May Allahs blessings and piece be upon you!!!


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu Wa rahmatullah Wa barakathu dear brothers and sisters.

May you all be in the best state fo heath and faith Inshallah.

Bismillahirhamnirahim(In the name of Allah,The most Mercyfull,The most Compassionate)

Dear brothers and sisters the reason of my thread is to say that I really have spend nice time here and when i joined on this site I was so happy for knowing that I will be on one palce with all my brothers and sisters in Islaam and happy to learn more about Islaam,share my knowlodge and increase my iman.

And lately time it happend some things here that has hurted me so much,and now when I am writeing my heart is hurting me so much.:SMILY23::SMILY23::SMILY23:Becasue of some things I feel like I do not belong here,and that I have done something wrong,that for my questions I am going against Allahs Low.:(:SMILY23:The reason for some my question was that my mind could understnad some things but not my heart,and some things are hurting me so much.
I feel like something is my fault and Allah knows me the best.

It is not really to handle when someone tells you that you are going agaisnt Allahs Low,and I only wanted that Allah be pleased me,and it is making me so sad this words because I might think that Allah subhan we teal is not pleased with me,and I can not handle that.:(:(:(
It is not easy that when you call a saalam to your brother/sister and he does not answer you on saalam or tell you only "hello" like you are not a Muslimah.
It is not easy when your brothers and sisters tells you "we are going to decide about you",Ya Allah.

And it happen a case with brother Moderator who said to me some words,which made me feel like I done something wrong,and after that I felt a gulity like I done something wrong towerd my brother in Islaam,and towerd Allah. I can not handle that and it is hurting me so much.!!!!!!:SMILY23::( :SMILY23:If I did,may Allah forgive me.

After some words,when i come on the site I feel like I do not belong here,and it is bringing tears in my eyes becasue I love so much all brothers and sisters in Islaam,and only thing waht I do is praiyng for them,I do not pray for my selfe almost never but always for my brothers and sisters,only now I need to ask of Alah forgivness becasue after some words I feel like I done something wrong to Islaam, to Allah,and to my brothers and sisters.

I am too much sensitive ,and that is why I can not handle some things.They are making me too much sad some words who were so harsh.

I do not want that you think that I have put my thread to atract attention on my selfe.........It is only easy to put a words on paper with a hope that someone will understand and mkae a dua for you.
I hope Inshallah someone will understand that I do not understand.:tti_sister:

I need to take a some break and take a rest Inshallah........................

Please forgive me brothers and sisters if I hurt you with something,and may Allah forgive me and too all Muslims.:tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:

May Allah bless you and reword you for your love to Islaam,Allah and His RasullAllah.

May Allah bless you all,and I love you all for the sake of Allah.:hearts:

Wa Allaicomu Sallam Wa rahmatullah Wa Barakathu

Your sister in Islaam,Asja


Junior Member

Sister its understandable what you are going through,

I dont think so you have hurt anyone's feelings here, atleast not me. Infact your thread helped clare up confusions some of us had. Had you not started the thread sister safiya would not have brought forth the evidence. It led many of us to investigate the matter and conclude that the research done was faulty.

No one here is a scholar, we are all here to learn from each other. There is nothing wrong in asking sister, its better to ask and get things clarified than to believe in something wrong.

You have been thinking about it a lot lately, probably you need to switch your mind off it for some time and start fresh later.

Please forgive me if I have hurt your feelings.

May Allah guide us all closer to the truth

Salam Alakum


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I concur with bro. mHamzah. I don't remember you have ever hurt me..I'm not sure others. I hope you will just forget about this eposide and move on. We are with you sister. On the other hand, if I ever hurt you pls forgive me.


Junior Member

Assalamu Allaicomu Wa rahmatullah Wa barakathu dear brothers and sisters.

May you all be in the best state fo heath and faith Inshallah.

Bismillahirhamnirahim(In the name of Allah,The most Mercyfull,The most Compassionate)

Dear brothers and sisters the reason of my thread is to say that I really have spend nice time here and when i joined on this site I was so happy for knowing that I will be on one palce with all my brothers and sisters in Islaam and happy to learn more about Islaam,share my knowlodge and increase my iman.

And lately time it happend some things here that has hurted me so much,and now when I am writeing my heart is hurting me so much.:SMILY23::SMILY23::SMILY23:Becasue of some things I feel like I do not belong here,and that I have done something wrong,that for my questions I am going against Allahs Low.:(:SMILY23:The reason for some my question was that my mind could understnad some things but not my heart,and some things are hurting me so much.
I feel like something is my fault and Allah knows me the best.

It is not really to handle when someone tells you that you are going agaisnt Allahs Low,and I only wanted that Allah be pleased me,and it is making me so sad this words because I might think that Allah subhan we teal is not pleased with me,and I can not handle that.:(:(:(
It is not easy that when you call a saalam to your brother/sister and he does not answer you on saalam or tell you only "hello" like you are not a Muslimah.
It is not easy when your brothers and sisters tells you "we are going to decide about you",Ya Allah.

And it happen a case with brother Moderator who said to me some words,which made me feel like I done something wrong,and after that I felt a gulity like I done something wrong towerd my brother in Islaam,and towerd Allah. I can not handle that and it is hurting me so much.!!!!!!:SMILY23::( :SMILY23:If I did,may Allah forgive me.

After some words,when i come on the site I feel like I do not belong here,and it is bringing tears in my eyes becasue I love so much all brothers and sisters in Islaam,and only thing waht I do is praiyng for them,I do not pray for my selfe almost never but always for my brothers and sisters,only now I need to ask of Alah forgivness becasue after some words I feel like I done something wrong to Islaam, to Allah,and to my brothers and sisters.

I am too much sensitive ,and that is why I can not handle some things.They are making me too much sad some words who were so harsh.

I do not want that you think that I have put my thread to atract attention on my selfe.........It is only easy to put a words on paper with a hope that someone will understand and mkae a dua for you.
I hope Inshallah someone will understand that I do not understand.:tti_sister:

I need to take a some break and take a rest Inshallah........................

Please forgive me brothers and sisters if I hurt you with something,and may Allah forgive me and too all Muslims.:tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:

May Allah bless you and reword you for your love to Islaam,Allah and His RasullAllah.

May Allah bless you all,and I love you all for the sake of Allah.:hearts:

Wa Allaicomu Sallam Wa rahmatullah Wa Barakathu

Your sister in Islaam,Asja


sister :) who said your going against Allah's law, because i see that you are trying your best to be what Allah wants us to be :) dont be effected by things some has said to you, you got to be strong and ignore it, because Allah knows you better, we here we dont know you personally, but from your threads we see that you are trying to be good and im sure you are a wonderfull person. and pls dont say you dont belong here, you surely belong here :). i see you try to express yourself and maybe people are getting you wrong. sister dont let those things hurt you, and im hoping to still see you around. let them say what they want, who cares, they dont know you, but Allah does, He knows everything thats in our hearts. now im not saying this to hurt them. sis, pls be strong, ignore them, they can go ahead say what they want, but inside you, you know God is with you, and whatever they are saying, will not effect you in a bad way. and keep praying. may Allah be with you sis. take care


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum my young sister
Im very sad to hear about what happened and I'm really sad to see you crying ..
I also want ask you to forgive me that I was too harsh on you ,when I was a Moderator ...None of the Moderators has the right to make our brothers and sisters feel down ..We are all equal here ...The title does not mean anyone is better then the other or more knowledgeable then the other ..
None of us has the right to make a conclusion about other person's faith or to judge other's faith ..Allah and only Allah knows our hearts ..

I'm really sad that you were hurt by someone ,but you have to remember that there are many many brothers and sisters on this site who love to see you here ..Don't let just one person to turn you away from the whole community ...

And to my brothers and sisters Moderators ,please be easier on people ...Be humble and most important remember that we are all equal in front of Allah...
Words can hurt more then weapons...

Asja I hope you will come back and forget about what happened ...​

waaleikum salam


Travelling towards my grave.
wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh my respected sister Asja...

Ash-hadu Allaailaaha Illallaah Wa Ash-had Anna Muhammadhurrasoolullah. This is what made us Muslims. We believed the above statement and its meaning fully in our hearts.

O my beloved sister in Islam. The life of a Muslim(ah) is definitely not easy. Whole world will be against them. Why? Because we do not belong here. We came here just for a visit and collect the items we need for our long journey to the eternity.

The life of Rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is what we must look for. People will call different things and say different words. However, we are us and we will not change because of them. Kuffar said Rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is a poet. But Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) said in Surah Al-Haaqqa (The Reality). "And it is not the word of a poet; little is it that you believe." (69:41). When they said that he (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is a soothsayer Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) said from above seven Heavens, "Nor the word of a soothsayer; little is it that you mind." (69:42).

They said and called him (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) the worst of words. They are a lot and lot. Subuhaanallah! But that did not changed him. That did not changed his call to the Truth. That did not changed his respect. MaashaAllah.

Then let us think about us. We often do mistakes and often talk rude towards others. Also we are the people who often ask for forgiveness and who forgives.

O my dear sister Asja. You are a proud Muslimah of this Ummah. It is calling for more people like you. You, her, him, that Muslim, that brother, this sister, all of them are truly important for the Ummah. We (the youth) are the hope of this Ummah. We need to be firm. We need to be strong and we need to be courageous. Sister believe me you have all those qualities. What we need is to improve them always until we defeat Kuffar by a great defeat.

I fully understand your feelings although we are totally different my sister. What we need is patience. With that, we need to call others to the beauty. Then inshaAllah any brother or sister who mistakenly did something wrong will repent and correct him/herself.

We all are human beings. Moderators are also. They may make mistakes. When I keep silent most of the time without complaining a lot. Others will think that I am satisfied. No thats wrong. I also want some and do not want some. I also have problems.

I will keep you in my duas surely inshaAllah my dear respected Muslimah. You will never be left alone with the mercy of Allah. You will have my full respect of me always. Know that I also sometimes feel like that over here and there. But patience helped me to survive in all the situations. Remember, life of a Muslim(ah) will never be easy.

Sister I hope I did not make any offense here and if I did, please include me in the apologies list. Hope you will not leave us and go, like some others did. We need to contribute more, despite of the loneliness we feel.

The judge is Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala).

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member
Plz join back!

SalamAlykum sister Asja

I have myself been a frequent visitor to this site on account of my health issues,nevertheless i had never expected that a true Ambivert Muslimah like u will be hurt by the Moderators...

Sister im really grieved to know this,and trust me i can feel yor pain here.infact ur agony is self evident from yor words..But all the same ,we cant generalise the things..If one person has done that,it dosnt mean that rest will follow the same..

Remember one thing always:Dont get carried away by what ppl say becoz none has got the right to judge the other...Allah is the BEST JUDGE!
You never knwo who is DEAR to HIM..

Asja,dear,u cant leave TTI Network like this...Believe me,it will b a real LOSS to the TTI family..

Hope to see u soon here..

Your sister for Ever'

Assalamu Allaicomu Wa rahmatullah Wa barakathu dear brothers and sisters.

May you all be in the best state fo heath and faith Inshallah.

Bismillahirhamnirahim(In the name of Allah,The most Mercyfull,The most Compassionate)

Dear brothers and sisters the reason of my thread is to say that I really have spend nice time here and when i joined on this site I was so happy for knowing that I will be on one palce with all my brothers and sisters in Islaam and happy to learn more about Islaam,share my knowlodge and increase my iman.

And lately time it happend some things here that has hurted me so much,and now when I am writeing my heart is hurting me so much.:SMILY23::SMILY23::SMILY23:Becasue of some things I feel like I do not belong here,and that I have done something wrong,that for my questions I am going against Allahs Low.:(:SMILY23:The reason for some my question was that my mind could understnad some things but not my heart,and some things are hurting me so much.
I feel like something is my fault and Allah knows me the best.

It is not really to handle when someone tells you that you are going agaisnt Allahs Low,and I only wanted that Allah be pleased me,and it is making me so sad this words because I might think that Allah subhan we teal is not pleased with me,and I can not handle that.:(:(:(
It is not easy that when you call a saalam to your brother/sister and he does not answer you on saalam or tell you only "hello" like you are not a Muslimah.
It is not easy when your brothers and sisters tells you "we are going to decide about you",Ya Allah.

And it happen a case with brother Moderator who said to me some words,which made me feel like I done something wrong,and after that I felt a gulity like I done something wrong towerd my brother in Islaam,and towerd Allah. I can not handle that and it is hurting me so much.!!!!!!:SMILY23::( :SMILY23:If I did,may Allah forgive me.

After some words,when i come on the site I feel like I do not belong here,and it is bringing tears in my eyes becasue I love so much all brothers and sisters in Islaam,and only thing waht I do is praiyng for them,I do not pray for my selfe almost never but always for my brothers and sisters,only now I need to ask of Alah forgivness becasue after some words I feel like I done something wrong to Islaam, to Allah,and to my brothers and sisters.

I am too much sensitive ,and that is why I can not handle some things.They are making me too much sad some words who were so harsh.

I do not want that you think that I have put my thread to atract attention on my selfe.........It is only easy to put a words on paper with a hope that someone will understand and mkae a dua for you.
I hope Inshallah someone will understand that I do not understand.:tti_sister:

I need to take a some break and take a rest Inshallah........................

Please forgive me brothers and sisters if I hurt you with something,and may Allah forgive me and too all Muslims.:tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:

May Allah bless you and reword you for your love to Islaam,Allah and His RasullAllah.

May Allah bless you all,and I love you all for the sake of Allah.:hearts:

Wa Allaicomu Sallam Wa rahmatullah Wa Barakathu

Your sister in Islaam,Asja

um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member
:salam2: sister Asja,

I'm sorry to read about this and I hope you are not going to leave insh'Allah!
None of the Moderators think to be "better" of someone else here :astag: and we shouldn't even be suspicious about it.

We are a big family and things like this happen. Don't tell me you never discuss with a member of your family and being upset or something afterwards (!?) ;) That's the way, I think, we should take the things happening among us. I'm sure the Moderator that made you feel like this, didn't have bad intentions and so do you. Give always some good excuses to your brother & sister in Islam, we are living in a period where there's lots of fitnah and we don't really need it here among us on TTI, don't you think so?
Let's remember the reason why we are here on TTI, our "intention", it's for Allah, for Him we learn, for Him we discuss, for Him we try to gain knowledge, for Him we give advices to each other. Insh'Allah khayr for what happened and I really wish you'll think about it.

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
oh! sister . why are you leaving this website because of someone?......calm down .. plz sister control you self.. if you think you are against allahs laws, then we will (alhamdulillah) teach you.. plz give us the chance ,plz dont go sis plz, plz


to Allah we belong
salaam sister,

maybe bcoz of ur 'early marriage' post, moderators scolded u. its really sad.

there is no problem in questioning. without questioning, how we will gain knowledge? its really wrong that moderators and others told you something bad.

maybe Allah made u sensitive that u'll will be hurt frm minor things but ur ranking will increase with Allah.

but i'll advice u to forgive them and overlook their mistakes and expect ur reward frm Allah and keep connected with us.

united we stand but divided we fall.


Junior Member

beloved sister Asja please don´t leeave....

I do not believe that you go against Allah´s law, and I think the one who said that to you doesn´t mean like that... and also the moderator surelly have nothing against you personally...

it is a whisper of shaytan telling you that you don´t belong to her... of course you do... when I think at Asja.. First thing coming to my mind is your beautiful poems, full with love and yearning for Allah. :ma: then your desire for justice, your innocense and kindnes and sound mind... wallahi elhamdulliah that such a person like you is among us... :)

no one of us is perfect... not a single human beeing is perfect... only Allah is... and just bec you make a mistake or others criticize you... you don´t have to be so punishing to yourself.... cuz Asja is not deserving this ok :)

only Allah knows what is in the hearts of his servants... inshaallah Allah is pleased with you and you are of those whom He loves a lot.

I luv you for the sake of Allah



Wa'alaykum as-salaam warahmatullaahi wabaarakathu wamaghfirathu.

I think sometimes people get too attatched to these sites, they are just a place to share info, learn about Islam and to talk with like-minded brothers and sisters.
We know that this is a good site, mashaa'Allah the moderators keep it upon the correct Islam and gentley guide people away from any misconceptions or innovated practices through simple and effective da'wah. Due to this, many Muslims have become alot more concerned with the Qur'an and Sunnah, upon the methodology of the Salaf us-Saalih - walhamdulillaah.

But, wherever you go with will find certain individuals who are not like the rest, due to manners or speech, etc. I think you have probably come into contact with some people who do not represent Islam upon the Qur'an and Sunnah properly, due to their un-needed harshness or whatever and as you can see from some of the replies here the majority of people are not like this.
But also prehaps you have become too attached to a website, which is just a website and nothing more. WAllahu'alam.

My advice: Take a break, chill out, then come back. And try not to worry so much :)



Assalamu Alaikum

I think we in TTI are a big phat family. If you are leaving coz someone upset you, thats not a valid and good reason. I think you should communicate and sort it out with whoever it is. If that is not possible leave that subject and move on coz both of you agree to disagree. but do not keep any grudge nor think that you are not worthy as you could not convince that person.

I think you should seriously think abt this decision. I think you are one of the most active members of this forum. May be someone somewhere might have been benefited from your posts. so do you wanna stop getting ajar of not giving good things to this community. i seriously think you should think abt it again.

Anyways if you ask me, i would suggest to take a break for sometime, if you really want to stay away but don't completely abandon it. as i told you we cannot severe this relationship of faith among us. no matter what.

Also one lastpoint is don't let your emotions into this. this is anyways a website and there are lots of people with all sorts of mindset. so take a chill pill.

May ALLAH SWT ease your situation. Ameen



Muslim Unity...
:salam2: Dear sister Asja
Wallahi it hurts so much to see you sad :( i hope you feel better and please stop crying! inshallah everything will be fine sis off course you belong here we are one big family inshallah if you would like to take a break thats fine. but please don not leave sis come back soon.
We all have different oppinions sis but our hearts should always be united. I know you are trying your best to please Allah swt and i ask Allah to reward you for your good intention Mashallah.
May Allah reward you with good sis! you don't have to ask for forgivness because i have never ever felt heart when ever i spoke to you. But i ask you to forgive me if i have made you upset or hurt you in any way.
anyways sis i hope you havn't decided to leave or anything and i hope everything gets back to normal again. Don't ever feel alone Allah's always with you always and come back you will benefit more from the site inshallah!
take care my dear sis i love you so much for Allah's sake:hearts: and i hate to see you sad so please ukthii cheer up and stop worrying.
i will keep you in my duas May Allah make things easier for you Ameen :tti_sister::tti_sister:
:wasalam: your sis Ruksana


Thank You Allah!
NO MORE TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

