Muslim Family Breakdown: Great Challenge to Muslims in the West


Junior Member

This is a serious issue from what I have observed. We have marriages breaking down left, right and centre and due to the pain and anguish involved people’s faith is being affected to the point that they begin to question :Allah:

So many brothers and sisters are getting depressed.

Many can't find partners. Those who have partners don't seem to have a match.

How do we solve these issues?


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Wa`alaykum as-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

I may not be the best to answer this question since everyone knows about my status by now but I do learn from people's experiences, and some of it I witness first hand within my own family although not to the point of breaking but it was and still is a bumpy road. These points are something for the married, unhappy couples to think about.

1. Affection. I think that's one of the most important thing to have for a happy marriage. Both partners giving affection to each other DAILY. Did the Prophet :saw2: kissed his wife every time when he was to go outside and even before going to the mosque? Also there is a thread somewhere in the archive. About a couple who is at the edge of getting divorce, but the wife ask to give her a month and that every morning, the husband will carry her. It was all about affection and how it really can give huge impact on the relationship.

2. Communication. Better to talk out what's bothering/not satisfying either partner. Instead of looking for some other guy (for the wife) or woman (for the husband) to comfort his/her feelings. It's better to have that peaceful communication when the atmosphere has cooled down a but, not when both are angry at each other.

3. Work it out instead of running away. Even though you said that "Those who have partners don't seem to have a match", I do believe it is within Allaah's Best Knowledge that when the couple got married, they were garments for each other. Even if in the end, they'll end up in divorce. So working hard to FIX the relationship and not LOOK for a new one should solve the problems little by little and not creating problems.

4. Think for the sake of the children. This is specially for couples who fights every night and have 3 kids to bring up. They might not love each other anymore but staying together for the sake of this children should be something that they consider real hard. Because from what I've observed, as much as children can grow up healthily having two homes (parents separated) but I am sure deep down all those little/grown up children would want their parents together. So yeah, think deeply of your children happiness.

But in the end, if much efforts have been done from both parties but it seems like better to be apart rather than together, then I hope Allaah ease both conditions.

My two cent.



Assalaam alaikum,

Yes, marriages are falling apart. I recently read a statistic that revealed almost 50 % of marriages are failing.

The answer is simple. We forget that there is a purpose to Islamic marriages. We get so carried away by the demands of daily living we are in denial of the root of marriage.

Marriage is the backbone of community. It is the family. The family ideally is our protection against the constant surges of evil. Once we walk into our homes we leave the backstabbing world. The world that is morally courrupt. It is economically corrupt. It is socially corrupt. And, yes it is spiritually corrupt.We are given dua to make to seek protection. We make light of what is True. We have forgotten that there are reasons why we must seek protection. The words of Allah subhana wa taala are not vain.

What am I talking about.

Marriage is our oasis in the duyna. We can relax. We can let go and find comfort at no cost. Remember, the world is for a price. The world is an amusement park and every ride costs a dollar. We are humans and we want the next best ride. We want the next degree, we want the 2014 model of the Lamborghini, we want we want and we need and we need and we need.

We are ignorant about our faith. Funny thing. Ask anyone and you would think they are all scholars. Yet, we remain ignorant. We chase the dollar. We chase it. We do not chase knowledge. We do not chase peace.

The first step is to be grateful. We are lacking in gratitude. Gratitude shows that you have accepted that blessing. It is not immediately situation you are in but the long term situation.

Living in the west is harder. We feel the sense of isolation.

Lord have Mercy, aren't you grateful that you are not alone..what else do you need to be satisfied? What do you see out there that has caught your attention to the point that you bring home your need.

I'll be back.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum

I was waiting for the insights from Aapa on this subject, i think there are wise words.

And i may not have the life experience of many people on this site, but from what i noticed i have the ideea that the more a society wants to evolve, the more options we have to do as we please, everythink is available, nothing is taboo anymore. We are less willing to sacrifice, as marriage is about compromise.

Is more that the issue of women go to work these days and family breaks, may be one point but effort must come from both sides. We can not give a universal solution since is something personal and everyone must work in a different level. One think that we may have in common is to think that we do all for Allah and we must try patience for the greater rewards, inshallah.


Junior Member

Lack of contentment and chasing after desires:

The first problem I see is lack of contentment driven by the environment in which we live. We upgrade our houses, cars, phones simply because iPhone 5 is newer then iPhone 4S and really there is no need for us to upgrade but rampant commercialism propels us to make decisions because everybody else has a newer phone.

Our senses are bombarded by images of Hollywood & Bollywood beauties with access to an army of dieticians, fitness instructors, plastic surgeons and makeup artists to project and embed their plastic beauty in their hearts and minds.

Then at work we are bombarded by dolled up Kaafir women with conversational and interactive skills designed to kill a man.

Our Hijab clad pure, chaste and innocent Muslim wife looks and acts nothing like them and into the breach steps Shaytaan and his job is to make things appear a lot more attractive them actually are:


Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return. [3:14]

The fact that a practicing pure and chaste Muslimah loves us, looks after our homes and children falls by the wayside simply because she neither looks like a plastic beauty nor acts like a "I am available" prostitute!

The most beautiful characteristic of a woman is her pureness, chastity and devotion to a man and the ultimate female companion Hoor Al-Ayn will be devoted to a man and not display her beauty to every Tom D ick & Harry and the worst of the man is the one who doesn't mind his woman displaying her beauty to others.

Hollywood & Bollywood have turned the nature of a man and a woman upside down and the display of public beauty is considered the height of artistic brilliance.

We should realize that the life of this world is temporary and even if we are supermodels and our spouses and plain and ordinary we should be Thankful to :Allah: and be patient and prefer the life of hereafter to the life of this world and treat them with kindness until we are united with our Lord on the day of judgement and seek our reward in the hereafter.

Many practicing brothers develop illicit relationships outside of their marriage via forums, emails, text messages, Facebook and then justify their Haram in the guise of polygyny, know that the Islamic method of taking the 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife is exactly the same as taking the 1st wife, :Allah: has honored the
Muslim women through a Wali and you are committing a heinous sin by transgressing the limits set forth in the Book and the Sunnah by bypassing her Wali and luring her into a relationship.

May :Allah: protect us and our relationships.

Others are requested to comment and more personal analysis to follow as I leave you to ponder over the temporary nature of life of this world:


But you prefer the worldly life,[87:16]



Assalaam alaikum,

It must be stated that Hollywood is a front for Satanic worship. Most well known celebrities have made pacts with the devil. They admitted to it. They celebrate satanic rituals on stage. The make-up and clothing are worn for specific purposes. Our silly girls follow along not understanding what they are witnessing.

Plastic surgery if funny. Do you hate what Allah subhana wa taala so much that you want to alter His Beauty?

It is very disturbing but our sisters are influenced by the likes of an Oprah Winfrey. They listen to every word but have not researched her background. Take a moment to read and you will turn your tv off. Leave your husband; have affairs; take on a lesbian relationship; change your body; do what you want when you want; Ok...and what makes you right. Ask Oprah and she will tell you who she listens to.

We live in a world where chastity is a word on the bookshelf.

I urged a young Muslim woman to cover. She said her husband did not want her to cover. He was proud of the way she looked. That is a very western mind-set. Men like to parade there assets. You are more of a man if you have a beautiful wife. The more other men want her the more masculine you are.Trophy wife.

But in chasing the dream that is the payoff. It is the desire to exhibit your possession as a reflection of your richness. Nothing has changed.

That does not mean that a wife can not be attractive and well presented in her husbands sight. You do not have to look like a nun in the presence of your husband.

We have youth in Islam and we have a generational and cultural gap. I am speaking strictly about the west. We do not have enough Believing sisters who are able to educate the sisters. There is no place here. We need to widen the scope of educational programs. No-one tells the young sisters how much fun they can have as wives.


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alaikum wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatuhu,

There are mashALlah many member here who can enlighten us with their wisdom and experience, since i have none of the above lol i wanted to share some notes that were taken from a webinar done by Ustadh Musleh Khan "The 10 things you need to know for success in your Marriage"

Its not a transcript just a rough note taking so forgive the shortcomings JazakALlah khair

The 10 things you need to know for success in your Marriage by Sheikh Musleh Khan

Allah (swt) never meant marriage to be difficult but its man that have made it difficult.
1. Create and develop a common spiritual vision
a. As a couple how to strengthen your iman,
i. Memorize quran, taraweeh,
b. Know our purpose in life
c. Tell each other at the end of the day, we are acting as muslims not hating each other, so every single day the person falls asleep looking content and happy.
i. Not carrying on the problems
d. Be honest with each other, communicate, with each other.
e. You and your spouse want to attain jannah together, work towards the love of Allah (swt) together.​

2. Be resolved and committed to creating harmony, love and affection within your marriage.
a. So no matter what happens throughout the day, you will look out/be there for each other, example (best) Prophet (PBUH) when he was first given the revelation.
b. Make sure in the house there is love, and harmony​

3. Translate the niyyah into practical steps that you will take on daily basis
a. Make a promise to yourself that those intentions that you had to be a good person, to translate that and make niyyah and put them into practice.
b. Everything you have in your heart bring it out and put it in practice.
c. All the things you want to put into action, not just on a special occasion but on a daily basis.
d. The Prophet (PBUH) was known to be very playful and gullable attitude every single day. He (PBUH) would sit in the masjid everyday and just relax, talking, reflecting and smiling.​

4. Cultivate genuine respect for your spouse as a person; focus on the positive strengths of one another
a. Overlook on each other mistake, focus on the positive aspects, cause no matter what the case there is always more positive in the marriage, then the negative.
b. Always focus on the positive than the negative,
c. Focus on the positive aspect on your life, this soften their hearts, overlook mistake and with the mercy of Allah (swt) it becomes very easy to work out their problems​

5. Life is a opportunity to grow together spiritually and emotionally.
a. Develop habits to pray and giving thanks to Allah (swt).
b. You always have enough to thank Allah (swt)
c. e.g. hasan al basri (rah), one day a man said to him, I want you to make dua that Allah (swt) makes me rich, and he always asked him for some dinar/gold. Hasan al basri said, I will make dua and give u money but in return give me your arm, he said how can I give you my arm. Then he said in return give me ur leg, he said how can I give you my leg. So then he said, look at how many blessing Allah (swt) gave you and yet you want more and more.​

6. Whenever you are tempted to dwell on what you don't have, force yourself to look towards the millions of people in the world who are deprived of even the most basic things you enjoy and take for granted everyday.
a. Be good and content with yourself and those around you.​

7. Spend quality time with your spouse
a. Doing creative projects together
b. Eating together, walk , visit sick
c. Not just spiritual, but do other things like race, cooking, sitting down, playing games, drawing or doing something etc etc
d. Garment for each other - Look out for each other, do things for each other, also overlooking things that you are not used to or don't like.​

8. Let go of superficial aspects of this life and focus on your eternal abode in the hereafter
a. Develop the habit of contentment and richness of heart
b. Reflect on the values of islam and look to the Propeht (PBUH) for inspiration.
c. Take the Prophet (PBUH) together with his wife and family, as well as his companions and the friends of Allah as your role models.
d. Make your ultimate goal the hereafter when you meet Allah (swt).
e. At the end of the day, how much health, ease, good you have, at the end you must look at Prophet (PBUH) to see how he would have dealt with this situation, so before you become angry and take a action, think about it take some time.
f. Don't rely on tv lives.
g. Example of Julaybib​

9. Forgive each other consistently for the little trespasses, omissions and mistakes
a. Before you imagine the mistakes other have, think of the mistakes you have infront of others.​

10. Sacrifice your interest for that of your partner's and look at issues from their point of View.
a. Very important when you marry a revert in your life, so as a result you can't overwhelm them by throwing things that they must do every single day, you must understand things from their shoes.​

- Allow space for your partner to grow in his/her own way.
○ Its not the merging of two personalities into a greater whole, it’s a partnership to face challenges and reach full potentials.​


I'm not what you believe
salam 'alikum,this is the hard reality,but there is only one thing which really makes me stay at my place,when I sometimes get nervous,not because of the family,but for the desire I have to runaway from my country:fasting.How many of you are fasting today?.the truth is that there is no respect between the partners,they talk to each other with no emotions.children are the main reason for the marriage breakdown,it is needed a big dose of patience,above all in those places where there is the occidental influence,which is determinated to attract the children into Shaytan's path through images and slogans.more than in a muslim country.


1 Ummah under God
Why Marriages fail & Solutions for Success

The Situation of the Muslims around the Globe is bad today because of the high rates of divorce.

Statistics: Almost 50% of marriages in the UK are going through problems, and many are breaking down. That's 1 out of every 2 people! With the children being harmed the most, and many Muslim youth turning to gangs and prostitution within Muslim areas!

However, most of these problems can be fixed quite easily alhamdulillah.

Imam Muslim reported on the authority of Jabir ibn `Abdullah, who stated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Iblis (Satan) places his throne upon water, then sends his groups. The closest to him are those who (tempt people to) commit the most grievous of sins (fitnah). One of them would approach him and say: I did such-and-such. Iblis would reply: You have done nothing. Another would approach and say: I did not leave him (a man) until I caused him to leave his wife and for them to be separated. Iblis would bring him close to his throne and would say: How good you are!”

The first thing taught of magic was "..They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife." [Quran Al Baqarah 2:102]

In the Tafsir of Surah Tahreem, by Ibn Kathir, he quotes an event which Umar ibn al Khattab narrates. He said:
"I used to be friends with one of the Ansar and we would convey the teachings of Allah's Messenger to each other. One time, we were expecting Ghassan [a enemy tribe to raid Madinah]. Once, my friend came and was shouting to me and said something major has happened.

I asked; Is it Ghassan?

He said, "It's worse than that!"

I wondered what he meant, until he told me that Allah's Messenger had divorced his wives!

Then Umar went to the masjid and saw the people weeping, and asked "has Allah's Messenger divorced his wives?" and they said we don't know. So Umar went to Allah's Messenger and asked whether he had divorced his wives, and he (sal Allah alaihi wasalam) said No...

Tafsir ibn Kathir - Surah Tahreem
Which means that the marriage breakdown is from an Islamic perspective an evil thing, even though it is permissible.

Causes for Divorce

The Biggest reason for marriage breakdown is due to influence by other people in society - who cause problems - between the husband and the wife.

Let's see how what the married might do through the influence of society,

1) Both parties are committing big or major sins outside the marriage. or;

2) Both parties are committing sins within the marriage.

Focusing on Number 1: Both parties are committing big or major sins outside the marriage

- Main reason behind most marriage breakdowns - each party is having an illegal sexual relationship with other people. This is happening within the Muslim community, as many people know.

With who?

Either a partner has began a relationship with a family friend, or has found a partner through work - so the wife seeks khula' [annulment of her previous marriage] so she can marry her new found partner.

Or sometimes through the internet - an example is of a man who complained that he had 5 children, and his wife became friends with a man on the internet from another country. Then problems began between the two, so she went away with the other man who she had met on the internet. There are many stories of men doing the same against their wives.

In many cases; Freemixing causes people to slowly become friends with a person from the opposite gender, and this might be a secret. The secret is usually exposed, causing jealousy from the other partner, arguments start between the couple, which usually end up in divorce. Once this happens; the man loses his wife, and also loses the second woman, because a man will never trust a lady who he was involved with in an illicit relationship, even if he promised her marriage. If they did get married, he would later divorce her because he would think; if she had relations with me outside of marriage, then what's stopping her doing the same with other men?

The same happens with women who cheat on their husbands; they lose their husband, and also the man they were having a relationship with.

How it develops?
Sometimes people are easy with social gatherings, not really observing Islamic etiquettes.
A woman once phoned the shaykh and said a few years ago;
A man who was a family friend began to get close to her when she was emotionally in need of a man when her husband went away for weeks on a holiday. She would feel alone, and have problems with her husband in the past. Out of the evilness of that 'family-friend' man, he knew her situation and her husband leaving. He approached her and began a relationship with her, and he asked her to have a full sexual relationship with him, and she fell into that mistake due to loneliness. She woke up the next day distressed, and said she didn't realise, and said she would never let it happen again. She said after a few weeks this man came again and said you must allow me to do this with you. She said I controlled myself and removed this person away from her home, and nothing happened after that.

After a few years, this man - who had sexual relations with many of his friends wives - was caught and everyone found out about him, and everyone from this group started to doubt each of their wives. "Did he have any kind of relationship with you?" they would ask. Until the husband asked her; "Have you ever had any kind of relationship with him?". I said no. I was telling lies to him, but now I am burning from inside. And now i want to put an end because my conscious is torturing me. My husband started to doubt, and now he has left me alone with the children, with the suffering and subconscious torture I am facing on a daily basis, and I want to put an end to it.

This is why observing the Islamic etiquettes is really important, because anything other than it breaks families and causes distress in peoples’ lives.

2) Both parties are committing sins within the marriage.


- Many women complain that their husbands always watch *!*!*!*!ography. The underline of this problem is that when the man watches *!*!*!*!ography, his sexual desire to have relations with his wife becomes very weak.

In the tafsir of Surah Nur: Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers... (Quran Surah Nur 24: 30-31)

Al Qurtubi made the following points when commenting on the above verses:

1) Those who stare at the opposite gender unlawfully; Part of their sexual strength is given to the haram [forbidden], so they cannot use their full sexual strength in their marriage relations.

2) He will become addicted to that and watching it. His wife will become jealous because he is not giving attention to her.

Most of women are not like the women seen like on posters, models etc. They use computers to change their image for the better. When men start to watch these images, they raise their expectations from their wives. So they start to not feel attracted to their wives, they become away from their wives, therefore the problems start because the wife feels her husband has been taken away and that he does not desire her. That causes her to be worried about him, and feels that he doesn't love her, and once she feels that - problems start.

This is why Allah ordered us to lower our gaze and keep away from haram [forbidden] things, and this is why the Islam does not allow a people to have an intimate personal relationship with other than their marriage partner; so she is the only one beautiful for him, and he is the protector of her [women want to feel secure]. When she knows he is protecting her, she feels happy with him - even if he does not have the best looks or character. And when they meet each other - they feel that they are having the utmost happiness, and this is what keeps the best relationship between the husband and wife in a positive situation. If that love survives within their marriage, then they can overcome the other more minor obstacles which arise within the marriage. (i.e. this way both partners will love each other enough without wanting to turn to another partner outside of marriage.)

Committing Sins related to the Matrimonial Life

Allah commanded us to live with each other in an honorable way (bil ma'ruf), with passion (mawaddah), love, mercy, and justice. If we don't observe this, problems arise.

Allah Almighty says [meaning], "Live together with them correctly and courteously," (Qur'an al Nisa 4:19)


The man does not provide for the wife, and he doesn't put any effort in to do that.

The Prophet (sal Allah alaihi wasalam) said [meaning]; Your right over them is that they do not allow into your bed those you dislike and do not permit those you dislike to enter your house. Their right over you is that you are good to them in respect of their clothes and food." [at-Tirmidhi]

By nature: Women like to see their husbands as shelters, providers, protectors. It's true that this nature is being altered by feminist movements, but the nature in women for that is still there.

Provide for her - EVEN if she works.

A woman once complained to the shaykh that her husband is really soft, and she is from the UK (i.e. she isn't 'backward'). She needs to feel her husband is a protector for her. Women like the male being superior to her, they enjoy it.

[A question to the men: Do you like to get married to a woman who looks like a man? No? Does the woman like to have a man who looks like a woman? Very soft, delicate, not providing her shelter or security? No? This is natural. Women like Manly men, Men like Womenly women.]
Even if a woman is working, she would like that her husband provides for her and is a shelter for her etc. Even in terms of spending, she likes taking from her husband, taking gifts from him, and buying this - saying "Why don't you buy me this?" She says all this out of love of him, and not abuse as some mistakenly think.

One of the reasons for marriage breakdown is because of the above. If she feels her husband is not superior, or he isn't earning/buying for her, she will feel he is equivalent to her. So when both look at each other as totally equal, they deal with each other as they are Competitors to each other, so they don't overlook each other’s mistakes.

So the husband doesn't look at her as his wife or that she is a female who makes mistakes, rather he looks at her as a competitor and begins to envy her and pick on her faults. However, if he was treating her as a wife - he would have mercy on her mistakes, but now that she is a competitor - she is just like another competitor who I want to criticize in any way possible.

If the man is not providing for his wife, he will see that his wife is complaining and these problems are continuously coming up. You might not realize that these problems are due to a lack of maintenance from the husband.

Lazy husband + No Job & Working wife = Breakup?

From another angle; If the husband is not providing for the wife, he becomes a really lazy person. This is a very common problem. he doesn't like to keep a job.

When his wife works; the problem gets bigger and bigger. By nature, women are very keen to keep their jobs. When he realizes his wife pays bills, for food etc. the problem gets bigger. The wife begins to age very quickly and is very tired at the end of the day.

The husband has intimate needs, but his wife is really tired after working for 8hours of a long day of work. She can't fulfill his needs, and he becomes angry. He after sometime feels that I'm not really attractive to my wife because she is not fulfilling my emotional and sexual needs, and then the problem becomes bigger and bigger.


The wife is busy going work, she wakes up early in the morning and travels long distance and works for around 9hours, and she's exhausted to have any intimate relations with him. He doesn't feel he's attractive anymore. So he begins to form relationships with the family or friends of the wife due to his spare time and distance from the wife. So this poor exhausted lady who has been the provider for the husband finds out that her husband wants to marry her relative/friend because he feels "she doesn't love him anymore."

That is a disaster for her, and the end of a marriage, unless he mends his ways, starts working and gives her a break.

Who is the main problem?

The husband's laziness. & The wife herself - by allowing her husband to be lazy and keeping her job - has contributed to the problem. the shaykh's advice to women is; Don't work. Enjoy your life at home. If the husband is forcing you to work, its not your Islamic duty to, it’s his duty. If you are going to work, work only part time or only the minimum.

Allah says; Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property(for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. (Qur'an al Nisa 4:34)

Because Allah knew that men providing and maintaining for women was a duty upon the male, since that would make the wife respect/love him for that, and in effect - keep the marriage secure.

Two Husbands in the House

Many women -because of feminism - don't obey their husbands - which is sinful.

Some practising sisters - they are not realising that they should obey their husbands. Allah's Messenger said [meaning];

«لَوْ كُنْتُ آمِرًا أَحَدًا أَنْ يَسْجُدَ لِأَحَدٍ، لَأَمَرْتُ الْمَرْأَةَ أَنْ تَسْجُدَ لِزَوْجِهَا، مِنْ عِظَمِ حَقِّهِ عَلَيْهَا»

(If I were to command anyone to prostrate before anyone, I would have commanded the wife to prostrate before her husband, because of the enormity of his right upon her.)
There are so many other ahadith on the rights of the husband from the wife.

A [non muslim] Noble Prize winner said: The Economical and Social crisis within the western world is due to the both husbands not playing the role they should play.

Meaning: the husband should provide for the family, and the woman should help the husband in the home to raise the children and the household.

He said; the husband should play his major role, and the wife should play her major role in the house and provide for the children etc. Once each party plays their role, a complimentary relationship will form. The husband is the provider for the house, and the wife uses this provision to grow the fruits (i.e. children).

A Wife as a Companion

It is the nature of the man; when he comes back home from work, he is tired and frustrated - and he wants to see his wife looking at him, smiling and caring for him and giving him attention. If he comes home from work and sees his wife on the phone, or the internet, or her attention isn't on him in a good way - he will feel frustrated. He will feel that his wife is not for him, and due to this - problems start. Even a small thing will become a major thing because he will be ready to argue due to his previous frustration.

Sometimes women might think they've done nothing wrong, not knowing the root of the problem. Men have emotional needs, and these are fulfilled when we see our wives next to us and on our side, and this is what brings his happiness.

By not obeying the husband, he feels that she is an opposition to him, someone who wants to rebel instead of being a partner in support.

Who has more control in the home?

The traditional answer would be that the husband has control of more things within the home. Whereas in reality; women have more control of the house issues. They just don't know it.

How? Men by nature - they don't want to displease their wives. They don't want wives to keep nagging. They want peace of mind in their houses. Because of this, he wants to do anything to keep her quiet, pleased etc.

Advice to women:

If you want anything from your husband, ask in a very emotionally pleasing way. You will never get anything from your husband if you act like a man with him.

Famous saying; The man is like a ring in the wife's fingers, she can move him wherever she wants.

The woman cannot control her husband by lecturing/commanding or forcing him - he will hate her if she is like that. But just by a kiss, you can get whatever you want from your husband.

Their tears affect the man more than anything, instead of them shouting, they can just cry in a humble way and that will melt the husbands heart and be more effective in putting her message across to the husband.

Unfortunately, many women don't like to exhert this type of etiquette, and this is what usually leads to two husbands' being in the house who are competing against each other - causing the marriage to break down.

Thinking of Success?

Look at the marriage as a project - that project has to be successful, and the project manager is wanting to make the project work.

Many come and complain about their wives, and as a result the male becomes violent, abusive etc, and she shouts back and they have further problems.

Remember: every single man and woman have shortcomings:

It is reported that a man came to 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (radhiAllahu anhu) to complain about his wife's ill-temper. While he was waiting for 'Umar to come out of his house, he heard 'Umar's wife scolding him and 'Umar quietly listening to her, and not answering her back. The man turned around and started walking away, muttering to himself: "If that is the case with 'Umar, the leader of the believers, who is famous for his uprighteness and toughness, then what about poor me?!" At that moment, 'Umar came out of his house and saw the man walking away. He called him and said, "What is it you want of me, O man?" The man replied: "O leader of the believers, I came to complain to you about my wife's bad-temper and how she nags me. Then I heard your wife doing the same to you, so I turned around, muttering to myself, 'If that is the situation of the leader of the believers, then what about me?'" 'Umar replied, "O my brother, I bear with her because of her rights over me. She cooks my food, bakes my bread, washes my clothes, breast-feeds my child...and yet none of these are her duty;* and then she is a comfort to my heart and keeps me away from forbidden deeds. Consequently, I bear with her." The man said, "It is the same with me, O leader of the believers." 'Umar said: "Then, O my brother, be patient with her, indeed this life is short. (Adh-Dhahabi, Al-Kabâ'ir 194)

This hadith about 'Umar is a beautiful example of the lofty status that Islam has given women. The Ameer ul Mu'mineen [Commander of the Believers] himself used to listen patiently while his wife scolded him and he instructed his followers to likewise be patient and grateful for all the favours their wives gave them.


1) Don't dwell into the arguments, otherwise you will not have a happy life. Think of the project as a challenge - wanting to make it a success. So ignore any argument instead of thinking too deeply. Otherwise hatred builds up in you, and that in the future leads to divorce.

2) Many men, they think that after sometime in the marriage; his wife has too much problems. Due to evil of free mixing, he thinks that other women are better than his wife, and he starts to get attracted to them. He doesn't consider that they probably have the same flaws as his wife too, since he will only see them women when they are beautified, perfumed and at their best when the free mixing takes place.

As a result of this, when he sees his wife - he raises the expectations, he asks her to be like this.

In response to this fantasy claim; a Scholar who was also a sociology thinker said:
If a man is married to all the women in the world, except one woman, the shaytan will come to him and tell him that this lady has something special about her that is not there with all the women he does have. He will do this in order for him not to lower his gaze, or to chase after her, or to want her, or to make him fall in haram [the forbidden] sins with her.

So, just realize brothers and sisters - every single woman and man have shortcomings, and every marriage life has problems. It's your duty to succeed in extracting the good and ignoring the bad.

An old man who was around 70 at Hajj asked others to pray for his wife who had just passed away, and he said that she was really respectful of him and she would never say 'No' to him. He said he had been married to her for 50years.

So the shaykh thought what the man meant when he said that the wife has never said 'No', since even the Prophet (sal Allah alaihi wasalam) had wives who sometimes said 'No', so was the man exaggerating? No. Why? If someone is looking for a target or achievement [i.e. success], he overlooks all mistakes. He doesn't remember them as mistakes.
3) According to Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, author of Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs, the answer is simple. In his book, Eggerichs explains that extensive research has found that a man’s primary need is for respect, while a woman’s primary need is for love. He describes what he calls the “crazy cycle”—the pattern of argumentation that results when the wife does not show respect and the husband does not show love. He explains how the two reinforce and cause one another. In other words, when a wife feels that her husband is acting unloving, she often reacts with disrespect, which in turn makes the husband act even more unloving.

Eggerichs argues that the solution to the “crazy cycle” is for the wife to show unconditional respect to her husband and for the husband to show unconditional love to his wife. This means that a wife should not say that first her husband must be loving before she will show him respect. By doing so, she will only bring about more unloving behavior. And a husband should not say that first his wife must be respectful before he will show her love. By doing so, he will only bring about more disrespectful behavior. The two must be unconditional.

When I reflected on this concept, I realized that looking at the Quran and prophetic wisdom [Sunnah], there are no two concepts more stressed with regards to the marital relationship.

So research any verse from Qur'an, or any hadeeth and you will find that Allah and His Messenger command the husband to be kind, patient, and gentle with his wife, and the believing women are commanded to be respectful and obedient to their husbands. This patience and mercy from the husband shows love to the wife, and obedience shows respect to the husband. This makes the perfect marital relationship, success taught over 1400 years ago!

4) Overlooking mistakes

I came home and my wife didn't cook. Just overlook it. It's better than spoiling your marriage relations totally. Overlook, Ignore, Pretend that you didn't notice. You will see your life differently, you will enjoy being with your wife, and she will try even harder to try to please you.

5) Think of making problems, and you'll get them. Don't think of making problems, and you won't have any.

If you look in the house, you can think of making a problem with the wife, or you can avoid making problems. So you might see your wife clean the house; you can either shout at her for forgetting to clean up one part of the house, or you can avoid making the problem by telling her that she's done a good job of cleaning the house, and that she just missed abit of cleaning up in the corner of the room.

The same way; if the wife wants to make a problem - she can think that her husband is shouting at her, or she can avoid problems by thinking that he is just trying to tell her helpfully of a bit of cleaning that she missed.

So instead; think you are loving each other and that you don't want to pick on mistakes. Give each other excuses. This makes the house more peaceful, and better for the children too. Isn't that what you want in marriage life?

Transcription of lecture [with additions & editions]:

YouTube: Why Marriages Fail - Haitham Haddad.


Assalaam alaikum,

You know it was down there on the list but it was a big one...don't look for problems. Often when people come home they bring in the devil with them. And they look for project the frustrations onto the other.


Junior Member
Wouldn't it be a good idea for people to take up running or some sort of physical exercise so the frustrations are relieved?


Assalaam alaikum,


One serious problem I have noticed among the immigrant population is the good old boys network. The husbands employ lawyers who are immigrants. They conjure divorce documents that benefit them. The sisters are alone and ashamed. They are deceived out of alimony and benefits. I was talking to one sister and informed her that she had the rights to part of her husband's retirement. She had no clue. She is too ashamed to pursue her rights. I told her she needed to picket his business!!!

The sisters are isolated. Many come here and if there are problems in the relationship it is the fault of the woman. Go figure. Her family will not support her. The man is free to act like a fool. There is no such animal as counseling as the shame factor is the determining door. The sisters do their best.

I am not discussing the nag factor. Yes, money is often a serious issues but money is not everything. I have seen with my own eyes, I stood in disbelief, as husbands have tried to take the paycheck of the wife from the workplace.

Jogging works when an individual has made up their mind to evolve. When marital relations fail it takes a long time to get to jogging. Most sisters around here go home and stay at home.

Domestic violence is another issue that needs to be discussed;


Junior Member
Assalaam alaikum,


One serious problem I have noticed among the immigrant population is the good old boys network. The husbands employ lawyers who are immigrants. They conjure divorce documents that benefit them. The sisters are alone and ashamed. They are deceived out of alimony and benefits. I was talking to one sister and informed her that she had the rights to part of her husband's retirement. She had no clue. She is too ashamed to pursue her rights. I told her she needed to picket his business!!!

The sisters are isolated. Many come here and if there are problems in the relationship it is the fault of the woman. Go figure. Her family will not support her. The man is free to act like a fool. There is no such animal as counseling as the shame factor is the determining door. The sisters do their best.

I am not discussing the nag factor. Yes, money is often a serious issues but money is not everything. I have seen with my own eyes, I stood in disbelief, as husbands have tried to take the paycheck of the wife from the workplace.

Jogging works when an individual has made up their mind to evolve. When marital relations fail it takes a long time to get to jogging. Most sisters around here go home and stay at home.

Domestic violence is another issue that needs to be discussed;

:salam2: Sister,

You need to decide whether you want to follow Islam or follow the law since alimony and benefits have absolutely nothing to do with Islam so if a Muslim woman wants to step out of Islam and demand concessions according to law of the land then the Muslim man is within his rights to fight it out so Muslim woman should know better.

If she is demanding alimony and demanding custody rights outside of Shariah then a husband can become legally nasty (just as well) as it takes two to tango.

Domestic violence is of course a serious issue and a Muslim woman has the right to seek annulment of marriage in case of abuse.



Assalaam alaikum brother,

You bring up an excellent point. In most states you have to have a civil ceremony for a marriage. And for tax purposes you would need a divorce that is granted through the court system. However, we have many men who play both against each other. In Islam, a man knows his responsibilities and thereby mans up and take care of his responsibilities. He would continue to provide. What we have now are men that want to shirk responsibility. The sister loses. The sisters are also naive. They do not engage a competent lawyer for themselves. They do not know their options.

There are many sisters who have to go to social services. Is this really what Muslim men have become. They abandon their women. Walk into a welfare office. Sweet naive women with children at the mercy of the kufr.

The sisters do not know their rights. The sisters are too ashamed to go to the imam. Do you know how we are treated? We need compassionate imams. Men who have an understanding of sharia as well as living in the west. We have a few but not many.

You are correct we have problems. Where are the wives of the imams? Where are the social services for Believers. Who is going to tell a Muslim man that he needs counseling prior to divorce. I want to meet the man that would own up to this?

We have very confused people with no direction. Most attend masjid for prayer and leave it at that. Who will be bold enough to define the role of the masjid in the lives of common people.

I do not know if there are concrete answers to such issues but pondering over them to seek Islamic solutions is worth a cent.

Precious Star

Junior Member

You need to decide whether you want to follow Islam or follow the law since alimony and benefits have absolutely nothing to do with Islam so if a Muslim woman wants to step out of Islam and demand concessions according to law of the land then the Muslim man is within his rights to fight it out so Muslim woman should know better.

If she is demanding alimony and demanding custody rights outside of Shariah then a husband can become legally nasty (just as well) as it takes two to tango.

Brother, you are making some dangerous and unwise statements here.

First of all, if you are correct that a woman steps out of Islam by trying to obtain financial support for herself and her children, that is no justification whatsoever for a man to step outside of Islam as well. If a man eats pork, does that mean that his wife can then step outside of Islam and eat pork too? If the husband kicks his wife in the stomach, well she can turn around and do the same to him? Your "two to tango" comment lacks any Islamic justification at all. If one person is unIslamic, it DOES NOT under any circumstances allow the other partner to be unIslamic as well. The muslim marital dyad does not work that way.

Secondly, there is no justification in the Quran or Sunnah for a man to become "legally nasty". I am sorry, but you are so wrong about that, Asthaghfirullah. Its not about revenge -- i.e. she is nasty so I am going to be even nastier in return. That's not how you deal with relationships, brother. As muslims, we are not like that. The "tit for tat" concept rules amonst grade-school children, little boys and girls, NOT adults who must try to resolve their disputes in a mature fashion.

Finally, are you suggesting that the payment of alimony (financial support) is against Sharia? So if a man pays his ex-wife financial support, he is committing a sin? When I read Sura Talaq, it appears to me that the more generous the better. Surely, it is much better than putting the ex-wife in a difficult financial situation - that does not benefit the children at all, and it does lead to the feminization of poverty amongst muslim women who do not have other sources of income.


Assalaam alaikum,

In Islam it is the duty of the husband to provide until the ex-wife remarries.

In the US, as that is all I know, a divorce has to go through the court system. A good lawyer represents one or another of the parties. A person does not have to have a lawyer. It is simply filling out the forms. Most judges are fair. The burden of raising children are usually the mothers. Joint custody is given in most cases.
In the US if a wife makes more money she may have to pay the husband alimony and child support. The state governments do garnish paychecks.

The point I was trying to make is that we have many many sisters who are uneducated. I do not mean a formal education. Many are unaware of the rights of women. If the couple divorces according to Islam they still have to meet the requirements of the state. What I have witnessed are savvy men who initiate a divorce and demand that the wife sign the papers. She has no representation. There is no where for her to turn to. She is just filled with shame. They do her wrong Islamically as well as in the secular way.

I am in agreement with Sister Precious Star. Let us not vilify the sister. Most sisters do not ask for divorce.

We need to educate Muslims on the process of divorce and reconcile the process with the legalaites of living in the west.

As for the stuff in-between marriage and divorce. It is simple. Do not go to bed angry. Forgive each other.


Junior Member
Brother, you are making some dangerous and unwise statements here.

First of all, if you are correct that a woman steps out of Islam by trying to obtain financial support for herself and her children, that is no justification whatsoever for a man to step outside of Islam as well. If a man eats pork, does that mean that his wife can then step outside of Islam and eat pork too? If the husband kicks his wife in the stomach, well she can turn around and do the same to him? Your "two to tango" comment lacks any Islamic justification at all. If one person is unIslamic, it DOES NOT under any circumstances allow the other partner to be unIslamic as well. The muslim marital dyad does not work that way.

Secondly, there is no justification in the Quran or Sunnah for a man to become "legally nasty". I am sorry, but you are so wrong about that, Asthaghfirullah. Its not about revenge -- i.e. she is nasty so I am going to be even nastier in return. That's not how you deal with relationships, brother. As muslims, we are not like that. The "tit for tat" concept rules amonst grade-school children, little boys and girls, NOT adults who must try to resolve their disputes in a mature fashion.

Finally, are you suggesting that the payment of alimony (financial support) is against Sharia? So if a man pays his ex-wife financial support, he is committing a sin? When I read Sura Talaq, it appears to me that the more generous the better. Surely, it is much better than putting the ex-wife in a difficult financial situation - that does not benefit the children at all, and it does lead to the feminization of poverty amongst muslim women who do not have other sources of income.

Assalaam alaikum,

In Islam it is the duty of the husband to provide until the ex-wife remarries.

In the US, as that is all I know, a divorce has to go through the court system. A good lawyer represents one or another of the parties. A person does not have to have a lawyer. It is simply filling out the forms. Most judges are fair. The burden of raising children are usually the mothers. Joint custody is given in most cases.
In the US if a wife makes more money she may have to pay the husband alimony and child support. The state governments do garnish paychecks.

The point I was trying to make is that we have many many sisters who are uneducated. I do not mean a formal education. Many are unaware of the rights of women. If the couple divorces according to Islam they still have to meet the requirements of the state. What I have witnessed are savvy men who initiate a divorce and demand that the wife sign the papers. She has no representation. There is no where for her to turn to. She is just filled with shame. They do her wrong Islamically as well as in the secular way.

I am in agreement with Sister Precious Star. Let us not vilify the sister. Most sisters do not ask for divorce.

We need to educate Muslims on the process of divorce and reconcile the process with the legalaites of living in the west.

As for the stuff in-between marriage and divorce. It is simple. Do not go to bed angry. Forgive each other.

:salam2: Sisters,

Your graciousness in giving me a chance to respond is much appreciated.

In Islam the financial responsibility of the husband is to look after the divorced wife until her Iddah finishes and thereafter provide for the children (under certain conditions). Alimony, compensation, financial support is not part of Shariah, I am very carefully choosing my words so please pay attention to the semantics and contextualisation.

However divorce comes about its generally nasty and leaves a bitter taste for the parties concerned but if a Sister goes above and beyond what is entitled to and start to demand compensation, share in the house, car, bank balance then she has indeed exceeded her rights in Shariah and turned nasty so the husband is equally entitled to turn legally nasty and protect his property which she is not entitled to in the first pace.

If the wife is being abused, mistreated, coerced and forced then it’s an issue which needs to be dealt with.

Again, I have carefully chosen my words so please read carefully what I have written and I am here to be corrected as your brother.

I am not endorsing violence, abuse or vindictiveness of any kind, merely suggesting that if the wife has to go beyond Shariah and demand something which is beyond Shariah and get into a legal battle then the husband has the right to reciprocate.

This discussion is very specific.



Assalaam alaikum,

Here are some thoughts and questions.

Most divorce is initiated by a man. What are his responsibilities after the waiting period. What about joint property. You did not discuss joint bank accounts. A woman has helped put him through doctor school. He graduates and opens his business. Where is sharia on that? She has devoted ten years of her life and the reward she gets is divorce. It happens all the time. The good doctor sees something he likes better. He even pleases his mother and marries a girl from back home. The car was purchased by her funds. How does a sister ensure that her property and rights are not taken away.

Most judges are fair. You see the case of the CEO whose wife gets the $20,000 a month alimony but I am discussing sisters who just want an extra dollar at the end of the month. I know sisters who wait for the food stamp day. It is like the kufr Christmas. You can give your kids meat to eat. Brother, how can a man call himself a Muslim and leave his children at the mercy of the state?

I am dismayed that a man would abandon a woman, knowing most Muslims do not marry divorcees, to the kufr. It happens here all the time. Please consider me the voice of the sisters who are too shy to speak of these issues. I have seen sisters who could not speak English in the middle of a college town with special needs children. The husband found a co-ed he liked and left the woman alone. He not only left her but left his children to become recipients of welfare. Is this what Islam teaches us?

Even the in-your-face-I- know-my -rights woman has a difficult time but the helpless sisters break my heart. These men are hurting their children. Most women care more about the innocent children. There are issues that are not financial. The mothers do the very best, and I mean the very best to raise the children.

Where are the imams to discuss the repercussions of divorce on young men? It seems to me that the practitioners of Islam are content with the lot they have. They do not wish to known anything outside of their little bubbles. You go to the masjid and there is a kutba on some hadith. It is random. There is little to nothing on the day to day struggle. Why not a kutba on problems in marriage.

And enlighten me brother..what is up with this second marriage thing. The first marriage does not work out so I will marry a girl from back home? You are going to bring a woman here to be a step mother to your western child. Your bride barely speaks the language. Your daughter is a pre-teen. She is born and raised here. What do you think the stepmother goes through? A man can not displease his daughter.