Non muslim here


Junior Member
there is also a story about frogs and caterpillars and flies ,i wud like to share for all bros and sisters.

many cooks donot kill a frog and then cook it.
they just leave it in cold water in a pan and start heating the pan ,as it is a slow process
the frog never realizes tis being cooked till ios cooked!
thats what the media does ,it starts conditionming u from ur childhoodto adulthood ,brainwashes u ,when u do something stupid .it takes ur story and serves it hot and spicy.
warning u r being cooked by satan.

a type of caterpillars go about searching for food by holding the tail of the caterpillar in the front so they travel in a straight line. once in an experiment the caterpillars were place in a circular path with the tail of the last one in the mouth of the first one ..the caterpillars kept going round and round till they collectively died of the way they were placed on the rim of a flower pot with a plant in its make ur connection with ALLAH coz only ALLAH GUIDES BEST!.

A FLY AND THIS IS THE SADDEST OF ALL. A FLY ON A GLASS PANE SEESTHE WONDERFUL WORLD OUTSIDE AND TRIES TO GO OUT TO IT.IT KEEPS TRYING AND TRYING TILL IT COLLAPSE TIRED. IT WAS TRYING TO ENTER A SCENERY HANGING IN A ROOM. this is the example of those muslims or anyone chasing the world. we r chasing illusions.not that the muslims cant have the good things of the world, but unfortunately most 'only 'want the good things of the world and not islam -which is the door nearby thru which if the fly could have flown to the wonderful world outside and it wud hv been real.

Hilal Said

Junior Member
You will find inshaa Allah answers to your questions. If you have strong desire to know the truth; Allah will guide you to the right path.


Love Fishing
I got this link from a kind Muslim from the catholic answers forum.
Its had to post questions over their because many trolls come along and start trouble. I was born Catholic and have been on a "undecided" journey for a few years now.
I have many problems with the church.
My biggest problem is "Jesus is God". The church is a problem to the infallible pope, so many cannon rule not mentioned anywhere in the bible. These are just some of the problems.

I have many questions. But I will first read through the site/


Hello Kathy.How have you been?It is very nice to hear that you do have some interest in Islam.I suggest that you listen to Ahmad Deedats speech.Insyallah(with God's will) you will find your to Allah's light...As a revert(2years since 12th april) I can't say things about Bible or Christinity.But based on what I have read and based on what I have gone through while living with christians for some time I can give some of my opinion.
Allah sent 4scriptures to the prophets and only 3 are still being practiced.
Torah to Jews
Bible to Christians
Quran to Muslims

The common thing about all this scriptures is that in this scriptures,it is mentioned that Allah is the only God and the only one to be worshiped.
Torah and Bible are basically a book written based on the prophet's life-Moses and Jesus.What these prophets did and how they have lived their life.
But Quran is the only book which contains Allah's word.
I can give a very simple example.Whenever we receive sms(short messaging system) from someone that we don't know,do we say that this person doesn't exist?We can't see or touch this person but we do get the message that he/she sent.We understand very well what he/she is trying to tell us in the message and we read the message as though we are communicating with the sender.
Same goes to reading Quran.We can't see Allah but we do communicate with Him by reading His words from the Quran.
Many scientist have converted to islam once they found out that all their findings have been mentioned in Quran many years ago.
Who knows well about the Universe except the creator.Who is the creator?Of course Allah because He has mentioned everything about the universe very well in the Quran.
Isaa(Jesus) and his mother worshiped Allah.No one worship themselves so this proofs that Isaa is not a God because he himself worshiped a power which is called Allah.
As we know that when the world is going to end(kiamat) Isaa(Jesus) will come and safe those worship Allah.When this time comes,it will be too late for those who believe that Jesus is God.As forgivenes from Allah now itself.Converting to islam is the best thing ever in life and you will never regret.
I have done it,many pops have done it,many famous people have done it .So what are you waiting for.If you think that Allah is the one to be worshiped,do it fast because we don't know what time or when we will die.Salam and May Allah bless you.


New Member
Warm Welcome

Hi Kathy.. Im so soo happy & almost tears fall, tears of happiness that Allah giving you the 'light of truth'... You are welcome here with lots of love and hugs from me... dont worry I am a sister!!

Just feel free to ask any thing, we are always here to give the helping hands. Islam is apart of our lives every day. Our beliefs become our life and our life becomes our beliefs.

Take care.
sister Ross:SMILY149:


make dua 4 ma finals
Peace be unto you:)

I am soo happy for you and Allah is sure showing you His LIGHT:) WELCOME to TTI and to it's FAMILY:) I am GLAD you have joined and inshaAllah(God willing) you will benefit from here.
Just feel free to ask any thing, we are always here to give the helping hands. Islam is apart of our lives every day. Our beliefs become our life and our life becomes our beliefs.
I could NOT say it better than sister Ross:)
Peace be unto you:)
hope to see your posts:)