Mixture of Emotions!!

sis khadidja

proud to be muslim
:salam2: most people do show that they hate america but the american public can not be held responsible for there goverment's actions!
the people killed in the war in iraq were all inocent. americans killed sadam hussien that's the man they wanted it's over why go on killing helpless people that's just my opinion and i think everyone is intitled to there own no one should get angry about anyone elses opinion
i don't hate american people neither does anyone else for a matter of fact it's just some people don't know the diffrence between the goverment and the public who have no choice than to go with there goverments orders:blackhijab: i hope you understand my point of view and sorry if i offended someone!

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!

Valerie is a Muslim and so she IS required, but felt as if she was hated simply because she did not detest to the same degree as others. I think she felt that her opinions didn't matter and I think she felt disrespected because of it. While she tried to be understanding of the feelings of those people who live each and every day of their lives in fear of bombs and guns and violence, I think she felt as if she was the only one trying to be understanding. Shouldn't BOTH sides try to be understanding?

That is exactly what i think sister Valerie felt.While we whine because we feel our life is on the line everyday,we are in noway blaming those who have no contribution in our sufferings.problem is Jen we say America did this and that because we don't know them by any other name O_O.what else shall we call the killers in our neighbourhood??animals,donkeys,pigs O_O what??

We are not ignorant of the fact that our American lives are easy and soft in comparison to that of someone who lives in a war zone. I can not imagine such a horror.

now you speak of what some of us want Americans to understand.If we cry and complain.Don't get mad at us it's because everyone of us carry in the back of our minds a very violent experince.And believe me it's nothing like what you see on the tele.It's not even close.DONOT even imagine Jen.may every human be protected from such violence.you have no idea how it is in actual life and how it comes to haunt you,always!!

How do you think we might feel though, "walking" into a forum thread with no hatred in our hearts yet our presence sets off anger directed towards us because of where we live? You may be trying to yell at our governments, but its US that gets hurt and disrespected. How is that the example of the Prophet?

I only ask that you understand this one thing. There are so many people here who share the same living situation, fear and war. There are only a few of us who live here in the states. How defenseless do you think we may feel? How scared do you think we may feel? I can no longer join in fully conversation that take place in the news and current events forums because of that fear. I also do not want to be the source of discord.

Bad,ridiculous,targeted,blamed,helpless and innocent.but what i'm trying to say is.it's not towards you,Any of you who has no part in it.We say America because like i said that's the name we know them by.When it comes to you Ppl we respect,love and care for you,just as you deserve=)there is a human in us too.and it demands we give you due respect when you respect us.

Maybe the cute little Afghan girl wants to trade! "Hey, Mr. Soldier, I'll give you this flower for your cool gun!" :lol:

"Hmm... Okay, take it." :hijabi:

:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. . .
Oh my!!hand it to sister sakeena to make you happy=)how are you sister.long time no see!!<3

Sister Seeking!

Yer such a doll!...hehe. <3 <3
i know i am;)hehehe....kidding.and what you shared is the best way of explaining it=)

take care jen!!



What everyone has failed to understand is who is the real enemy. The real enemy is laughing at each and everyone one of us.
The emotional responses do nothing but cause hurt. Valerie was not deserving of this venom.
Educate yourself people. There is a common enemy. The enemy gains power as we fight over nothing.
The real enemy shows themselves and has been around a long long time.

The photograph was a precious moment in a world of insanity.


Junior Member

We muslems are created to woship Allah (our creator most Glorified).

Worship(Ibada) is submission to Allah with utmost humility and love of Him.

Also meaning of Worship is inclusive of everything which is pleasing to Allah , whether they deal with issues of belief, or deeds of the body. It may include everything a person perceives, thinks, intends, feels, says and does.
Allah has also commanded us to maintain certain feelings in our hearts, both towards Allah as well as others of His creation. Muslims must love Allah, fear him, have awe in Him, place their trust in Him, and revere Him. Muslims have also been commanded to love their brothers and sisters in humanity, to have mercy and compassion towards them,and to love righteousness and to hate sin.

In Musnad Ahmad it is stated: “A worshipper does not attain the truth of faith until he loves for the people what he loves for himself of good.”

(88. The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail,) (89. Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart.)

Translation of the meanings of Quran 26:89

Islam teaches to love all creatures since all are what Allah sobhanhu wa taala created but also teaches to hate oppression , unjustice and aggression and command to stop all kinds of inequity.

5:8 O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.
Translation of the meanings of Quran



Junior Member
5:8 O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.
Translation of the meanings of Quran

And what a better way to end this discussion but with Allah's word?
His word is always the final one.



Maybe I'm insane for jumping into this lion's den but I'd like to throw in my two cents as well.

To Valerie: Forgive me if I end up going off on a tangent. I don't know what it's like to be you because I'm not you and so I don't know exactly which posts offended you. You're correct that the posts of many TTI members MAY give the impression that Americans are hated on this forum and I'm sure there are some members that do hate Americans. But if someone truly wants to learn about Islam, then their focus should be on the religion and not the Muslims. I'm not going to go and look at fanatical Christians that blow up abortion clinics or priests that rape boys if I want to learn about Christianity. If I'm interested in a particular creed, I will look at its source, i.e. the holy texts. Muslims in the end are human beings coming from all different walks of life and from all over the world, just like anyone else. Some may bring their own baggage and it may be similar to what others have experienced. They may be able to relate on that. If generalizations are made, then one should always remember that a few individuals do not speak for an entire group. I know that you don't look at the 9/11 terrorists as representative of Islam. If you did, you never would have graced this board with your presence. If you want to learn about Islam, look at the religion. Don't look at the Muslims. Muslims are humans and humans are liable to error and resentment.

Please don't judge a faith by its practitioners. If you choose to deny the Truth because of its practitioners then you're only wronging yourself and at the end of the day, it should be about YOU and what's best for YOU. It's another thing if you feel that Islam isn't for you, but if you feel that it is and its some of the Muslims on this board that are getting to you, then remember that they don't speak for the entire faith.

I once heard an amazing saying: "If every Muslim was like me, what would happen to Islam?"

To everyone included: One thing people need to remember is that many of the posters on this forum INCLUDING those that criticize American policies are themselves American. Myself included. And I'll tell you that at ONE POINT I was practically called un-American and treated like an outsider by an American on this board for stating my opinions that involved criticizing American international and foreign policies. What hurt me was the fact that I'm just as American as anyone else. I was born AND raised here. So if stating an opinion that isn't pro-American is what makes me un-American, then I really think the definition of being American needs to be refined. In a country where freedom of speech is promoted for both pro and anti sentiments, it's not fair to just label one as American and the other as un-American, just because it isn't in accordance with the individual's views.

I'm an American Muslim and I love my country. What I don't love is ANYONE (American or non-American) telling me what I am because THEY don't agree with my opinion or are offended by it. I am who I am and I believe what I believe and if you don't like it, you're invited to ask me about what I believe but you do not have the right to tell me who I am or what I believe. Being American doesn't mean I have to close my eyes and be blind to what goes on around me. I may be American but I'm Muslim first and foremost and as so, Islam dictates that I speak out against oppression no matter WHERE IT IS. If it's in my own backyard, so be it. I have to speak out against it. Otherwise, hypocrisy is the next path I'm going down and they don't tend to fare too well in either this world or the next. One does not have to be un-American to disagree with American policies and one does not have to be American to agree with them.

Finally, I feel that many opinions on this board are easily dismissed or just plain disrespected because they don't fall into line with our own opinion. This actually goes for both Muslims and non-Muslims. It would be nice to remember that we all come from different walks of life and barring Islamic principles, there are no right and wrong answers. It would be equally nice if everyone's opinions were respected and not dismissed as unnecessary.

Valerie, I've always found your views to be in accordance with mine and I've always enjoyed your posts. I understand that it may be difficult to read posts that go against what you believe. But everyone has their own experiences and everyone's coming from their own place. With that said, I hope that you see that everyone has their differences but in the end there's only one Quran. Looking at the behavior of Muslims (who are human beings with various experiences that may be tainting their behavior) isn't going to help you understand Islam too well as much as the Quran and Ahadith will. Look to the sources and study them. It's where you'll find all the answers that you need. But looking at the behavior of human beings and then holding them to be representative of any creed will only mislead the individual and I hope you don't deny yourself the Blessings of Islam because of a few individuals.



You are not insane.

We have to step back and understand American Muslims have it tough. We hold fast to Islam. I am not saying we are perfect. We have a long long way to go.
We are surviving under difficult circumstances. Some of us live here for the love of money, But, many of us are simple human beings who surrender to Allah.
We have to be understanding of each other.

The little girl in the photograph represents Islam...and in one jesture she may have changed the life of the young man..forever Love.


Staff member

Reading Valerie's apparent last post on the forum, I really thought I had missed something. So I went back and read all the sentiments expressed in the posts before her contribution and realised ..no I hadn't ..

Valerie said:
This is my last post on tti. I understand many of you hate Americans. It doesn't matter anymore. I've been told that we're part of the problem if we pay taxes. That just living here, we're the problem.

I'm a veteran of the US Army. There may be a handful that joined to shoot people, I didn't. I joined back in 99 to pay for college. Hate the job, not the person. I was a journalist. I went to Kosovo and my heart was broken, seeing families rebuilding destroyed homes. I loved the children who enjoyed playing soccer with the soldiers. I took pictures of the children and mothers sitting on their front steps. They were amazing people. That's how I paid for college. No one here knows that soldier. It is possible he joined so he could put food on the table for his family, because there were no other jobs he could get and he didn't want his family to starve. If he wanted to kill someone, that girl wouldn't be handing him a flower.

The stereotype I see about Muslims is that they hate americans. If I came here, really wanting to learn about Islam, and the first thing I saw was this picture and "I hate him because of who he is." I'd turn around and leave, seeing that the stereotypes of muslims hating Americans is perfectly true, and that Islam wouldn't want me because I"m one of the hated ones.

Our media here is terrible, because it only looks at one side of things, and I suspect where many of you live you only see the opposite side. With all due respect, watching the pot and kettle fight isn't very much fun.

If the target audience to "turn to Islam" are people outside the US, then, great, they'll be happy. I've spent enough of my life depressed and hating myself, I can't do it anymore.

I understand there are reasons for these against this soldier, but no one here knows that guy, and maybe he'd rather protect that child and her family from harm, suicide bombers and violence. No one here knows him. Its like some non-muslim seeing a woman in hijab and instantly hating her because of the assumption that she is hiding a bomb under there...

Take care.

Highly disproportionate reaction. The only post which contradicted you slightly before you said all of this was brother Al-Kashmiri's post (no.17)..its not as if that post was remotely vicious either? It was perfectly within reason.

If as a Veteran of the US army you feel that we as Muslims should be 100% neutral to the armed forces or symbols of them, than that is absolutely impossible. If you want to be seen as just human then it would do good if you could remember that all of us here are ''just human'' too and generally do have a lot of love for our Muslim brothers and sisters globally, so we are emotionally invested in their situations and we genuinely care. If our reactions upon seeing the picture were emotional (albeit disagreeable to you?) then can't you step in our shoes for a bit? Just as you so desperately want us to step into the shoes of the soldier and see him as a human being? Im surprised you don't see your own double standards.

ShahnazZ said:
And I'll tell you that at ONE POINT I was practically called un-American and treated like an outsider by an American on this board for stating my opinions that involved criticizing American international and foreign policies. What hurt me was the fact that I'm just as American as anyone else. I was born AND raised here. So if stating an opinion that isn't pro-American is what makes me un-American, then I really think the definition of being American needs to be refined. In a country where freedom of speech is promoted for both pro and anti sentiments, it's not fair to just label one as American and the other as un-American, just because it isn't in accordance with the individual's views.

Whats with the obsession with being 'American' and re-defining it and what not? I really don't understand the significance of the whole thing. Islaam doesn't place as much importance on this sort of thing as you appear to be giving it here. Im just saying, why bother yourself so very much over it? I don't mean any disrespect.



Assalaam walaikum,

Sister..we Muslims are not united and do not love each other. If we did we would not have Egypt close her gates to Gaza. We would not have the bickering among the Arab world. We would not have Saudi Arabia buying billions of weapons of mass destruction from the US. We would not have the air space available to bombard Muslims.

This is one person who is trying against all odds to be Muslim. She saw Love. Why do we wish to chase away good.

We are not obsessed with being American. We like our home. It is not a question of either/or. No American Muslim questions what you like about your homes. Post 9/11 our lives changed. I went from home grown red white and blue to terror suspect over night. We need time to adjust.


Whats with the obsession with being 'American' and re-defining it and what not? I really don't understand the significance of the whole thing. Islaam doesn't place as much importance on this sort of thing as you appear to be giving it here. Im just saying, why bother yourself so very much over it? I don't mean any disrespect.


Yeah there's no obsession here. It's not about being American or whatnot. It's about being considered an outsider in my own home simply because I don't agree with the views of everyone else living in it. I would be saying the same if I was born and raised in Timbuktu and someone had the nerve to tell me I didn't belong simply because I didn't agree with their opinions. It's not about being obsessed with being an American. It's about having a home and having that home snatched away from you because someone had the nerve to tell you you don't deserve it. As if they have the right.

That's what this is about and I doubt any other human being would be unable to relate.


Staff member
Assalaam walaikum,

Sister..we Muslims are not united and do not love each other. If we did we would not have Egypt close her gates to Gaza. We would not have the bickering among the Arab world. We would not have Saudi Arabia buying billions of weapons of mass destruction from the US. We would not have the air space available to bombard Muslims.

Wa-alaikum salaam

Aapa, I wasn't speaking about the rulers for a start. The problems you have mentioned are without a doubt symptoms of us having left the basics of our deen, but amidst all of it we are still an ummah inherently connected (Isn't TTI an example of this?) by the religion however much we have diluted it. It is this that caused sis Seeking Allah's Mercy to say that initially she felt like cursing the soldier in the picture, it was this comment with which Valerie primarily took issue.


Junior Member

Reading Valerie's apparent last post on the forum, I really thought I had missed something. So I went back and read all the sentiments expressed in the posts before her contribution and realised ..no I hadn't ..

Highly disproportionate reaction. The only post which contradicted you slightly before you said all of this was brother Al-Kashmiri's post (no.17)..its not as if that post was remotely vicious either? It was perfectly within reason.

Sister al-fajr,

Little sister, Valeria wasn't leaving simply because of this ONE thread, but because of the entire experience she has had here on TTI that she has felt was negative. That's not the gravest concern though. The gravest and primary concern is the statement that conveyed that she was not only leaving TTI, but Islam as well. Everything else ceases to matter at that point with us all. It doesn't matter who liked the picture and who wanted to throw darts and the thing. Someone was so upset that they wanted to leave Islam.

Not being a Muslim, some might say or think "What do you care? She's not your sister and you're not a Muslim. What does one less Muslim in the world matter to you?". It matters because to turn your back on God is a foul retched thing. To turn your back on God because you are hurt by the reception you have gotten from people who are supposed to call you sister and treat you like family, even though you have never met.....it matters. Pain and anguish matters. Someone we spoke to, someone we shared knowledge with, someone we called Sister and recognized as a friend is in pain. That is the ONLY thing that matters. Lets focus on that and stop focusing on who said what when.

Somewhere along the way, we stopped treating each other with the love, respect and dignity that peaceful people are suppose to exude without thinking. Yes, we are human and humans are not perfect beings, but, we also have been made aware of a serious situation and so, bickering and "walking in each other's shoes" no longer matter. Everything stops until the sickness of the heart is cured.

I received a pm from Sister Valerie today. Hopefully the lines of communication can remain open. If you want to pray for anything, pray for a door to remain unlocked and open.

Enough with the fighting. Its over. Lets focus on the important things.


Assalaam walaikum,

This was a good thread. I pray, Insha'Allah, Valerie will grow strong in Islam.

We, the American Muslim, are in a state of shell shock. We are questioned about ourselves everywhere we go. Women in hijab are the symbol of threat.
We can see the photograph and see the love of the child AND we can see the trust of the soilder accepting the token of love.

There is no need to be provocative. I am sure the sister who started this did not wish for any negativity. So let us learn to be sensitive and kind to each other.


Junior Member

This is how Allah wants his servants to act: This what makes justice on earth:

3:103 (Picktall) And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah's favor unto you: how ye were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that ye became as brothers by His grace; and (how) ye were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you, that haply ye may be guided;
3:104 (Picktall) And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. Such are they who are successful.

4:135 (Asad) O YOU who have attained to faith! Be ever steadfast in upholding equity, bearing witness to the truth for the sake of God, even though it be against your own selves or your parents and kinsfolk. Whether the person concerned be rich or poor, God's claim takes precedence over [the claims of] either of them. [150] Do not, then, follow your own desires, lest you swerve from justice: for if you distort [the truth], behold, God is indeed aware of all that you do!

7:29 (Asad) Say: "My Sustainer has [but] enjoined the doing of what is right; and [He desires you to] put your whole being into every act of worship, [21] and to call unto Him, sincere in your faith in Him alone. As it was He who brought you into being in the first instance, so also [unto Him] you will return:

Islam makes justice and goodwill a priority

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

looks like i've had enough^_^and now i'm about to take things in my hands=D

let the sister a_stranger's message of blessed Quran be the final words of this discussion.

Right so what am i going to do????

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
I Knowww i'm going to do what was done in OP^_^


post pics!!!

This is for sister Valerie=p!!