Serious Moral noble perfect world order:

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
The Qur'an mentions His Forgiveness, His Love, His Compassion and His Kindness, but alongside it and in other places He also mentions His Justice [where sin, the sinner and sinning must be taken into account], His Mercy [where He acknowledge we sin and cannot possibly gain entry to the Kingdom of Heaven through Deeds alone], His Knowledge [where He recognises our nature, our inability to escape sin sometimes and where and when we do so including by those who do so secretly and without remorse or guilt] and His Swift Reckoning on the Day of Judgement [where He will sift and sort all people to different categories based on merit, honour and greatness for those deserving of it and according to ability and action as well as those on the reverse side; those deserving of punishment and to what degree].

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
If you look at each and every Surah of the Qur'an, almost all begin with something called the 'Basmallah'. That refers to the words, 'Bismilllah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim'. He says about Himself that He is the Most Compassionate (Ar Rahman) as well as the Most Merciful (Ar Rahim).

The two names (Ar Rahman and Ar Rahim) have other meanings, connotations and denotations as well, but the above is one such manner of seeing how Allah speaks about Himself.

Here the situation is, Allah is saying I am most Loving but remember I am also the Most Just. Do not mistake My Love as a lack of justice or weakness. The aspect of His Love are to those who have earned it and His Justice is to show He will mete out sentences on the guilty where required and reward and compensate those who were victims as well.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
In Islam, it is taught Allah loves the one who repents and not the sinner as such. We all sin, but not all of us repent, therefore the one who repents is on a higher level, because he/she has done something which only some of us will do and take seriously. The sin itself and the sinner can be terrible if both live a life without Allah, but repentance brings a person back to Allah and takes them closer to salvation and being closer to Allah. In Islam that is what He loves. The Qur'an is replete with messages to 'turn back to Allah' and in part this refers to repentance and seeking forgiveness and if I might add guidance.

Guidance in Islam, is not restricted to belonging to a religion alone, but to finding your way, being satisfied with your purpose, accepting the Divine Decree, attaining the perfection you seek in life and being complete as a person. By that I mean you must first God as your Guide, but even with religion, you may still be lost in some way or another.

This may be because of hardship in life, difficulty with work, financial problems or otherwise and the desire to somehow have something to boost yourself further. To some people, this may be a successful career, to others the quest for a suitable marriage spouse, to a few it can mean a good education and healthy prospects for the future and to the many it can be to pay off a mortgage. Whatever problems a person faces, Allah instructs each believer to 'turn back to Him'.

The definition of Repentance in Islam therefore is not restricted to sin, asking forgiveness for wrongs committed or otherwise, but also to ask for anything of Him and to recognise He is waiting for us to ask Him as much as possible. He loves to answer and is eager to answer. The more a person asks, the more Allah loves him and her.

The method of asking Him in Islam is also given and defined. It is to first acknowledge Him as He is, and as He describes Himself. Second, it is to acknowledge ourselves as His Servants and His Creation and for being under Him as His Loyal Subjects. Third, it is to ask what we want from Him. Last, it is to conclude as to what it will achieve by it and how we will improve as His Servants through or by it. An example of the last point is 'O Allah make me stronger and healthier in body so that I may worship you more'.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
In Islam you don't have to sin first to repent. Repentance is 24-7 and as long as one is alive. You can see this as lightly similar to supplication, except repentance is on a higher level. When you ask Allah for something, you are also allowing Allah to save you from sin by remembering Him. The more you do so, the less you are likely to either sin or lets say to carry out heavier sins and that includes against other human beings.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Allah mentions in the Prophet's Sunnah (Ahadith), that if a person were to ask for forgiveness with sincerity, He would forgive them even if the sins were as much as or as heavy as the foam of the sea. This particular narration has been said by numerous other Muslims across the forum on different threads and is quite well known.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
It is not hard for Allah to forgive. He tells us He looks for reasons to forgive. As long as a person repents, seeks Allah's Mercy and Compassion and tries to reform, he stands a good chance of his repentance being both 'answered' and 'accepted'.

'Answered' by helping him/her to reform and 'accepted' for all sins already committed.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
In Islam, if a servant's supplication is not immediately answered, it is actually answered in a different way. How is that possible? Firstly, Allah is not tied to a particular system of checks and balances and must follow a specific convention of rules and procedures. He does what He wills and when He wills. Therefore what He does is not always understood by us and the timeframe it can take can be as short or as long as He wants. Whatever He does, is best and similarly the wisdom of how, why and when is known only to Him. All we have to do is be patient, accept what comes our way and be content and pleased with what happens in the short term (the only amount of time most of us can tolerate).

Second, what may ask for may not actually be good for us.Therefore, Allah may give us either part or none of it, because it might just as easily be harmful and more of a problem than we will at first realise. So by not giving it to us fully or at all, He is answering our prayers and helping us, by looking out for our best interests and possibly that of everyone else as well.

Third, by not giving us what we want at all, He says He will do one or more of the following-

1. He will remove or prevent a future hardship
2. He will remove some sins
3. He will give compensation
4. He will give something greater in this life
5. He will give something greater in the afterlife
6. He will increase reward in the afterlife (i.e. award a servant a larger territory in his/her share of the Kingdom of Heaven]
7. Increase a servant's personal honour among the angels and existing members in the Kingdom by praising their patience and other qualities
8. Help a servant become more self sufficient
9. Guide a servant to the best form of keeping to the straight path and form of living in difficult times
10. Help a servant relocate if necessary to a better place

The above points are quite literally 'a drop in the ocean' in what Allah can and will do for a servant when he/she supplicates, repents and asks Him for anything and it is subsequently not immediately granted.
For me religion is an invention of mankind because it fills a need we have of belonging. It can be divisive and so also why I do not see it is from Gods will, why would God who loves His creation of mankind seek to divide us into religious groups. God wants us ALL to love and worship only Him, because He is our Father and creator of all we are and everything we can ever be.

Yeshua never said to His followers "Start a religion in my name and call it christianity" the followers of Yeshua were not even called christians for many many years, and then it was applied to them as a derogatory term, as to insult and abuse. Yeshua WAS the Gospel. The Way.. We follow Him because He showed us the way to God. This is for me of course I do not expect you as muslim to understand or agree. :)

In Qur'an the names of the followers of the Isa are the Hawarijun or the Nasara because the Jesus was from Nasareth. In Islam God is called Allah. And the followers of the Christ and other Prophets are followers of the same religion. To furfill the prophecies of all earlier prophets then came the last Prophet of the same religion and to all people who believe in one God with the last revelation, the Qur'an. Of course Isa a.s. came with Gospel. All revelations are from God. Between people God chooses Prophets. Qur'an is not invention of a one man. No man can invent a single word. Last revelation points to other revelations and it makes them one if I may say. You are wright Allah has never send down the religion called Christianity. But says: 42:8: And If Allah willed, he could have made them one religion, but he admits whom he wills into His mercy.
All kitaba ( books) are blessings allong with last one. Muslims believe in all books.
For me religion is an invention of mankind because it fills a need we have of belonging. It can be divisive and so also why I do not see it is from Gods will, why would God who loves His creation of mankind seek to divide us into religious groups. God wants us ALL to love and worship only Him, because He is our Father and creator of all we are and everything we can ever be.

Yeshua never said to His followers "Start a religion in my name and call it christianity" the followers of Yeshua were not even called christians for many many years, and then it was applied to them as a derogatory term, as to insult and abuse. Yeshua WAS the Gospel. The Way.. We follow Him because He showed us the way to God. This is for me of course I do not expect you as muslim to understand or agree. :)


Junior Member
You are correct in one sense. Everything against God should be seen as serious, but what Allah says in reference to Himself is about His Perceptions as to what He says re minor compared to what He sees as serious.

The most major sin which can never be forgiven is to associate others with Him, partners, both in worship or in any other way. That means idolatry, minor gods, a divine family, people as intercessors with divine powers either as great as God, equal to Him, a little or a lot less but still above the rest of creation as divine beings. That is unforgivable. Short of that, almost of everything else can be minor in comparison depending on context, willingness to reform etc.

Abu Juwairiya you take a lot of time explaining to me and I thank you for your patience. I just wish I could see the logic of what you say but I don't know, it just doesn't seem right for me. I believe God is indeed MOST merciful, the Bible prophets all taught that God is MOST forgiving. Yet, from what you say Allah cannot be most forgiving because there is some sin that he will not forgive.. That of shirk. Which is only found in mentioned in Islam. The only time I ever heard of God being ascribed partners was when I came to know something of Islam, at the time I was greatly perplexed where such an idea came from. Or thought it could not be meant for people of the book.. Jews and Christians.. Because they always know that God is ONE, and has no partners or needs any. The idea of a "divine family" fills me with horror that any such thing could be ascribed to God, the God I know and love so well. So for this sin of shirk, it is a mystery to me. It's true in the Bible God says clearly that He alone is worthy of worship, and we must not worship any gods but Him. That is clearly directed at idolatry which was rife in pagan cultures of that time. For over thousand years God has been worshipped as ONE by jews and later the christians.

Many people fear they have committed some sin that God cannot or will not forgive, and they feel there is no hope for them, no matter what they do, sometimes people can be overcome by such feelings that they are not worthy of Gods grace. This is Satans work... He would like nothing better than to keep us worrying under this misconception. The Bible tells us truely, that if a person has this fear, he or she needs only to come before God, confess that sin, repent of it, and accept God’s promise of forgiveness. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" - 1 John 1:9 This verse assures us that God is ready to forgive any sin.. no matter how heinous.. if we come to Him in repentance. God is waiting with His arms open in love and compassion for us to come to Him. He will never disappoint or fail to pardon those who do. Because every created soul is precious to Him. Yeshua said He was come for the sinners, to call them to righteousness.


Junior Member
It is not hard for Allah to forgive. He tells us He looks for reasons to forgive. As long as a person repents, seeks Allah's Mercy and Compassion and tries to reform, he stands a good chance of his repentance being both 'answered' and 'accepted'.

'Answered' by helping him/her to reform and 'accepted' for all sins already committed.

Christians also understand that sincere repentance from the heart of the sinner is required. We accept this by the grace, mercy and love of God.. But we also see that our sins also carry a consequence both for ourselves and those we sin against. God is also Just, and His holy justice requires that the consequences of our sin bears a penalty, just as Adam and Eve suffered the penalty for their sin of disobedience, although God forgave them, there was still a price to pay.

I begin to see now, that our differences may not stem from Yeshua being Gods word as we believe or just another prophet as you believe. Or the Trinity doctrine. But from the very concept of sin itself, because without mankind's sin.. There would have been no need of Yeshua. It's through Yeshua that Christians come to God in righteousness in order to be repentant. Yeshua is like a bridge over the chasm of sin that separates us from Our Most Holy God.
In Qur'an the names of the followers of the Isa are the Hawarijun or the Nasara because the Jesus was from Nasareth. In Islam God is called Allah. And the followers of the Christ and other Prophets are followers of the same religion. To furfill the prophecies of all earlier prophets then came the last Prophet of the same religion and to all people who believe in one God with the last revelation, the Qur'an. Of course Isa a.s. came with Gospel. All revelations are from God. Between people God chooses Prophets. Qur'an is not invention of a one man. No man can invent a single word. Last revelation points to other revelations and it makes them one if I may say. You are wright Allah has never send down the religion called Christianity. But says: 42:8: And If Allah willed, he could have made them one religion, but he admits whom he wills into His mercy.
All kitaba ( books) are blessings allong with last one. Muslims believe in all books.


Junior Member
In Qur'an the names of the followers of the Isa are the Hawarijun or the Nasara because the Jesus was from Nasareth. In Islam God is called Allah. And the followers of the Christ and other Prophets are followers of the same religion. To furfill the prophecies of all earlier prophets then came the last Prophet of the same religion and to all people who believe in one God with the last revelation, the Qur'an. Of course Isa a.s. came with Gospel. All revelations are from God. Between people God chooses Prophets. Qur'an is not invention of a one man. No man can invent a single word. Last revelation points to other revelations and it makes them one if I may say. You are wright Allah has never send down the religion called Christianity. But says: 42:8: And If Allah willed, he could have made them one religion, but he admits whom he wills into His mercy.
All kitaba ( books) are blessings allong with last one. Muslims believe in all books.

The bit in bold, why not? If it was Gods will to make a religion then it would be ONE as He is ONE. But God only asks that we love and worship Him alone, and live a life to His glory. God then could have made everyone worship as the Jews do or the Christians or the Muslims do.. But it is obvious why God did not make this a default for us and allowed us to each seek Him in freedom.

I never heard a muslim say he believes in the Torah or the Gospels, it's usually said to be corrupt. They usually say they believe in the "original" scriptures before men corrupted them. Yet, there is big problems with this stance, because in order to know what was original there has to be some proof of what was changed, and when it was changed and who changed it and most importantly why did they even dare to think they could change the word of God. But the only evidence is of the Gospels and Torah as we have it today, and the manuscript evidence for these is plentiful and dates to centuries before Islam came with your Prophet Muhammed.
In Qur'an the names of the followers of the Isa are the Hawarijun or the Nasara because the Jesus was from Nasareth. In Islam God is called Allah. And the followers of the Christ and other Prophets are followers of the same religion. To furfill the prophecies of all earlier prophets then came the last Prophet of the same religion and to all people who believe in one God with the last revelation, the Qur'an. Of course Isa a.s. came with Gospel. All revelations are from God. Between people God chooses Prophets. Qur'an is not invention of a one man. No man can invent a single word. Last revelation points to other revelations and it makes them one if I may say. You are wright Allah has never send down the religion called Christianity. But says: 42:8: And If Allah willed, he could have made them one religion, but he admits whom he wills into His mercy.
All kitaba ( books) are blessings allong with last one. Muslims believe in all books.


Junior Member
All reading and thinking and typing has made me tired. I thank you all for your contributions and clarifying many points.

May God bless and keep you.

Nos da

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Abu Juwairiya you take a lot of time explaining to me and I thank you for your patience. I just wish I could see the logic of what you say but I don't know, it just doesn't seem right for me. I believe God is indeed MOST merciful, the Bible prophets all taught that God is MOST forgiving. Yet, from what you say Allah cannot be most forgiving because there is some sin that he will not forgive.. That of shirk. Which is only found in mentioned in Islam. The only time I ever heard of God being ascribed partners was when I came to know something of Islam, at the time I was greatly perplexed where such an idea came from. Or thought it could not be meant for people of the book.. Jews and Christians.. Because they always know that God is ONE, and has no partners or needs any. The idea of a "divine family" fills me with horror that any such thing could be ascribed to God, the God I know and love so well. So for this sin of shirk, it is a mystery to me. It's true in the Bible God says clearly that He alone is worthy of worship, and we must not worship any gods but Him. That is clearly directed at idolatry which was rife in pagan cultures of that time. For over thousand years God has been worshipped as ONE by jews and later the christians.

Many people fear they have committed some sin that God cannot or will not forgive, and they feel there is no hope for them, no matter what they do, sometimes people can be overcome by such feelings that they are not worthy of Gods grace. This is Satans work... He would like nothing better than to keep us worrying under this misconception. The Bible tells us truely, that if a person has this fear, he or she needs only to come before God, confess that sin, repent of it, and accept God’s promise of forgiveness. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" - 1 John 1:9 This verse assures us that God is ready to forgive any sin.. no matter how heinous.. if we come to Him in repentance. God is waiting with His arms open in love and compassion for us to come to Him. He will never disappoint or fail to pardon those who do. Because every created soul is precious to Him. Yeshua said He was come for the sinners, to call them to righteousness.

First, let me begin by saying 'Shirk' is not just associated with paganism and all religions and systems outside of or opposed to what He sent, but also with His Prophets who can become the object of a religion when they are just servants and no more. Here I am referring to Christianity. Allah says in the Qur'an about Jesus-

Al-Nisa' Chapter 4 : Verse 172



O People of the Book, exceed not the limits in your religion, and say not of Allah anything but the truth. Verily, the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah and a fulfilment of His word which He sent down to Mary, and a mercy from Him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers, and say not ‘They are three.’ Desist, it will be better for you. Verily, Allah is the only One God. Far is it from His Holiness that He should have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Guardian.

As you can see, the Qur'an is saying Jesus has no divine attributes, Allah is the way, the source of guidance and the truth and Him alone and this excludes His Prophets either alongside Him or even a little less than Him. The Qur'an rejects even the use of terms such as 'Son of God', 'Mother of God', 'Sons of God' that are common in the Bible, even when the meanings and definitions are as you know not always about being part of a Godhead.

The Qur'an adds 'Believe in Allah and His Messengers' emphasising no special distinction with Jesus as the principal deliverer of the Message or source of guidance alone. All Messengers of Allah are no share in the divine prerogative. They are His Servants and nothing more.

Jesus was a means of delivering the message and not to attach anything other than that to him. He was 'only a Messenger of Allah and a fulfilment of His word'. It follows by saying he was like the other prophets before him. They had no divine significance other than being His Representatives and Jesus does not either.

In terms of 'Shirk' as something that cannot be forgiven. Allow me to demonstrate. Imagine you are a resident and citizen of a given nation, lets say in this instance the UK. You have a British passport and carry their nationality. You are a subject of the Queen of England and as such have in theory agreed to be loyal to the nation, its monarchs, the constitution and its system. When you are abroad, you travel as a British citizen and show your passport where necessary. That entails you will obey and adhere to their laws, accept the ruler/s.

Even more importantly, you as a citizen will not turn against them, take up arms, rebel, aid and abet those who wish to bring harm, ill repute and degradation to the UK. You will oppose those who have that intent, speak against them and warn the relevant authorities to be on the guard against them. To do so is 'treason' and for centuries is the worst crime that can be committed against a nation by its own people. That is patriotism if you accept it.

Here is the issue. Islam tells us that at some point between the creation of Adam and Eve and them both being sent here, two agreements were made. The first was between the human race and Allah Himself and the second between Allah and the Prophets. The first agreement was a declaration made by all human beings to Allah that they would only worship Allah, take Him as their Lord and reject all and everything not said or sent by him. This agreement entailed we would not add, amend, delete or reject anything and not create something different either. We would oppose anyone, anything and everyone who called for those things that Allah did not Himself teach us and legislate. Therefore, it follows the same rules apply to the human race in respect to Allah as it does to countries when you turn against your own country. It is the worst crime, the worst sin and the worst act possibly imaginable.

You see Allah can forgive you (in a logical sense) for any and every crime as long as you are sincere, BUT how can He forgive you and why should He, if you choose to believe in other than Him in the first place. In other cases, if you add others into the equation which He did not legislate to share sovereignty with Him, that has the same effect even when those added are members of His Government, in this case His Messengers and in your case, Jesus. To take the example of the UK once more, if you add Andrew, Charles, Edward or Anne as joint monarchs with Elizabeth, what will be the first response to it by official members of the British government. At first, you won't be taken seriously and seen as insane. If there is a sizable number of people who now insist on it, then there will be a more serious response. You will be seen as a rebel and if you insist on propagating it; the authorities will be used against you and force may be used. In the same way, if you wish to promote Jesus to what Allah says he is not, you should be prepared for the consequences that follow and not be surprised when He takes action against you as an act of treason against Him.
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Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Sister Cariad, if I can add further about the above verse from the Qur'an, which I have reprinted below-

"Far is it from His Holiness that He should have a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And sufficient is Allah as a Guardian."

This is both literal and figurative. Allah is saying He has never had, He does need, does not want and never will have a son, a daughter or offspring in any sense. I know you personally do not believe in the 'begotten son', but accept Jesus as the 'Son of God' because of other reasons, but many Christians and Christian sects do (e.g. the Christadelphians), hence both beliefs are included in the above verse. Neither is acceptable in Islam. No one can have the title of 'God' either in or with their name, ascription, ministry or otherwise that shows some form of equality to Him. That means no one has had or will have the title of 'wife of God', 'Brother of God', 'Sister of God' etc.

The above titles will horrify you personally, but in Islam if these are inapplicable, the same rule applies to those a little lower down to that. These include 'Son of God', 'Daughter of God, 'Nephew of God', Niece of God', Grandson of God and Granddaughter of God'. This is because it implies divine status, regardless of explanations to show how and why they are deserving of it. The Qur'an erases all possibility of confusion by not just refusal to mention it but condemning it outright as well.

Since Allah says He has no children including Jesus (that incorporates being a Son of God because of certain qualities, traits and otherwise), it follows that if you continue to claim He does, you are in effect 'worshipping him' and by doing so you have declared war on Allah.

The second part of the verse demonstrates the permanence of His Sovereignty both in pre-creation, today and for all time. The Jehovah Witnesses for example believe Jesus was involved in the creation of the World alongside Allah and will be a judge after resurrection as well and have the ability to sentence and indict people to Hell. Islam rejects such notions adding that while some people are above others in closeness to Him, no one has a share in Divine Authority, no one will be allowed to intercede except through permission and everyone will appear before Him as a slave. The last segment closes with the words-

"Sufficient is Allah as a Guardian" showing that He is alone in everything Divine, is perfect whereas others including all creation is not and is the only One who administers, controls and decides all affairs. Everything and all trust should also be left to him alone. He is the One who everyone should turn to and He alone is the One who answers, responds, patronises, defends and honours. It also means He is also the One who punishes, disgraces, condemns, destroys and transforms where necessary. Hence it is both good news as well as a warning.


Junior Member
I have been reading about this shirk. I do not think it applies to christians when I have finished my deliberations I will say reasons why. But I thank you for your replies, though to me some of what you say is blasphemy and uncomfortable to read.

I do not understand why muslims have this difficulty in understanding the position of Yeshua in christianity. What is even harder for me to understand is the verses from the Qur'an who also do not show understanding of How Yeshua and Sonship is shown in the Bible.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
I have been reading about this shirk. I do not think it applies to christians when I have finished my deliberations I will say reasons why. But I thank you for your replies, though to me some of what you say is blasphemy and uncomfortable to read.

I do not understand why muslims have this difficulty in understanding the position of Yeshua in christianity. What is even harder for me to understand is the verses from the Qur'an who also do not show understanding of How Yeshua and Sonship is shown in the Bible.

Thank you Sister Cariad for your reply. I am afraid as long as you associate Jesus with God in some way or another, we cannot accept you as monotheists. If what I have said is blasphemy in Christianity, you should be aware the concept of Jesus as the Son of God is blasphemy in Islam. If you accept Jesus as a Prophet, Holy Servant and Messenger of Allah and no more than that, we can see you in a different light.


Junior Member
Abu Juwairiya, it seems apparent that you believe we associate the humanity of Yeshua as being in some way divine. This is not so and not Biblical teaching.

I have heard on so many occasions from muslims that Yeshua was a "partner," or another god, but there are no verses in the Gospel or the Qur'an that support this. Yeshua was the Messiah, the angel Gabriel said, Yeshua would be CALLED the Son of God (Luke 1:35). And He was sent as the Servant of God. The Qur'an makes this claim of Yeshua to be a Servant of God ya?

I find in Sura 4, this verse, 172:
The Messiah would never disdain from being a servant of GOD, nor would the closest angels. Those who disdain from worshipping Him, and are too arrogant to submit, He will summon them all before Him.

5:72. They do blaspheme who say: "God is Christ the son of Mary." But said Christ: "O Children of Israel! worship God, my Lord and your Lord." Whoever joins other gods with God, - God will forbid him the garden, and the Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help.

First this is addressed to the "Children of Israel," the Jews! Those who say Jesus is God, born of Mary, are wrong... And such idea does not come from scripture. God never left heaven while Yeshua was on earth, but God sent Yeshua, who was born of the virgin Mary, and was INDWELT by the Word (Logos) of God. Those who join other gods to God as 'partners' are wrong. Yeshua the man was not ever considered to be A god. He was flesh and blood person, who ate and slept etc.

Also in Qur'an it says "believe in what We have (now) revealed, confirming what was (already) with you." ... Is this saying (as it appears so to me) that the 'revelation' to Muhammad confirmed their Jewish Scriptures, so it was the same message that the Jews already had, was it not? God doesn't forgive idolaters who worship other gods, who are supposed to be , "partners with God," because they share worship.

The Qur'an says that Yeshua was the Messiah and Servant of God (4:172), and God approved these Scriptures, so we have to believe them, do we not?

It is sad that you do not see that Christians do not believe God has need of family and it is blasphemy to suggest that God does such a thing. The only time I ever heard this concept of God "having family" with words like "consort" and "Son" (even in the form of a denial) as to suggest a "human idea of family relationship" is in the Qur'an. In all the years I studied the Bible I never got this idea that God would ever have or need wife (consort) or son. It is blasphemy for you to think it and it is cruel and unjust to accuse others of believing such a thing that is not supported by their Holy Scripture.. The Bible.
To sum up, it doesn't matter weather you as muslims accept us Christians as monotheists or not based on your misconceptions of what we believe. You ask we accept Yeshua as a Prophet, Holy Servant and Messenger of God... yes.. Yeshua was all those things and we accept that...You forget Messiah. That sets sets Yeshua apart from all other prophets and makes Him unique. We know we are Monotheists and were centuries before Muhammed brought Islam. We prayed to God then as we do now, the only opinion that matters is that of God, who is omniscient and knows the content of our hearts and minds and weather or not our worship to Him is in Truth and sincerity.

You will no doubt continue to see Christians in a "different light" and this unwillingness to attempt to understand how we actually see Yeshua in relation to God, preferring instead to tell us how we see Yeshua and God.. As some kind of partnership, then I feel we can never move forward in understanding.

May God guide you and keep you safe.