not sure what to do


Junior Member
I'll be going back home to meet my family next week. I'm going to spend about 1.5 months there. Pray for me please



Indeed we will make are in our hearts. At any moment you need a little uplifting etc. write to us.


Junior Member
Asalaamu alaikum brother

Asalaamu alaikum brother,
I hope you know that I will support you completely in your struggle with your family. I have been muslim about 5 months now and its the best thing I ever did Alhumdulillah. My parents now accept my faith but my dad has a habit of making comments which are jokey but serious such as can just not wear it when you are with me and (when i said something about my sister creasing my clothes) what do you care as long as you wear that cloth on your head. It's so hard you just have to do it in which way you think is best. The pork thing, mine isn't too bad as I went vegetarian during university which my parents hated and tried to persuade me to eat meat which I did but utterly refused to eat any pork whatsoever, which they accepted, they can't force it down my throat after all!!! My problem now is the meat hasnt been slaughtered in a halal way which still makes it haram but one step at a time I guess. I can't exactly force my mum to buy halal meat as there are no halal butchers near us, thats one of my struggles but you shouldn't make things difficult for your family either. My parents hardly ever eat pork now as well yay!!!!!!!! I'm lucky I have a job and my own flat (through the grace of Allah subhana wa ta'ala) you don't. Allah will understand your situation and appreciate that you are trying. I know it can be extremely disheartening but don't give up please. Just do what you can when you can and just pray for forgiveness and mercy for the things you cant do. Allah is most merciful and ask Him to change your situation in order that you may practice Islam, make lots of du'a and I will make du'a for you too brother. Keep PMing me and inshallah your situation will get better. Keep praying little brother.

Your sister in Islam




eventually you are going to have to tell your mom. the reason why you need to is because as long as you don't you will have to live as a muslim in secret. or you may miss out on your obligation to islam and that secret stuff causes you to not be able to practice the religion properly.

my family isn't muslim but they are cool with it. now, all of a sudden my mom hates islam. she thinks i'm gonna become a terrorist, because she thinks i'm gullible. so i have become a stranger to my mother. i mentioned that i was going to jummah and she scoffed at me. i mentioned i'm going to make salat and she says rude things. i think it's important to note that she only watches the news and it's on fox news channel 24/7.
