Just Close Your Eyes And Imagine

warda A


Just Close Your Eyes And Imagine

Just close your eyes and imagine,
You have just one more day to live;
One more day to show Allah,
What "Jannah"he should give?
To say goodbye to your family,
And all your closest friends;
To ask for forgiveness,
And try to make amends;

Just close your eyes and imagine,
Did you miss a prayer or two?
Did you please Allah, and do the things,
He asks every Muslim to do?

Just close your eyes and imagine,
Tomorrow you will be gone;
No more second chances,
To smell the mist of dawn;

Just close your eyes and imagine,
The angels are going to come,
To take your soul and ask,
In your life "what have you done"?

Just close your eyes and imagine,
The words you want to say;
Will not come out you may realize,
For all your deeds you'll pay;
You want to speak out, to cry out,
In Allah I believe;
But, silence beckons you,
No more can u deceive;

Just close your eyes and imagine,
Your silence breaks away;
You tell the angels you believe in Allah,
And for him, you did pray;
You say as tears are pouring down your face
Please, Allah, forgive me,
For the sins that I committed,
Have mercy is my plea!

Just close your eyes and imagine,
That the smell of musk surrounds you,
From your head down to your feet;
You realize Allah forgave you,
Hell fire you did defeat;

But we all know as Muslims,
When it's time for you to die;
You'll not be given a second chance,
To say a last goodbye;

So live each day as If it's your last,
And never forget to pray;
So when the angels come to ask,
You'll know the words to say.

Remember Brother & Sisters...we are all here in this world for just
awhile...make the most of everyday & do what's required if not more


Junior Member

Very very beautifully written, something to think about the second we've read it!
May Allah strenghten the Emaan of every muslim that reads this poem. Ameen.


ALLAH is in my heart
salam sis
aha MASHA ALLAH very nice sharing.
i wonder y not so much replies to it.
but its realy like a reminder for us.
ahh i wish v consider every day our last day.
if v do so im sure v will become staunch muslims INSHA ALLAH.
o ALLAH help us all amin sumamin.
jazakallahum khair for sharing.


:salam2: jazakallahu kheer for the wonderful poem
you did very nice job is beautiful masha'allah
we all need to return to allah before its too late ( can i copy lol) :ma:
may allah bless you and all the muslims :tti_sister: :wasalam:


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ


Indee, what a beautiful reminder.

May Allah (SWT) give all of us the Iman and strength to be able to utter our Kalimah at the time of death. May He make easy on us the Punishment and questioning in the grave.May Allah (SWT) save us from the blazing fire of Hell and May He, the Most Merciful save us from being the fuel of the fire. May he forgive all our past sins and that which we unknowingly commit. May He, in this life, guide us to His path, the True path. May He guide the misguided and bring closer to Himself the believers.




Subhana Allah!

:ma::ma::ma::ma::ma::ma:that sooo beneficial. jazak Allahu khayra for sharing. may Allah subhana wata'ala grant u jannatul firdowsa ameen



Junior Member
asalam w3likum
that was very beneficial
thanks alot for sharing, mashallah that was very beautiful
jazak allah kahir