Possibly the worst day of my life


قل هو الله أحد
masha'Allah ... great news. I'm really happy for you.

I guess your story have many lessons for ALL of us.

Dear Dianek & TheHumbleOne ... please just get over this small matter. Both of you are right in some ways. Please dont start an argument.

All the best everyone


Staff member

Alhamdulilah, your situation has resolved. Although for such situations Fatawa Islamiyah is a good collection of books to purchase. If there is a problem just refer to it and Insh'Allah it will most likely have the answer. Like this one Volume 6 (Divorce) is one of the topics.

Agree with brother optimist no need to establish the foundation for an argument just like the Shaytan's wants. May Allah protect us from him. Although dianek, i have not read your reply but refer to this thread in relation to giving your own Fatawa. I am sure brother Humble (which he is :) ) was referring to this.


:SMILY139: (<- I like this smiley, because you maybe replying and afraid you may offend someone, but that just ends on a nice note :)



Trust in Allah swt
:salam2: I hope everyone's well.

Although we're now out of any immediate danger, the problems still remain with my parents and they basically stem from family feuds. Neither of their families like one another and instigation and hypocrisy on their parts are what brought us to this mess. Hence the alim now wants to meet with both sides with us there at the same time so we can sort through this mess and hopefully reach an understanding.


Salam Sister,

Alhumdillah I'm so happy for you that everything worked out for you and insha allah the two families will start to get along if anything for the sake of your parents and Allah (swt). I know myself personally it can be hard especially if two families are at each others throats - I experienced a similar thing a few months ago and we are still trying to clear the air, its like a building has fallen and there is such a big clean up job ( sorry for the description I couldn't think of how to explain). :hijabi:
Insha allah life will become more eay for your family.

Masalam Saira xx
