Music Is Halal!

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Junior Member

Look at these lyrics for one of Native Deens Songs:

Ever been on a drive? Inside in your ride
And your looking through the glass, see a car on the side
The engine's broken and the car is smoking
And the dude is shaking cause the heat is baking
Or this cat's (guy) gotta flat, and the spare's all whack
No jack in the back, and no clue where he's at
There ain't no real rush, but you roll right by
Not even asking the guy if he needs a supply
He might be alright, and to pass ain't a sin
But within you feel bad the state that he's in
How hard would it been, just to ask “you ok”?
That might be the deed that you need to succeed
That might be the deed that will so please Allah
That your forgiven the sinning you did when you was living
It's a small little thing, that can cling and just ring
And will bring the blessing from Allah Who's the King
We pass on the deeds cause they seem all small
But it might be the deed that's the best of them all
Mad when see all the passes I took
On these small little deeds I just overlook

I just can't believe
Small little deeds that I overlook, can you see?
Little deeds that I overlook, and you read
I read about it in my holy book, it says
Small deeds never overlook

Picking up trash on the path in a flash
Taking glass from the grass, as you pass to your class
A smile goes a mile and is sure worthwhile
When a brother's hostile, and has been for awhile
Put a dollar every day in the sadaqah (charity)
It may be small but you do it for the baraka (blessing)
I know you're saving for the Polo and the Nautica
A poor student but you do it just to please Allah
Things like praying for an ailing brother, under the weather
Obeying yo your lovely mother, it's for the better
Stay and help your baby brother, put on a sweater
Even saying good to one another when you're together
Advice to another sister about a mister
Your wife always go and kiss her, tell her you miss her
At night do quiet dikhr (mentioning God), and pray the witr
Invite a guy who wants to bicker, to share a snicker
Grand plans expand in our small little hands
But we overlook demands that just seem like strands
We get jammed on exams, cause we skip the small things
Small baby deeds come, bring the blessings!

I just can't believe
Small little deeds that I overlook, can you see?
Little deeds that I overlook, and you read
I read about it in my holy book, it says
Small deeds never overlook

I can't see anything wrong in these lyrics

Listen to it! EDIT: Religion is not about Logic - Islaam is not about having everything be logical, but it's about what Qur'aan and Sunnah told us, what the Sahabah said, and what the Scholars also explain for us. We shouldnt go using our own feelings and take evidence on that regard, we shouldnt listen to something just because we like it, just because there's nothing seemingly "wrong" with it, because Qur'aan and Sunnah are our guidebooks for right and wrong!

So therefore, if you choose not to see the evidence, if you choose not to see the scholars and what they said, if choose to ignore them and listen to Native Deen - then enjoy, but the Ulama are the inheritors of the Prophet :saw2: - not the nasheed artists, and ALL praise it to Allah !

These brothers are trying to make a difference!
The colour are kinda wack.


Junior Member
Did you even read it?
Is this music haram?
The one that tells us of small deeds?
I know eminiem is haram n 50 cents!
I mean native deen!



the reason why i don't say music is haram is because there are very convincing views on both sides. islam teaches us that when we are in doubt about doing a particular thing, then it is best to be avoided. so i always believed that music falls under the category of makruh. i also believe, let's say for argument's sake that music is 100% halal, 99% of the music being played around the world is haram. i will tell you this, it is almost impossible to be a regular listener to music and still be a regular listener or reciter of quran. the two are pretty much like oil and water. i;ve tried to do it and have been unsuccessful at it. if you love the music, the quran will sound like noise, but if you love the quran the music will sound like noise. the main reason why we should always choose quran over music is because there is hasanat in reading, memorizing, and reciting the quran. while there is absolutely no benefit to the memorization of music. music isn't gonna help you enter jannah. for these reasons it's best just to leave it alone or listen as little as possible.


Junior Member
Brother very convincing aurgement.
But sometimes in life (as a kid)
You want to listen to a bit of music.
I still listen to Quran... I always play Surat Yusuf at night everyday.
When I am angry I just sit down and listen to Surat Yusuf.
The songs even tell you to listen to music.
When most people listen it is not for the lyrics.
But when they do listen they learn something from the lyrics.


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I dont LOVE music.
It is just that when they said music is haram that I got sooo angry.
I know most types of music is haram.
But which follows these guidelines is halal:

Akhi no one is saying that generally songs are haraam. They are permissible given that they are NOT accompanied by musical instruments that are classfied as haraam such a sting instruments and the words should not promote anything haraam like sex, drugs etc and the same applies for dancing. A woman may dance for her husband to please him given that is not accompanied with haraam instruments. Please refer to the several posts on the website regarding music and dancing. This issue has been discussed many many times.
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