 6 million is just too laughable and unreal. They always manage to contradict themselves no matter how much they lie. For example, they say Islam spread by force, and we bring up Indonesia, Malaysia, West Africa, Nigeria, East Africa, etc, and they are contradicted. They say islam is abusive toward women, yet when we show them how women outnumber men reverts in some places 8 to 1, and they respond "oh they do it because they want to marry a good Muslim", huh, I thought you just said they abuse women, lol. Every slander they make, Islam defends itself and proves them liars. I guess some people are that prejudice and that desperate to keep people from finding the truth.

I like to talk to that "sheikh" too and see what that is all about.


Junior Member
That was actually an extremely hilarious ariticle......A christian or of whatever religion actually informing his country about Islam's success!! I mean wow!!

And i think i agree that the people-the so called muslims-who accept Christianity were never really muslims!!...Nobody IN THE RIGHT MIND would evr accept the Cfact that God can have a son!! I mean:astag::astag::astag:

And by writing "Sadly....." he is only making things worse!


New Member

When I see articles like that I just think-




Junior Member
Assalumu Alaikum

Their deceptions will not couse Islam with anything.
Allah Azza wajallah says in the Qur'an

Yureedoona liyutfioo noora Allahi biafwahihim waAllahu mutimmu noorihi walaw kariha alkafiroona Q.61:8

61:8 Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).