Paranoid Princess


Junior Member
Asalam alaikum brothers and sisters,

I hope everyone has strong iman and healthy and happy inshallah, I have 2 questions about something that I'm quite sensitive about my mom.

Ok, so as you may know I reverted almost 4 years ago (2005) and this September 27 will mark the 4th year of me reversion alhamdulilah!

I'll just shoot, for the past 3 years, my life hasn't been very easy. I mean, I am safe, have food, water, happy, etc. I mean that it hasn't been easy for my family. I think everyone knows that I'm a Muslim (my family) Aunts, uncles, cousins, but I'm not sure. My mom does love to talk esp. about me and what I've done, my religion, like I'm no good, like I'll never be good at anything other than Islam, being a Muslim. I DO have other interests, but Islam is my life, I can't push that aside, I am still ME. I AM ME! I can NEVER be anyone else other than MYSELF! Understand?

Ok so I may not make that much sense, I'm not worried at the moment,
I just feel a little...caucious? Maybe...I don't know why I am always like this.

I'm almost 19 (Oct 26) and I have never entered a masjid....

Yeah, well....enough...your all probaly too busy with other matters than to be bothered with old Sakeena... :SMILY23:


Salaam sister Sakeena,

Let us know when the party animals are invited to your 4th year anniversary. :laughing-dancing:

So you're not sure if your family is taking you serious in that you're a Muslim. Well, maybe you should try physically (i.e. hijab, praying, going to the masjid, etc) & etiquettly (respect, standing against injustice, good manners, etc) to show you're a Muslim. It's good alhamdulillah that your family is easy on you. I hear many reverts have hardships and are even abandoned by their family.

You're cool person and your personality is a sunshine. Don't feel empty. Ramadan is around the neck. You're not pleasing your family, you're pleasing Allah swt. :)

No need to be paranoid. Every princess has her down days. Tomorrow will be a new day inshallah.


Junior Member
Ok, you can come to the party TheHumbleWun.... *looks around* But shhhhhh... don't let the party animals hear about it. I hear sis Rimatisma can do crazy. :SMILY231: lol need to get that girl a tranquilizer.

Yeah, ur car "the Muslim Mobile" haha! :lol:

uggghhh :tantrum1: I'm not having a good day!!!

crazy boring sisters don't know what they're talking about.... so I like colorful hijabs and abayas with jewels. Nothing wrong with that!!!

Mom and auntie are nuts. Sorry I have no access to those things, if I did I would have this problem............ life's not fair.

:girl3: :girl3: :girl3: :girl3:


New Member
Salam Sakeena,

I too am a revert my mum say's everything I do is wrong... she even thinks I am a bad muslim!, oh well at least I have Allah SWT.
I love colourful scarves, follow your heart and you can't go wrong! lol



Junior Member
I must apoligize!

Asalam alaikum thanks sis Suzanne....thanks everyone for all ur help....

I want to apoligize for my behavior.... I'm sorry. SubhanAllah.

I appreciate all of ur help, support, prayers and love. Masha'Allah, I don't know how blessed I am to find Islam, to have so many wonderful brothers and sisters who want to help even though they've never met me before. No one else has been that kind, that generous. Thank you! :hearts:

Pleace forgive me inshallah.

I will take the advice masha'Allah.

May Allah (SWT) continue to guide us ameen.

Sigh, I have no right to be disrespectful... I'm sorry and I feel quite sad about....

I'm going to start a better more thread, cheer people up, etc.

I'm going to pray more inshallah..... for everyone!

Yes alhamdulilah!!!

Ooh I feel better!

:) Praise ALLAH!!!!!! :tti_sister:


Junior Member
Sister Tarah, sister Leylamuslimah, Bint Muhammad, I'm sorry for being disrespectful earlier about hijab and everything subhanAllah. :shymuslima1:
Please, forgive me inshallah..


Junior Member
sister sakeena.
we are all sisters and friends in islam.and our concern for oneanother should only be for the sake of allah the almighty.i guess u misunderstood me.
as salaamulalaikom wa rehmatullah wa barakatuhu.


Junior Member
salam, I understood you completely, I was just being a big meanie, and I'm sorry.....subhanAllah! :shymuslima1:
I love you all 4 the sake of Allah (SWT) alone! salam,


Junior Member
I really want to wear hijab inshallah!!!

Ok asalam alaikum all,

I have something wonderful I would love to share....

I want to wear hijab inshallah. I am reading some articles about hijab, many sisters who wrote them and I feel that it is something that I want to start practising soon inshallah. I wore hijab when I was 16-I LOVED it! I mean I never had to worry about how I looked, you know getting up in the morning trying to think of what I should to with my hair. :) It was an interesting time lol, people who saw me at school reacted differently, some happy, some shocked, others didn't mind it. I don't care, I just smile. :hearts:

Ok, so I want to wear hijab. All I have to do is buy some and go for it inshallah! :hijabi: awww I'm excited!!!!


your crazy sister in Islam (lol),



Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum sister
MashAllah ,its the best decision ,I'm very happy for you sister...
may Allah make it easy on you ...
I remember it took me 2 years to finally decide to wear hijab and alhamdulillah I love it ...
It a great chance for dawah also ,a lot of people come and ask questions which is good ...

waaleikum salam


Junior Member
Asalam alaikum, jazak Allahu sis Aisha,

ok listen, I've been wanting to wear hijab for a while now, I keep telling myself that I will start soon, I am going to wear hijab soon. But I still haven't done it yet!! SubhanAllah.... I've worn it wasn't exactly thrilled with me wearing hijab so she took hijab, my Qur'an, Islamic books, contact with other Muslims away from me for a long time...

Ok I want this so much inshallah!!! I really want it!! :hijabi:

I don't care what ppl tell me, that doesn't change how I feel, what I would do for my Beloved Allah!! Inshallah...why did my mom take them away?? I still don't understand..... :(

I have been stared at, I don't care about it.

I want to please ALLAH (SWT)!!!!!! Inshallah!! :hearts:




Junior Member
Always the same problem :lol: :lol: :lol:
but in fact i haven't been in situation and look after the opinion of my family
I just look after the rules of Islam even it get worse in family relationship
so you have to be strong ...


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu dear sister

You are in fact a bit crazy. :biggrin: :tongue: But we all love you. You are in our duas. Allah Subhanahu wa Taala will help you come out through this trial. Instead of whining, have you ever thought how strong you are? You are living among your family members, who are non-muslims. I know a brother, who when reverted was kicked out of his family. He is living far from his home now.

We should always try to look at the positive side of everything. Never mind even if you are in a difficult situation, its the shaitan who wants to make you weak and dejected. A strong person is he, who when facing a difficulty falls down, but comes up with more strength.

It depends on the mood as we all say. But its the mind who is controlling. So dont ever allow shaitan to control your mind.

Insha Allah, you will find ease and comfort.



Subhana Allah!
asalamu alykum,

:girl3::girl3::girl3: how sad, i'm really sorry to hear Sis sakeena, but i guess am late so no need to feel sorry now , just kidding.:lol:

this is what u should know Sis Sakeena insha Allah someday u will be able to wear hijab go to the masjid and have a happy life so now just be patient. don't make me sad tho:(. u know u are really famouse in here.....:hearts:



Junior Member
Asalam alaikum,

yes I'm crazy! Mwahahahahaha! :lol: crazy 4 Islam hehe :)
God! i LOVE HIJAB..................*takes hijabs, runs and jumps into car*

Sakeena: Go! Go! dRIVE! :SMILY29:

TheHumbleWun: Why do I have to be the driver for everything?

Sakeena: JUST DRIVE!!! :angryblue:

TheHumbleWun: Ok, ok. Out of gas....Oops! :eek:

Sakeena: Sigh....


Your Sister In Islam
Love You Sis.

salam sis, masha allah you want to wear hijab. that's wonderful. if you're ready sis don't wait, and wear it. I remember the feeling i've got when i wore it the very first time. Allaho Akbar. alhamdoullillah. insha allah things will go easy for you when you wear it.

your sister Manal.:blackhijab:


Junior Member
Salam sister Al-Salam,

wow! I remember that lol masha'Allah that was wonderful!!

Yes, I want Hijab!!! I like to give Dawah as well. I really enjoy it!! :hearts: my family......ooohh......... :(
