masah on cotton socks, allowed?

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to Allah we belong

masah (wiping over socks):

scholars at says its allowed. but i have read fatwas of so many scholars which says its not allowed. the hadith that prophet :saw2: wiped over it was when he already was in wudu.

all four imams -ra- (abu hanifa, shafi, malik, ahmad) said that if water can go inside the socks, masah over them is not allowed.

but here lots of ppl are doing it. and sometimes i have to pray behind them. :(

wht to do? :confused:


Junior Member

If they say it is allowed they should proove it! It seems that it is more a traditional practice...



Junior Member
My shaykh says that if you've made a proper wudu within the past 24 hours you are allowed to wipe over your socks or even your shoes (as long as they go above the ankle). As my shaykh does nothing without proof, I can ask him for it. As long as I've been a Muslim I've been told this... if you get up in the morning and make a proper wudu for Fajr you can masa over your socks for the rest of the day unless you take your socks off.


to Allah we belong
My shaykh says that if you've made a proper wudu within the past 24 hours you are allowed to wipe over your socks or even your shoes (as long as they go above the ankle). As my shaykh does nothing without proof, I can ask him for it. As long as I've been a Muslim I've been told this... if you get up in the morning and make a proper wudu for Fajr you can masa over your socks for the rest of the day unless you take your socks off.


but what about this:

Jurists have placed the following conditions for the permissibility of masah:

(1) They are so thick and strong that it is possible to walk three miles in them
(2) They remain on the shin without being tied or fastened
(3) Water does not penetrate (seep into) the socks, thereby making the feet wet


Junior Member

but what about this:

Jurists have placed the following conditions for the permissibility of masah:

(1) They are so thick and strong that it is possible to walk three miles in them
(2) They remain on the shin without being tied or fastened
(3) Water does not penetrate (seep into) the socks, thereby making the feet wet

That seems to be one opinion. There is another (this one doesn't specify material the socks are made of):

(from )

Q3. What are the authentic, established conditions for wiping over the socks and what are their evidences?

A3. There are four conditions:

The first: that he be in a state of purity when he wore them. And the evidence for this is his sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam saying to Mughira, ‘Leave them, for indeed my feet were in a state of purity when I wore them’

The second: that the khuffs or jawaarabs be pure and clean. If they have filth on them then it is not permissible to wipe over them. And the evidence for this is that the Messenger of Allâh sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam prayed with his Companions one day in shoes, and during the prayer he removed them. Then afterwards he informed his Companions that this was because Jibreel had informed him that they had filth or dirt on them. And this indicates that the prayer is not acceptable when there is something in it which is impure, and because when the wiper wipes over the filth it sullies him also, and then he is also not in a state of purity.

The third: that he wipes over them when he is in a state of minor impurity, not when he is junub or in any state that necessitates the ghusl. And the evidence for that is the hadeeth of Safwaan bin Assaal radiallaahu 'anhu who said, “The Messenger of Allâh sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ordered us not to remove our socks for three days and nights when we were on a journey except if we were junub, but not from excretion, urination or sleep.” So the condition is set that the wiping is only for minor impurity, not for the major impurity due to this hadeeth.

The fourth: that the wiping be for the period determined by the Sharee’ah, and that is a day and a night for one who is resident, and three days and nights for the one on a journey. This due to the hadeeth of Alee radiallaahu 'anhu who said, “the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam set a limit of one day and night for the resident, and three days and nights for the traveler,” meaning for wiping over the khuffs. Related by Muslim. And this period starts the first time one wipes over the socks, and it finished 24 hours after for the resident and 72 hours after for the traveler.

And then there's this:

(from )
Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, thanks for your question, which emanates from a God-fearing heart, since it shows your commitment to Prayer, the cornerstone of Islam, and purification, which is regarded by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as half of the faith. We’d would like to commend your pursuit of Islamic knowledge.

As for wiping over leather socks in wudu’, while scholars are unanimous on the permissibility of wiping on leather socks, they are divided on the permissibility of wiping on other types of socks (i.e. cotton, nylon, etc.). Authentic scholars and mujtahids like Ibn Taymiyyah have affirmed the permissibility of wiping on such socks provided they are thick and not transparent.

In his response to the question in point, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

“Wiping with wet hands on leather socks, instead of washing the feet, is considered not only permissible when done in conformity with the prescribed conditions but also reviving a Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It is making use of a rukhsah (allowance) granted to us by the Law-giver and as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Allah loves people to make use of His allowances just as He loves them to comply with His commandments.”

The permissibility of wiping on leather socks is agreed upon unanimously by all of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama`ah (mainstream Muslims). That is why it has been enumerated as a matter of creed in the book called ‘Aqidah by Imam Abu Ja`far at-Tahawi — a work that sums up all of the creedal points unanimously accepted by the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama`ah.

However, while scholars are unanimous on the permissibility of wiping on leather socks, they are divided on the permissibility of wiping on other types of socks (i.e., cotton, nylon, etc.). Some scholars have affirmed the permissibility of wiping on such socks provided that they are thick and not transparent.

In the classical manuals of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), wiping is generally taken to be restricted to leather socks. However, there is nothing in the sources to restrict the permission to leather only. The original intent of the permission was to bring ease and comfort; people normally wear socks, regardless of the material they are made of, in order to keep off dust and protect the feet from heat or cold. Since it is inconvenient to take them off all the time, permission was granted by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to wipe over them for a period of one day and night for a resident and three days and nights for a traveler.

That the permission to wipe on socks or stockings is not limited to leather is the view authenticated by great scholars and mujtahids such as Ibn Taymiyyah and others; the reasoning is quite clear. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) never stated that the permission was limited to leather socks. Therefore, the same rule can be extended to all types of socks or stockings regardless of whether they are made of leather, cotton, wool, or synthetic, so long as it is halal (permitted) material.

Coming to the specific conditions of wiping, we read in the authentic traditions: “The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) allowed wiping on leather socks three days (nights inclusive) for a traveler and one day (twenty four hours) for a resident.”

There are, however, certain conditions to be considered for the permissibility of wiping such as the following:

a) Socks or stockings must be thick and not transparent so that water does not seep through when wiped over.

b) They must cover both the upper and the lower parts of the feet up to the ankle bones.

c) They must be put on after making wudu’ (ablution) or ghusl (bathing), while one is still pure.

d) One must not take them off. If one does take them off, he must take the socks off and wash the feet completely the next time he makes wudu’.

e) Wiping must not exceed the period of one full day and night in the case of a resident and three days and nights for a traveler.

f) Finally, one must remove the socks if ghusl (bathing) becomes obligatory.

To conclude: It is permissible to wipe on leather and thick cotton, wool, nylon socks or stockings. In case of those who are working in offices or factories or campuses, it may even be better for them to make use of this allowance in Shari`ah, especially where washing feet may create undue hardships or becomes a source of undue misgivings, etc. It is best for them to put on their socks after having completed ablutions in the morning; then they can continue wiping on them during the duration of their work or absence from home for a whole day or until they return home.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from:

If you are still in need of more information, don't hesitate to contact us. Do keep in touch. May Allah guide us all to the straight path!

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Since nobody really wears leather socks any more unless they purchase them specifically from a Muslim merchant, this is an issue that should be a bit more clear.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi,

First of all, we shouldn't seek the fatawas of people of desires and who we are warned against. Therefore we should avoid sites like Also I am not sure about sunnahonline.

Here is some beneficial knowledge about wiping over the socks :-

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “This means that what should be wiped is the top of the sock, passing one's fingers from the toes to the shin only, and one should wipe with both hands over both feet together, i.e., the right hand should wipe the right foot and the left hand should wipe the left foot at the same time, just as one wipes the ears, because this is the apparent meaning of the Sunnah, as al-Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah said, ‘Then he wiped them both.’ He did not say that he started with the right, rather that he ‘wiped them both’. So this is the apparent meaning of the Sunnah. If we assume that he cannot use one of his hands then he should start with the right before the left. Many people wipe the right foot with both hands then the left foot with both hands, but there is no basis for this as far as I know. No matter how it is done, wiping the top of the slipper (or sock) is sufficient but what we have said here is best.”

(See Fataawa al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah, vol. 1, p. 250)

You should not wipe the sides or back of the sock because there is no report concerning that.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: “Someone may say that it is the bottom of the slipper or sock that should be wiped, because this is what is in contact with dust and dirt. But if we think about it we will see that wiping the top of the sock is what makes sense, because this wiping is not for the purpose of cleaning, rather it is an act of worship; if we were to wipe the bottom of the sock that would make it more dirty.” And Allaah knows best.

See al-Sharh al-Mumti’ by Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, vol. 1, p. 21


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

but what about this:

Jurists have placed the following conditions for the permissibility of masah:

(1) They are so thick and strong that it is possible to walk three miles in them
(2) They remain on the shin without being tied or fastened
(3) Water does not penetrate (seep into) the socks, thereby making the feet wet

:salam2: brother,

Have you paid attention to people who have issued this fatawa ? They are not even from Ahl ul Sunnah Wa'al Jama'a.

Searching for Islamic Knowledge without knowing whose views you are reading is very dangerous. Insha'Allah we should pay attention to this.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


Junior Member
Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi,

First of all, we shouldn't seek the fatawas of people of desires and who we are warned against. Therefore we should avoid sites like Also I am not sure about sunnahonline.

Sorry but I have never been "warned against" Can you explain to me why we can't use information from that website?

Thank you...


Praise be to Allah!

but what about this:

Jurists have placed the following conditions for the permissibility of masah:

(1) They are so thick and strong that it is possible to walk three miles in them
(2) They remain on the shin without being tied or fastened
(3) Water does not penetrate (seep into) the socks, thereby making the feet wet

Wa 'alaykkumus salaam wa rahmatullaah. It is from the etiquettes of seeking a fatwaa that you follow a ruling according to the evidences produced. The first and third point need to be backed up with evidence it is not just sufficient to say that they should be thick etc. There is no point of using Qiyaas when clear evidences have been laid down. So what if a person can only walk in a sock for 2.99 miles untill it rips??? It is not valid to do Mas7? The fatwa from Islamqa is backed up with evidence, and it is upon you to follow that which is backed up with evidence.
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